Topic 7: FAMILY

Minh Nhí

Cựu Mod Tiếng Anh|Cựu Phó nhóm Tiếng Anh
Thành viên
Trưởng nhóm xuất sắc nhất 2017
18 Tháng mười một 2013
[TẶNG BẠN] TRỌN BỘ Bí kíp học tốt 08 môn
Chắc suất Đại học top - Giữ chỗ ngay!!

ĐĂNG BÀI NGAY để cùng trao đổi với các thành viên siêu nhiệt tình & dễ thương trên diễn đàn.

Lesson 1
family /’fæməli/: gia đình, gia quyến, họ
ancestor /ˈænsestər/: tổ tiên
great-: dùng để lùi về 1 thế hệ. Great-grandfather: ông cố
great-grandparent /´greit´grænperrənt/: ông bà cố
great-grandfather /´greit´grænfa:ðə/: ông cố, cụ ông
great-grandmother /´greit´grænmʌðə/: bà cố, cụ bà
grandfather /´græn¸fa:ðə/: ông (nội, ngoại)
grandmother /’græn,mʌðə/: bà (nội, ngoại)
great-uncle /greit ˈʌŋkl/: ông chú, ông bác (anh hoặc em của ông nội)
great-aunt /greit ænt/: bà thím, bà bác (chị hoặc em của ông nội)
parents /’peərənts/: bố mẹ
grandparent /ˈgrænpeərənt/: ông bà
father /ˈfɑːðər/: bố, cha
mother /ˈmʌðər/: mẹ
uncle /ˈʌŋkl/: chú, bác trai, cậu, dượng
aunt /ænt/-/ɑːnt/: bác gái, cô, dì, thím, mợ
cousin /ˈkʌzən/: anh, em họ (con của của bác, chú, cô)
sister /ˈsɪstər/: chị/em gái ruột
brother /ˈbrʌðər/: anh/em trai ruột
sister-in-law /ˈsɪstər ɪn lɔː/: chị/em dâu, chị/em vợ
brother-in-law /ˈbrʌðər ɪn lɔː/: anh/em rể, anh/em vợ
mother-in-law /ˈmʌðər ɪn lɔː/: mẹ chồng, mẹ vợ
father-in-law /ˈfɑːðər ɪn lɔː/: bố chồng, bố vợ
son /sʌn/: con trai
daughter /ˈdɔːtər/: con gái
nephew /ˈnefjuː/: cháu trai (con của anh chị em)
niece /niːs/: cháu gái (con của anh chị em)
grandson /ˈgrænsʌn/: cháu trai
granddaughter /ˈgrændɔːtər/: cháu gái
adopted child /ə’dɔptid tʃaild/: con nuôi
foster-: nuôi. Foster-mother mẹ nuôi, foster-son con nuôi
fosterling /´fɔstəliη/: con nuôi
half-: trong mối liên quan cùng cha khác mẹ (hoặc ngược lại).
half-sister /hɑːfˈsɪstər/: chị/em gái (cùng cha/mẹ khác mẹ/cha)
half-brother /hɑːfˈbrʌðər/: anh/em trai (cùng cha/mẹ khác mẹ/cha)
step father /step ˈfɑːðər/: bố dượng
step mother /stepˈmʌðər/: mẹ kế
step-: kế, ghẻ. Stepfather, stepmother, stepchild, v.v.
kinsman /´kinzmən/: người bà con (nam)
kinswoman /´kinz¸wumən/: người bà con (nữ)
brotherhood /´brʌðəhud/: tình anh em
breadwinner /ˈbredˌwɪnə(r)/: trụ cột (người có thu nhập chính) trong gia đình
extended family /ɪkˈsten·dɪd ˈfæm·ə·li/: gia đình gồm có nhiều thế hệ
nuclear family /ˈnu·kli·ər ˈfæm·ə·li/: gia đình hạt nhân (gồm có bố mẹ và con cái)
1. Lê Nhật Hiền Nhi @Hiền Còi
2. Đặng Lê Huyền Trân @Mictin
3. Đỗ Lê Long Ấn @Tony Time
4. Trần Lê Quỳnh Anh
5. Đỗ Thùy Linh @Một Nửa Của Sự Thật
6. Nguyễn Thị Thanh Tâm @Perona03
7. Nguyễn Như @Snowball fan ken
8. Nguyễn Ngọc Minh Châu @ngchau2001
9. Đỗ Anh Kỳ (2004 ) @Kyanhdo
10. Đỗ Phương Thảo (2001)
11. Bùi Nguyễn minh Hảo ( 2004 ) @Narumi04
12. Trần Minh Phương ( 2004 ) @Kyungsoo Do
13. Nguyễn Bảo Châu (2000) @baochau15
14. Vũ Minh Thúy (2000) @Băng Tâm Như Ngọc
15. Nguyễn Ngọc Anh Thư (2003 ) @jiiseong
16. Lê Phương Đài (2001 ) @kongosuzuki

