English THPT Topic thi nói

Min Hana

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6 Tháng chín 2018
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[TẶNG BẠN] TRỌN BỘ Bí kíp học tốt 08 môn
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Cựu TMod Anh
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10 Tháng mười hai 2018
Quảng Ngãi
THCS Phổ Ninh
Topic Unit 9:
Lời mở đầu đơn giản: Hello everyone, My name....,I am in class..... at......High School. Today I'm very glad to be here, I would like to tell you about my topic, my topic is.....
As we know water occupies about 3/4 of the Earth's surface area, including many sources such as rivers, lakes, ponds, streams, but the largest is still sea and ocean. Seawater brings many benefits and plays an important role in human life. Specifically, providing an infinite amount of water vapor to the atmosphere to create clouds and rain, helping to maintain an ideal habitat for a large number of animals and plants that provide rich mineral and seafood resources. for human. Opening up tourism development potential for some places, .. However, sea water is currently polluted with depression and leads to many unpredictable consequences So how to protect the marine environment? Join me to learn about specific solutions to protect the marine environment today.
To prevent and mitigate these consequences, many solutions to protect the marine environment have been proposed.
First, propaganda raises awareness of the individual community. The marine environment is gradually being seriously polluted by many different reasons, but most of it is still due to human impacts, such as indiscriminate littering and untreated discharge into the environment. So the first solution to protect the purity of the marine environment is to actively propagate to raise awareness of the individual community through jobs such as garbage collection, limiting the exploitation of resources. original,...
Second, building marine protected areas is considered to be the most effective means to protect marine ecological environment. However, along with the construction of protected areas, we need to do a good job of protecting biodiversity and addressing the causes of marine pollution from the mainland.
  • Prevent pollution and degradation in river basins of coastal industrial clusters
  • Focusing on prevention and control for activities: developing tourism, exploration and exploitation of minerals, fisheries, oil and gas transportation at sea.

And some other measures such as:
  • Promote integrated coastal management
  • Completing the legal system of environmental laws
  • Proposing and implementing solutions to overcome marine pollution.
The above are measures to overcome pollution of the marine environment. The marine environment is currently seriously polluted, so we need to join hands to help the marine environment.
Topic Unit 12:
I love listening to music, but I don't listen to popular music like so many others. The part that attracts me in music is the author's attitude and tone, because the songs express the composer's mood and emotions. Through the songs, people can feel what the musicians are trying to do, so I often listen to Jazz, Rock, and R&B. These three types of music have different language expressions but they are all my favorite song styles.
When I really want to relax my body, or do exercise at home, I listen to jazz. I don't have an exact exercise schedule, I just move to free my body. Jazz music is much faster and more relaxing than pop music. Jazz music motivates me to dance, let alone move in any way. Sometimes I like to move around in my bed. That makes my body healthier.
My second favorite music style is Rock, I listen to Rock when I'm in a bad or lonely mood. Rock is very different from Jazz because Rock is quite noisy and has a lot of screams. But the song's melody was like magic that could let go of all my troubles, even though bad things were still there, at that moment I felt I had the power to solve problems, and I am not afraid of anything anymore. When I am faced with a problem or have to make a choice, I always listen to rock, letting it go through my mind so that I can think more deeply.
I often get in the habit of just sitting in a chair and doing nothing. This happens when I'm tired or sleepy; For example, when sitting on the subway or bus, I don't think or do anything. I don't want to be disturbed by others, I want my own space. And R&B music can help me get out of my busy life and clean my soul.
The three types of music have different effects on me, however, they all bring happiness and help me through difficult times.
Topic Unit 13:
I think everyone in each of us has seen a movie once, me too, my favorite movie is "Sherlock Holmes". In my opinion, a lot of you also enjoy watching this movie just like myself. This is a movie I watched recently in theaters. It is a thrilling, timeless journey. The film is based on a novel of the same name.

Except for the great story, the actors are great. They really make you think it's happening. The main character is not like in the novel, it is the complete opposite, it is Dr. Watson's barbarian. The very fat person in the novel is not like that. He is the creed of Sherlock, a young, handsome man, like Holmes. In the movie, he is trying to prove that magic doesn't exist and that everything that happened was not caused by an evil mage, and he did it. The whole movie is very interesting and I don't want it to end. Of course, there's a pretty woman who brings trouble to the main character and he loves her, like usual, right? He does everything to save her from "dark magic". And he succeeds. I liked it too, because it ended, but not really… He killed the magician (the last impersonator), but the mastermind "bad guy" is still alive. I guess I have to wait a year to see the next episode.

I really like the movie and I can watch it over and over again… I think that's what makes a great movie, every thrilling time is like the first time you see it.
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