English THCS Viết lại câu với từ gợi ý


Học sinh
Thành viên
12 Tháng mười một 2018
Hà Nội
THPT Kim Liên
[TẶNG BẠN] TRỌN BỘ Bí kíp học tốt 08 môn
Chắc suất Đại học top - Giữ chỗ ngay!!

ĐĂNG BÀI NGAY để cùng trao đổi với các thành viên siêu nhiệt tình & dễ thương trên diễn đàn.

Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence using the word given. Do not change the word given. You must use between two and five words icluding the word given.
47. He was offered a job abroad but rejected it for family reasons.
TURNED He was offered a job but … family reasons.
48. The cyclist had to stop because his bicycle had a flat tyre.
CONTINUE The cyclist … his tyre had been repaired.
49. Today’s football match is postponed and will be held next Wednesday.
PUT Today’s football match has … next Wednesday.
50. Unfortunately, Jessica couldn’t go on holiday because she didn’t have any money.
ABLE If Jessica had had some money, she … go on holiday.
51. There’s no chance of Mark getting to the train on time.
POSSIBLE It won’t be … to the train on time.
52. Cars couldn’t turn down the street because of road works.
PREVENTED Road works … turn down the street.
53. The restaurant we ate in was the best one that we could have chosen for last night.
MADE We couldn’t … choice than the restaurant we ate in last night.
54. “Did you go to the beach on Saturday?” David asked me.
BEEN David wanted to know … the beach on Saturday.
55. Joe had not expected the concert to be so good.
BETTER The concert … had expected.
56. This is a no smoking office.
ALLOWED You … in this office.
57. Paperback books are a lot cheaper than hardback books.
FAR Hardback books … paperback books.
58. My brother is too young to drive a car.
NOT My brother … drive a car.
59. Why are you interested in getting a new job?
WANT Why … a new job?
60. “Have you seen my gloves anywhere, Amy?” asked Mrs Wheatley.
SEEN Mrs Wheatley asked Amy … her gloves anywhere.
61. Suzanne was too excited to sleep.
THAT Suzanne was … not sleep.
62. She finished her last painting while staying in Paris.
DURING The painter’s last painting … stay in Paris
63. The newspaper offered Lynda $5000 for her story, but she refused.
TURNED Lynda … of $5000 from the newspaper for her story.
64. She pretended to be ill in order to avoid going to school.
SO She pretended to be ill … to go to school.
65. Jamie found the instructions for assembling the furniture very difficult to understand.
IN Jamie had great … instructions for assembling the furniture.
66. We last went abroad a long time ago.
NOT We … a long time.
67. When did they start living in the suburbs?
HAVE How … in the suburbs?
68. I haven’t caught a cold for ages.
DOWN I last … ages ago.
69. I’m certain that Alice didn’t intend to keep my book.
INTENTION I’m certain Alice … my book.
70. I saw the film although I strongly dislike thrillers.
SPITE I saw the film … dislike of thrillers.

Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence using the word given. Do not change the word given. You must use between two and five words icluding the word given.
71. Mr Jones needn’t go if he doesn’t want to.
OBLIGED Mr Jones … if he doesn’t want to.
72. He locked the gate so that the dog wouldn’t escape.
PREVENT He locked the gate … escaping.
73. It was unkind of you to talk to her like that.
NOT You … to her like that.
74. “Did you write a note for Steven?” I asked my father.
HE I asked my father … a note for Steven.
75. I don’t find it difficult to get up early anymore.
USED I … up early.
76. People say Japanese is a difficult language to learn.
SAID Japanese … difficult language to learn.
77. His boss mad Mark stay late.
MADE Mark … by his boss.
78. People say that the pyramids are worth visiting.
SUPPOSED The pyramids … worth visiting.
79. Simon is slower at doing things than Howards.
FAST Simon is … Howard at doing things.
80. You were late, so you missed the match.
LATE If you hadn’t … have missed the match.
81. Bob is interested in learning how to snowboard.
LIKE Bob … how to snowboard.
82. The family went skiing a month ago.
SINCE It … the family went skiing.
83. You must do exactly what the teacher tells you.
CARRY You must … instructions exactly.
84. My mother doesn’t like us to stay out late.
APPROVE My mother doesn’t … out late.
85. Jamie is employed by Mactrons, isn’t he?
WORKS Jamie … he?
86. The company is considering your application.
IS Your application … the company.
87. The shelf was so high that he couldn’t reach it.
ENOUGH The shelf was not … reach.

Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence using the word given. Do not change the word given. You must use between two and five words icluding the word given.
95. I don’t know why Paul left the classroom so suddenly.
MADE I don’t know … the classroom so suddenly.
96. They discussed the problem but no one had a solution.
CAME They discussed the problem but no one … a solution.
97. I arrived late to the meeting because I missed the bus.
TURNED If I’d caught the bus, I … the meeting on time.
98. Heavy rains meant the workers could not get through to their worksite.
PREVENTED The workers … to their worksite by heavy rains.
99. We must contact Shirley about the party.
TOUCH We must … Shirley about the party.
100. Robert didn’t bring the cake that is sitting on the table.
WHO It … the cake that is sitting on the table.
101. Josie last called me two years ago.
HEARD I … Josie for two years.
102. The two sisters were sitting by themselves in the living room.
OWN The two sisters were sitting … in the living room.
103. “I have a meeting this afternoon, so I ought to leave soon”, Sally said.
BETTER “I have a meeting this afternoon, so I … soon,” Sally said.
104. Janet arrived late to her appointment because her train was delayed.
TIME If the train … Janet would not have arrived late to her appointment.
105. I had never been to a theme park before.
FIRST It … I had ever been to a theme park.
106. The number of recycling plants has risen over the past ten years.
RISE Over the past ten years, there … the number of recycling plants.
107. George regrets spending all of his savings on holidays.
HE George wishes … all his savings on holidays.
108. It was a mistake for us to install taps without filters on them.
SHOULD We … taps without filters on them.
109. We mended the fence to prevent our dog from running away.
SO We mended the fence … not run away.
110. I shouldn’t bother washing my car today because it’s going to rain
WORTH It … my car today because it’s going to rain.
111. Harvey isn’t trying to improve his grades at all.
EFFORT Harvey is … improve his grades at all.
112. By the time we arrived at the restaurant, nearly all the tables had been taken.
HARDLY There … left by the time we arrived at the restaurant.
113. I’d rather you didn’t play the drums right now.
MIND Would … the drums right now.
114. All the employees handed in their reports apart from Gene.
WHO Gene was the … hand in his reports.
115. The teacher preventes us from loitering on the school grounds.
LET The teacher … on the school grounds.
116. You can use my computer, but you must be careful with it.
LONG You can use my computer … careful with it
117. The interviewer asked me to describe my experience in detail.
FULL The interviewer asked me to give him … my experience.
118. As it began to snow the race was cancelled.
CALLED The race … the snow.
119. Jason was the only one who didn’t enjoy the play.
APART Everybody … Jason.

Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence using the word given. Do not change the word given. You must use between two and five words icluding the word given.
120. Steven isn’t capable of doing a good job on the project.
ABILITY Steven doesn’t … a good job on the project.
121. James became extremely angry with the waiter for serving his food cold.
TEMPER James … the waiter for serving his food cold.
122. I don’t usually jog at night , so I was a bit nervous.
USED I am … at night, so I was a bit nervous.
123. Could you give me your opinion on my new dress?
KNOW Could you … think about my new dress?
124. The two football referees were in complete agreement.
COMPLETELY The football referees … other.
125. My dad always arrives late to pick me up from school.
RIGHT My dad never … to pick me up from school.
126. The professor will distribute the assignment at the beginning of class.
GIVEN The assignment … by the professor at the beginning of class.
127. There were no tickets left for the show at the ticket office.
RUN The ticket office … tickets for the show.
128. Today, big cinemas are rarely found outside the town centre.
RARE Today … big cinemas outside the town centre.
129. The ending of the book was so unexpected that Sally was shocked.
SUCH The book ended in … that Sally was shocked.
131. I’m going to leave school early because Suzy may drop by.
CASE I’m going to leave school early just … by.
132. Stupidly, I didn’t lock the door when we went out for dinner.
LEFT Stupidly, I … when we went out for dinner.
133. The security gates made it impossible for us to enter the park.
PREVENTED We … the park by the security gates.

Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence using the word given. Do not change the word given. You must use between two and five words icluding the word given.
71. Mr Jones needn’t go if he doesn’t want to.
OBLIGED Mr Jones … if he doesn’t want to.
72. He locked the gate so that the dog wouldn’t escape.
PREVENT He locked the gate … escaping.
73. It was unkind of you to talk to her like that.
NOT You … to her like that.
74. “Did you write a note for Steven?” I asked my father.
HE I asked my father … a note for Steven.
75. I don’t find it difficult to get up early anymore.
USED I … up early.
76. People say Japanese is a difficult language to learn.
SAID Japanese … difficult language to learn.
77. His boss mad Mark stay late.
MADE Mark … by his boss.
78. People say that the pyramids are worth visiting.
SUPPOSED The pyramids … worth visiting.
79. Simon is slower at doing things than Howards.
FAST Simon is … Howard at doing things.
80. You were late, so you missed the match.
LATE If you hadn’t … have missed the match.
81. Bob is interested in learning how to snowboard.
LIKE Bob … how to snowboard.
82. The family went skiing a month ago.
SINCE It … the family went skiing.
83. You must do exactly what the teacher tells you.
CARRY You must … instructions exactly.
84. My mother doesn’t like us to stay out late.
APPROVE My mother doesn’t … out late.
85. Jamie is employed by Mactrons, isn’t he?
WORKS Jamie … he?
86. The company is considering your application.
IS Your application … the company.
87. The shelf was so high that he couldn’t reach it.
ENOUGH The shelf was not … reach.
Last edited by a moderator:

Trang Mít

Học sinh
Thành viên
26 Tháng tám 2017
Hà Nội
Mình nghĩ là như này:
47, ....turned down because of...
48,.....couldn't continue going because....
49,....to be put off...
50,....would have been able to...
51,....possible for Mark to get....
52,....prevented cars from....
53,.....made a better....
54,....if I had been to....
55,,...was better than Joe...
56,....are not allowed to smoke....
57,...are far more expensive than....
58,....is not old enough to....
59,....do you want to have....
60,...if she had seen....
61,...so excited that she could...
62,....during her....
63,....turned down....
64,....so that she wouldn't have...
65,...interest in....
66,.....haven't gone abroad for.....
67,...have they lived...
68,...came down with a cold....
69,...didn't have intention of keeping...
70,....in spite of my....

Phạm Dương

Cựu Cố vấn tiếng Anh
Thành viên
24 Tháng mười 2018
Hà Nội
Đại học Thương Mại
Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence using the word given. Do not change the word given. You must use between two and five words icluding the word given.
71. Mr Jones needn’t go if he doesn’t want to.
OBLIGED Mr Jones … if he doesn’t want to.
72. He locked the gate so that the dog wouldn’t escape.
PREVENT He locked the gate … escaping.
73. It was unkind of you to talk to her like that.
NOT You … to her like that.
74. “Did you write a note for Steven?” I asked my father.
HE I asked my father … a note for Steven.
75. I don’t find it difficult to get up early anymore.
USED I … up early.
76. People say Japanese is a difficult language to learn.
SAID Japanese … difficult language to learn.
77. His boss mad Mark stay late.
MADE Mark … by his boss.
78. People say that the pyramids are worth visiting.
SUPPOSED The pyramids … worth visiting.
79. Simon is slower at doing things than Howards.
FAST Simon is … Howard at doing things.
80. You were late, so you missed the match.
LATE If you hadn’t … have missed the match.
81. Bob is interested in learning how to snowboard.
LIKE Bob … how to snowboard.
82. The family went skiing a month ago.
SINCE It … the family went skiing.
83. You must do exactly what the teacher tells you.
CARRY You must … instructions exactly.
84. My mother doesn’t like us to stay out late.
APPROVE My mother doesn’t … out late.
85. Jamie is employed by Mactrons, isn’t he?
WORKS Jamie … he?
86. The company is considering your application.
IS Your application … the company.
87. The shelf was so high that he couldn’t reach it.
ENOUGH The shelf was not … reach.
71. is not obliged to
72. to prevent the dog (from)
73. should not have talked
74. if he had written
75. used to have difficulty getting
76. is said to be a
77. was made to stay late
78. are supposed to be
79. not as fast as
80. been late, you wouldn't
81. would like to learn
82. has been a month since
83. carry out the teacher's
84. approve of us/ our staying
85. works for Mactrons, doesn't
86. is being considered by
87. low enough for him to


Cựu TMod Tiếng Anh
Thành viên
9 Tháng năm 2019
Hà Tĩnh
THCS Xuân Diệu
Mình khuyến khích bạn nên tự làm trước, tự tra cấu trúc trên mạng [cụ thể hơn là tra cấu trúc đi kèm với từ cho sẵn] rồi thử tự áp dụng vào làm đã nhé ^^ Có câu nào không hiểu rồi hẵng hỏi tiếp nhé bạn ^^
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