Minh Nhí

Cựu Mod Tiếng Anh|Cựu Phó nhóm Tiếng Anh
Thành viên
Trưởng nhóm xuất sắc nhất 2017
18 Tháng mười một 2013
Lesson 2
1. Introducing your family
Let’s start with a simple sentence:
  • There are ________ people in my family.
So you can say:
  • There are five/ten/thirty/… people in my family.
That’s not too hard, but it’s not so interesting, either! You should say who these people are.
  • There are ten people in my family: I have two sisters, one brother, my uncle and aunt, two grandparents and my parents of course.
  • There are four people in my family: my wife, my two sons and myself.
2. Talking about Brothers and Sisters
How many brothers and sisters do you have? You could say:
  • I have two brothers and one sister.
  • I just have one sister.
  • I’m an only child.
Let’s make it more interesting by adding more information. Are your brothers and sisters older or younger? Where are you in the family?
  • I have two older brothers and one older sister. I’m the youngest in the family.
  • I just have one sister, who’s five years older than me.
  • I’m the middle child: my brother is two years older, and I have a younger sister who’s finishing university this year.
3. Immediate and Extended Family
In English, we sometimes draw a line between your immediate family:

  • Immediate family –> you, your husband/wife, your children, parents, brothers and sisters
And your extended family:
  • Extended family –> uncles, aunts, cousins, nephews, nieces, grandparents, grandchildren
Now, you can give more details about the people in your family, like this:
  • My immediate family is quite small, because I’m an only child. My mum is one of five children, so I have a lot of cousins, who are kind of like my brothers and sisters.
  • There are six people in my immediate family: my parents, my brother and his wife, my sister and me. I have a lot of other relatives, but they live in Canada so we don’t see them often.
4. Talking about Your Children
Do you have children? Let’s see what you can say:
  • I have three kids: two girls and a boy.
  • We have a newborn son.
  • We have one daughter, and my wife’s expecting our second child.
As always, you should add details to make your answers longer and more interesting:
  • I have three kids: two girls and a boy. Our eldest daughter has just started secondary school, and the two younger ones are still in primary school.
  • We have a newborn son. He’s just three weeks old now, so we’re still getting used to things!
  • We have one daughter, and my wife’s expecting our second child. We don’t know if it’s a boy or a girl, but we’ll find out in three months.
5. Talking about Your Relationship with Your Family
Finally, let’s add some information about how often you see your family, and what you like to do together. For example:

  • I’m very close to my family. We have lunch together every weekend.
  • I see my older brother once a week; we play tennis or basketball together.
  • I try to spend as much time as possible with my kids.
What now? You should know the answer: add more details!
  • I’m very close to my family. We have lunch together every weekend at my grandmother’s house. She always cooks something delicious!
  • I see my older brother once a week; we play tennis or basketball together. I don’t see my other brother so often, because he lives overseas, although we talk on Skype every so often.
  • I try to spend as much time as possible with my kids. We play cards, watch films, or go to the park if the weather’s nice.
6. Making a Longer Answer
Now you should be able to make a longer answer talking about your family. You should be able to talk about your relatives, your brothers and sisters, your children if you have any, and your relationship with your family.
Let’s look at a sample answer:

