English THCS Unit 5. The media


Học sinh gương mẫu
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19 Tháng sáu 2015
TP Hồ Chí Minh
Thcs Tân Bình
[TẶNG BẠN] TRỌN BỘ Bí kíp học tốt 08 môn
Chắc suất Đại học top - Giữ chỗ ngay!!

ĐĂNG BÀI NGAY để cùng trao đổi với các thành viên siêu nhiệt tình & dễ thương trên diễn đàn.

The Internet posted bv Jimhello on Tuesday, 10 December 2002, at 9.07 pm.
The Internet has increasingly developed and become part of our everyday life. Do you find the Internet useful? What do you use the Internet for? How much time do you spend surfing the web a day? Please respond to these questions.
Response # 1Re: The Internet
Posted bvySandra Morgan
In my opinion, the Internet is a very fast and convenient way for me to get information. I can also communicate with my friends and relatives by means of e-mail or chatting. However, I don't use the Internet very often because I don’t have much time. For me, the Internet is a wonderful invention of modem life. It makes our world a small village.
Response # 2 Re: The Internet
Posted by Honghoa
Nobody can deny the benefits of the Internet in our life. However, it is a pity for me as well as for most of my friends in the countryside. The Internet is available only in cities, therefore I cannot easily get access to it. I sometimes visit my uncle in the city on weekends, and this is a good occasion for me to explore the net. I spend most of the time wandering because I just don’t know which website is useful for me.
Response # 3 Re: The Internet
Posted by Huansui
People use the Internet for many purposes: education, communication, entertainment and commerce. However, the Internet has limitations. It is not only time-consuming and costly but also dangerous because of viruses and bad programs. Moreover, Internet users sometimes have to suffer various risks such as spam or electronic junk mail, and personal information leaking. So, while enjoying surfing, be alert!

Make a list :The advantages and disadvantages of the internet.
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Cựu Mod Anh|Quán quân TE S1
Thành viên
1 Tháng tư 2017
Bình Định
* Advantages:
- education.
- communication: communicating with relatives, friends by e-mail or chatting.
- entertainment: people can watch good films, play games on Internet to relax.
- Nowadays people can use Internet to buy or sell their things they want.
* Disadvantages:
- Internet is very time - consuming and costly and there are many viruses and bad programs that have bad influence on small children.
Cảm ơn bạn đã tin tưởng diễn đàn HOCMAI. Lần sau bạn hãy đăng câu hỏi kèm những gì bạn đã làm được với câu hỏi đó, đúng sai không phải là điều quan trọng. Quan trọng là bạn đã thật sự dành thời gian để hiểu nó, chúng tôi trân trọng điều đó - và chúng tôi rất vui được giúp bạn hiểu rõ bản chất của vấn đề để bạn tự tin hơn trong cuộc sống. Cảm ơn bạn!
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Venetto Schubert

Học sinh
Thành viên
29 Tháng mười 2018
Quảng Bình
Trung học cơ sở Xuân Ninh
- a very fast and convenient way get information
- communicate with relatives, friends by means of e-mail or chatting
- an effective tool ineducation
- contains lots of entertainment
- useful in commerce
- it's time-consuming and costly
- it's only available in the cities
- internet users sometimes have to suffer various risks such as spam or electronic junk mail, and personal information leaking
Learn well and gain high score. Good luck!
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