English THCS Viết thành câu hoàn chỉnh


Học sinh tiến bộ
Thành viên
14 Tháng mười một 2019
Thanh Hóa
THCS thiệu chính
61.About two hundred years ago, man lived in greater harmony with his environment
62.At that time industry was not much developed.
63.Today the situation is quite different.
64.People from all over the world are worried about what is happening to the environment
65.Modern industry and the need for more and more energy do harm to the environment . (Câu này mình ko chắc)
66.Newspapers and magazines write about water pollution, air pollution and land pollution.
67.Why is there so much discussion about pollution?
68.After that, people have been polluting the world around them for thousands of years.
2 câu còn lại t....h....ì không biết ,hì hì ^^
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