  • There are five people in my immediate family, although my extended family is quite large. I have two sisters, both younger, so I’m the oldest child. I don’t have kids yet but I’d like to have a big family one day. I see my parents and my sisters quite often, because we all live near each other, although I don’t see my other relatives that much.
OK? Could you make an answer like this? Let’s look at one more sample answer first:
  • I come from a big family: I’m the fifth child, and I have three brothers and one sister. They’re all close to each other in age, but there’s a big gapbetween them and me. I don’t have children, but I have lots of nieces and nephews! I don’t see my family often because I live in a different country, but I speak to them regularly and we all get together once or twice a year, which is always very noisy but lots of fun.
1. Lê Nhật Hiền Nhi @Hiền Còi
2. Đặng Lê Huyền Trân @Mictin
3. Đỗ Lê Long Ấn @Tony Time
4. Trần Lê Quỳnh Anh
5. Đỗ Thùy Linh @Một Nửa Của Sự Thật
6. Nguyễn Thị Thanh Tâm @Perona03
7. Nguyễn Như @Snowball fan ken
8. Nguyễn Ngọc Minh Châu @ngchau2001
9. Đỗ Anh Kỳ (2004 ) @Kyanhdo
10. Đỗ Phương Thảo (2001)
11. Bùi Nguyễn minh Hảo ( 2004 ) @Narumi04
12. Trần Minh Phương ( 2004 ) @Kyungsoo Do
13. Nguyễn Bảo Châu (2000) @baochau15
14. Vũ Minh Thúy (2000) @Băng Tâm Như Ngọc
15. Nguyễn Ngọc Anh Thư (2003 ) @jiiseong
16. Lê Phương Đài (2001 ) @kongosuzuki
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Minh Nhí

Cựu Mod Tiếng Anh|Cựu Phó nhóm Tiếng Anh
Thành viên
Trưởng nhóm xuất sắc nhất 2017
18 Tháng mười một 2013
Lesson 3

1. Whenever you become a mother, you will know how difficult childbearing and rearing is.
Childbearing and rearing = sinh đẻ và nuôi dưỡng con cái

2. Nowadays, children’s upbringing become more and more important.
Children’s upbringing = giáo dục trẻ

3. In my family, my father is the breadwinner
Breadwinner = người kiếm tiền nuôi gia đình/ trụ cột gia đình

4. Generation gap make us feel uncomfortable.
Generation gap= Khoảng cách thế hệ

5. There’s no doubt about my close-knit family. All of members love each other so much
Close-knit family = close family = gia đình gắn bó khăng khít.
There is no doubt about = không còn nghi ngờ về

6. Family disarray can lead to domestic violence.
Family disarray = gia đình lục đục= dysfunctional family
Domestic violence = bạo lực gia đình

7. I come from a big family of eight children.

8. My father is really a family man.

9. I closely resemble my father.
Resemble = giống

10. There’s a small family gathering next week.
Family gathering= tụ họp gia đình

11. She is my distant relative
Distant relative = họ hàng xa

12. I have a carefree childhood / troubled childhood
carefree childhood
= tuổi thơ êm đềm (không phải lo lắng gì cả)
troubled childhood = tuổi thơ khó khăn (nghèo khó, bị lạm dụng…)

