What is global warming? Can you name some effect of this phenomenon?


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10 Tháng mười hai 2018
Quảng Ngãi
THCS Phổ Ninh
What is global warming? Can you name some effect of this phenomenon?
What is global warming?
  • Global warming is the observed increase in the average temperature of the global climate system (biosphere, lithosphere, cold stratum, hydrosphere and atmosphere) and its related effects. Since human activities are the leading cause of change, global warming is sometimes referred to as human global warming. Much scientific evidence confirms that climatic systems are getting warmer and that most of the changes observed since the 1950s are incomparable in instrument temperature profiles dating back to the mid-nineteenth century. .
Can you name some effect of this phenomenon?
  • Long hot sun
  • The air is dirtier Extinction rate increased (for animals and plants)
  • The melting ice makes the sea level rise
  • It has a serious impact on the life and economy of people such as: the agricultural industry is affected by the hot and harsh weather, ...
  • ......Bạn kể thêm ra nha
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