English THCS Verb transformation


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29 Tháng một 2020
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Trường THCS Chu Văn An
[TẶNG BẠN] TRỌN BỘ Bí kíp học tốt 08 môn
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ĐĂNG BÀI NGAY để cùng trao đổi với các thành viên siêu nhiệt tình & dễ thương trên diễn đàn.

Rewrite the sentence:
1. Advertising makes us buy and produce more things.
-> Advertising....
2. She regrets that she arrived home too late last night.
-> She regrets...
3. He finds it strange to stand on his head.
-> He is not...
4. Learning maths is neccessary for us.
-> We find ...
5. John plays tennis well.
-> John is...
-> John is...
6. George is not so active a he was.
-> George used...
7. It's time I had a haircut.
-> It's time for...
8. They forced him to work hard.
-> They made...
-> He ...
9. The garden still needs to be waterd.
-> The garden still needs...
10. The film star wore dark glasses so that no one would recognize her.
-> The film star avoid...
11. They managed to put out the fire.
-They were...
12. For animal protection, the government has passed a special decree.
-> ... animals, the government has passed a special decree.
13. You have written to me. Thank you.
-> Thank you...
14. As for me, staying up late is rather difficult.
-> I find...
15. I won't go with you. My father doesn't let me.
-> My father doesn't let ...
-> My father doesn't permit...
16. She cried bitterly because of the news.
-> The news...
17. "Let's buy them this picture as a wedding present."
-> I suggest...
18. We couldn't drive fast because of the fog.
-> The fog prevented...


Học sinh tiến bộ
Thành viên
14 Tháng mười một 2019
Thanh Hóa
THCS thiệu chính
1. Advertising makes us buy and produce more things.
-> Advertising....
Advertising can make us buy and produce more things.
2. She regrets that she arrived home too late last night.
-> She regrets...
2. She regrets that she arrived home too late last night.
-> She regrets...
She regretted coming back too late last night
3. He finds it strange to stand on his head.
-> He is not...

4. Learning maths is neccessary for us.
-> We find ...
We have found the need for Mathematics
5. John plays tennis well.
-> John is...
John is a good tennis player
6. George is not so active a he was.
-> George used...
George used it the other way
7. It's time I had a haircut.
-> It's time for..
It's time for me to get a haircut
Mình chỉ giúp được bao nhiêu thôi,vả lại,mình không chắc nó đúng,bạn kiểm tra lại nhé


Học sinh chăm học
Thành viên
13 Tháng một 2019
Bình Phước
8. They forced him to work hard.
-> They made him work hard.
make + someone + do + something
-> He was made to work hard.
9. The garden still needs to be watered.
-> The garden still needs being watered.
10. The film star wore dark glasses so that no one would recognize her.
-> The film star avoid being recognized by wearing dark glasses.
11. They managed to put out the fire.
-They were succeed in putting out the fire.
be + succeed in + doing + something thành công khi làm gì
12. For animal protection, the government has passed a special decree.
-> Protecting animals, the government has passed a special decree.
13. You have written to me. Thank you.
-> Thank you for having written to me.
14. As for me, staying up late is rather difficult.
-> I find staying up late rather difficult.
find + something + adjective thấy cái gì như thế nào
15. I won't go with you. My father doesn't let me.
-> My father doesn't let me go with you.
let someone do something cho ai làm gì
-> My father doesn't permit me to go with you.
permit someone to do something cho phép ai làm gì
16. She cried bitterly because of the news.
-> The news made her cry bitterly.
17. "Let's buy them this picture as a wedding present."
-> I suggest (us) buying them this picture as a wedding present. cách 1
cách 2.
I suggest that we (should) buy them this picture as a wedding present.

suggest (someone) doing something
suggest that someone (should) do something

18. We couldn't drive fast because of the fog.
-> The fog prevented us from driving fast.
prevent someone from doing something ngăn cản ai làm gì
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