13. Nick works very long hours to provide for his family
provide for one’s family = kiếm tiền để nuôi gia đình

14. A mother’s love for her child is one of the most wonderful and beautiful things that I’ve ever known.

15. My parent devoted all their time to raise me up.
Devote = cống hiến,dành
Raise sb up = nuôi ai đó lớn khôn

16. My aunt tells me funny stories about my mother's youth.
youth =tuổi trẻ

1. Family is like music, some high notes, some low notes, but always a beautiful song
Jesse Joseph
Gia đình giống như một bản nhạc vậy, có nốt thăng, nốt trầm, lúc vui, lúc buồn nhưng nó luôn là một bài hát tuyệt đẹp.
2. If you have a place to go, is a home. If you have someone to love , is a family. Ì you have both, is a blessing. – Donna Hedges
Nơi để bạn đi về, đó gọi là nhà. Người mà bạn yêu thương, gọi là gia đình. Nếu bạn có cả hai cái đó, Bạn đã được ban phước lành.

3. Family where the life begins and the love never ends – Author Unknown
Nhà là nơi cuộc sống bắt đầu và là nơi mà tình yêu không bao giờ kết thúc

1. Lê Nhật Hiền Nhi @Hiền Còi
2. Đặng Lê Huyền Trân @Mictin
3. Đỗ Lê Long Ấn @Tony Time
4. Trần Lê Quỳnh Anh
5. Đỗ Thùy Linh @Một Nửa Của Sự Thật
6. Nguyễn Thị Thanh Tâm @Perona03
7. Nguyễn Như @Snowball fan ken
8. Nguyễn Ngọc Minh Châu @ngchau2001
9. Đỗ Anh Kỳ (2004 ) @Kyanhdo
10. Đỗ Phương Thảo (2001)
11. Bùi Nguyễn minh Hảo ( 2004 ) @Narumi04
12. Trần Minh Phương ( 2004 ) @Kyungsoo Do
13. Nguyễn Bảo Châu (2000) @baochau15
14. Vũ Minh Thúy (2000) @Băng Tâm Như Ngọc
15. Nguyễn Ngọc Anh Thư (2003 ) @jiiseong
16. Lê Phương Đài (2001 ) @kongosuzuki

Minh Nhí

Cựu Mod Tiếng Anh|Cựu Phó nhóm Tiếng Anh
Thành viên
Trưởng nhóm xuất sắc nhất 2017
18 Tháng mười một 2013
Lesson 4

John : Do you have any siblings? (Bạn có anh chị em nào không?)
Sam : Yes. I have a younger brother. What about you? (Có, tôi có em trai. Bạn thì sao?)
John : I have quite a big family with 2 sisters and 2 brothers! (Tôi có một gia đình lớn với 2 anh trai và 2 em gái.)
Sam : Wow, such a big family… I’d have liked a sister too. (Ồ, gia đình bạn đông thật đấy. Tôi cũng muốn có em gái.)
John: Yes, my sisters are very nice. They’re kind and smart. I feel lucky to be their brother. (Đúng. em gái tôi rất tốt. Chúng rất thông minh.)
Sam: What a nice thing to say! (Thật tuyệt vời.)

Sam : So you were gone visiting your grandpa last weekend? (Bạn có đi thăm ông bà cuối tuần trước không?)
Joanna : Yup! My grandfather must be in his late 80’s and he’s very active. (Có. Ông tôi gần 90 tuổi rồi nhưng ông vẫn rất minh mẫn.)
Sam : Wow! That’s great! What about your grandma? (Ồ. Hay thật. Bà bạn thì sao?)
Joanna : She’s a very sprightly old woman, too. In fact, my grandparents from my mother’s side are pretty healthy and active themselves. (Bà tôi cũng khá già rồi. Thực ra thì ông bà ngoại tôi vẫn khá khỏe và minh mẫn.)
Sam : That’s really good to hear. Your folks know how to take care of themselves. (Thật tốt quá. Ông bà bạn thật biết chăm sóc bản thân.)
Joanna : Yeah, our family eats right and exercises. That’s why we’re healthy. (Ừ, gia đình mình ăn uống đúng cách và tập thể dục. Đó là lý do gia đình tôi luôn khỏe mạnh.)


Joanna : Where’s your younger brother these days? (Em trai bạn đang ở đâu rồi?)
Sam : Well, John has got admitted to the medical college in NY. He’s going to be a doctor. (John đã đỗ vào một trường đại học y ở New York. Nó sẽ trở thành một bác sĩ.)
Joanna : Really? You must be so proud of him. (Thật ư? Bạn chắc hẳn tự hào về nó lắm.)
Sam : Yeah, I am. My father is a carpenter, and I have got into the same profession, but little Johnny’s always studied hard. He’s surely going to bring credit to the family name. (Có chứ. Bố tôi là một thợ mộc, và tôi đã theo nghề đó, nhưng John lại học khác giỏi. Nó sẽ mang đến tự hào cho gia đình.)
Joanna : So happy for you Sam! (Thật là hạnh phúc cho bạn Sam ạ.)

Sarah: John, I've never met your family. Do you have a big family?
John: Yeah, kind of. There are five people in my family, so it's a medium family. I have two brothers, so there are three boys in my family. And there's my mother and my father.
Sarah: How about your father? Do you look like him?
John: Yes, I do. I do look like my father. When he was younger. He had blond hair like me and he has glasses. So do I. My mother has glasses, too. I'm the same height as my father. We are both 180 centimeters tall. My older brother is the same height as me and my father. But my younger brother is shorter than us.
Sarah: Ah.
John: He has blond hair and glasses too, though.
Sarah: Oh. How tall is your younger brother?
John: He's a bit shorter than us. I am not sure but I think he's around 170 centimeters tall.
Sarah: Oh. How about your mom?
John: My mom is short, too. She's the same height as my younger brother.
Sarah: Oh.
John: And my mom has red hair. Her hair is bright red, so my mother has different hair from the rest of my family. There are four people with blond people with blond hair and one person with red hair. But actually, all five of us wear glasses.
Sarah: Oh really?
John: Yeah.
Sarah: So John, you're thin. What about the rest of your family? Are they thin, too?
John: Well, my mother is skinny, too, like me. But my brothers are more like my dad in their body type. They are a little bit more muscular than me. They have big muscles and they're very strong. So they are heavier than me. That's my father. He weighs more than I do. And my brothers are also heavier than me.
Sarah: Oh, sounds like a good-looking family.
John: Thank you.
1. Lê Nhật Hiền Nhi @Hiền Còi
2. Đặng Lê Huyền Trân @Mictin
3. Đỗ Lê Long Ấn @Tony Time
4. Trần Lê Quỳnh Anh
5. Đỗ Thùy Linh @Một Nửa Của Sự Thật
6. Nguyễn Thị Thanh Tâm @Perona03
7. Nguyễn Như @Snowball fan ken
8. Nguyễn Ngọc Minh Châu @ngchau2001
9. Đỗ Anh Kỳ (2004 ) @Kyanhdo
10. Đỗ Phương Thảo (2001)
11. Bùi Nguyễn minh Hảo ( 2004 ) @Narumi04
12. Trần Minh Phương ( 2004 ) @Kyungsoo Do
13. Nguyễn Bảo Châu (2000) @baochau15
14. Vũ Minh Thúy (2000) @Băng Tâm Như Ngọc
15. Nguyễn Ngọc Anh Thư (2003 ) @jiiseong
16. Lê Phương Đài (2001 ) @kongosuzuki
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Minh Nhí

Cựu Mod Tiếng Anh|Cựu Phó nhóm Tiếng Anh
Thành viên
Trưởng nhóm xuất sắc nhất 2017
18 Tháng mười một 2013
1. Could you tell me something about your family?
Yes, I come from a nuclear family which consists of my parents, one older sibling and me. We get on well with each other and have interests in common. For example, we all like Korean movies so we usually gather at night and watch TV together, or reading is our cup of tea so we now have a big bookshelf with thousands of books.
2. How much time do you spend with your family?
I really love spending time with my family, however, my present job, which is a host for a show with fox traveler, requires me to travel a lot, so I am not able spend that much time with them. However, whenever I do get time I either call them to wherever I am or go to meet them at home.
3. What is your personal contribution to your family?
Towards my family, I make sure that I spend at least 2 days a month with my parents and my brother. So, most of the time we all make plans to make sure that we do spend those two days together, no matter where we are. Other than this, I give 5% of whatever my earnings are to my family.
4. What type of task do you do to assist your family members?
Well, most of the time I am doing the work that requires me to move out of house, like paying bills, buying grocery or going to bank.
5. Whom do you like most in your family? Why?
I love both my parents a lot. For me, nothing comes before them, so they are the first priority. To an extent this is because, I believe that who I am now is because of them. They have supported me through the toughest phase of my life and have enjoyed every moment of my success with me. They have given me so much that I don’t even find myself capable enough to say that I will return your love. So, for sure they are the ones that I love the most.
6. Is it difficult to communicate with your grandparents?
So so. I won’t say that they’re like my classmates, whom I can talk nonsense with. They are forgetful and my grandma is hard of hearing. But they do care about me. So sometimes I will sit down with them; they’ll ask me about school and I’ll answer slowly to the questions which are almost the same.
7. Do you have a large or small family?
I come from a large family. Now, I just have my mom, an older brother and three younger brothers. My father passed away 17 years ago. I am the only daughter in the family.
8. What do you like to do together as a family?
My family enjoys cooking together and having special meals together. We catch up and talk about our lives. We look back and share memories especially when we were still young. We enjoy music as well. So, when we get together, we play several musical instruments and sing along.
9. Do you get along well with your family?
Sure. We are really close to each other. I am happy that I could tell them anything. They are always there to listen when I have problems.
10. Who are you close to in your family?
Honestly, I really get on with my father most. Firstly because we share some interests in common such as reading books or watching TV and we all enjoy other’s company. Secondly, he also has a good sense of humor and always has positive attitude about life which helps me a lot when I am in trouble.
11. In what ways have families in your country changed in recent?
The roles of husbands and wives changed in recent years. Both spouses have been more open to perform different roles such as working outside the home or pitching-in with the household duties. Another change I think is limiting the number of children in the family. Parents nowadays think of having smaller families due to high cost of living.
12. Should husbands and wives have different roles within the family? Why (not)?
Traditionally, husbands and wives had clear-cut roles in the society. Husbands used to provide the financial need of the family, while women were expected to take care of the house. Changes had occurred over time and both husbands and wives started to take part in each of these roles. I think this change is good. It is not necessary to define each role. I think whatever role each husband or wife takes, as long as it is good for the family, it is okay.

13. Which are more important to you: your family or your friends?

Both are important but family is more important for me than friends. Friends may come and go but I know that my family is always there and will always be there no matter what happens in my life and no matter what decisions I take.
14. Do you prefer spending time with your friends or family?
Well I think it quite depends on what I want to do at that time. If I like hitting the town and mingling with the busy life, I would choose to go with my friends who are mostly at the same age with me. We can go shopping, eat out, catch the latest movies on big screen or whatever I like. However, home is where my heart belongs when I’m exhausted. I mean I will spend time with my family when I am in bad mood and just want a warm and tranquil atmosphere to slow me down.
15. Is family important to you?
It is obvious that family is the most important thing in my life. They are my beloved people who bring me up and care about me most even sometimes we have conflicts. They will sacrifice everything for my sake, and their love is unconditional. They never expect anything from me except for my presence in their lives to support them to overcome ups and downs in life. Thus, I really love my family and I think it is a warmest place to welcome me back every day.
16. How are you getting well with your parents?
If you ask me that question when I was at schools, my answer would be totally different from my view now. I mean when I was a student, I had many conflicts with them because what they wanted me to do was different from what I liked. However when now I get mature, I realize that they are really kind – hearted and just want the best things for me. Therefore, I now live in harmony with my parents.
17. Would you prefer to live in a small or large family?
Actually I prefer my family remains unchanged. Although I also want to live in a large family with many relatives in which people can support others, I’m a bit worried about generation gaps which normally lead to unnecessary conflicts and arguments. And of course it is harder to find privacy due to too many people. Thus, I want to live in a nuclear family as I am doing now.
1. Lê Nhật Hiền Nhi @Hiền Còi
2. Đặng Lê Huyền Trân @Mictin
3. Đỗ Lê Long Ấn @Tony Time
4. Trần Lê Quỳnh Anh
5. Đỗ Thùy Linh @Một Nửa Của Sự Thật
6. Nguyễn Thị Thanh Tâm @Perona03
7. Nguyễn Như @Snowball fan ken
8. Nguyễn Ngọc Minh Châu @ngchau2001
9. Đỗ Anh Kỳ (2004 ) @Kyanhdo
10. Đỗ Phương Thảo (2001)
11. Bùi Nguyễn minh Hảo ( 2004 ) @Narumi04
12. Trần Minh Phương ( 2004 ) @Kyungsoo Do
13. Nguyễn Bảo Châu (2000) @baochau15
14. Vũ Minh Thúy (2000) @Băng Tâm Như Ngọc
15. Nguyễn Ngọc Anh Thư (2003 ) @jiiseong
16. Lê Phương Đài (2001 ) @kongosuzuki
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Minh Nhí

Cựu Mod Tiếng Anh|Cựu Phó nhóm Tiếng Anh
Thành viên
Trưởng nhóm xuất sắc nhất 2017
18 Tháng mười một 2013

1. Lê Nhật Hiền Nhi @Hiền Còi
Describe some fun family activities that family members can do together.

2. Đặng Lê Huyền Trân @Mictin
Describe what someone in your family looks like.

3. Đỗ Lê Long Ấn @Tony Time
Which is better: lots of children, or only one or two children? Why?

4. Trần Lê Quỳnh Anh
Who do you look like most in your family?

5. Đỗ Thùy Linh @Một Nửa Của Sự Thật
If you were offered an excellent job opportunity abroad, would you consider leaving your family for an indefinite period of time?

6. Nguyễn Thị Thanh Tâm @Perona03
Do your parents let you stay out late?

7. Nguyễn Như @Snowball fan ken
Do your parents trust you?

8. Nguyễn Ngọc Minh Châu @ngchau2001
What is the best age to get married? Why?

9. Đỗ Anh Kỳ (2004 ) @Kyanhdo
Tell me about your family

10. Đỗ Phương Thảo (2001)
Describe what someone in your family looks like.

11. Bùi Nguyễn minh Hảo ( 2004 ) @Narumi04
Describe some fun family activities that family members can do together.

12. Trần Minh Phương ( 2004 ) @Kyungsoo Do
If you were offered an excellent job opportunity abroad, would you consider leaving your family for an indefinite period of time?

13. Nguyễn Bảo Châu (2000) @baochau15
Who do you look like most in your family?

14. Vũ Minh Thúy (2000) @Băng Tâm Như Ngọc
Tell me about your family

15. Nguyễn Ngọc Anh Thư (2003 ) @jiiseong
Tell me about your family

16. Lê Phương Đài (2001 ) @kongosuzuki
Tell me about your family

Kyungsoo Do

Học sinh chăm học
Thành viên
12 Tháng chín 2017
Nam Định
THCS Tống Văn Trân
12. Trần Minh Phương ( 2004 ) @Kyungsoo Do
If you were offered an excellent job opportunity abroad, would you consider leaving your family for an indefinite period of time?
If I were offered a good job opportunity overseas, of course I would think of leaving my family for an indefinite period because for me, the family is the most important.
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