English THCS tìm lỗi sai

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31 Tháng bảy 2021
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[TẶNG BẠN] TRỌN BỘ Bí kíp học tốt 08 môn
Chắc suất Đại học top - Giữ chỗ ngay!!

ĐĂNG BÀI NGAY để cùng trao đổi với các thành viên siêu nhiệt tình & dễ thương trên diễn đàn.

IV - The following passage contains 10 errors. Find and correct them (10pts)
Who were the people responsible for collection and sending plants from one country to another? And why did they do it? Initially they were travelers with other purposes: traders, colonists, pilgrims and missionaries have all been important in providing new plants for English gardens. They sent back indigenous wild plants, or sometimes, as in the cases of visitors to China and Japan, plants which have been cultivated and improved for hundreds of years. This worked, of course, in both directions: English gardens were making in the most unlikely places. Travelers did not always recognize an interesting plant on seen it – interesting, that is, to the collector at home. So in the 16th and 17th century, attempts were made to collect on a most professional basis, either by patrons sending collections into the field, or by subscriptions to finance local enthusiasts in the most promised areas. By 1611 John Tradescant was traveling and collecting in France and other parts of Europe. Lately, Peter Collinson, a London merchant, who had seen the richness of the plant material sending back by Tradescant, organized a syndicate to finance the amateur botanist John Bartram. Before long, special collectors were being dispatched to all parts of the world by institutions such as the Chelsea Physic Garden.















Help me!!! mik đang cần gấp !!! thank you

Diệp Hạ Bạch

Cựu TMod Anh
HV CLB Địa lí
Thành viên
28 Tháng sáu 2020
Thái Bình
Muốn biết hãy hỏi :D
Who were the people responsible for collection and sending plants from one country to another? And why did they do it? Initially they were travelers with other purposes: traders, colonists, pilgrims and missionaries have all been important in providing new plants for English gardens. They sent back indigenous wild plants, or sometimes, as in the cases of visitors to China and Japan, plants which have been cultivated and improved for hundreds of years. This worked, of course, in both directions: English gardens were making in the most unlikely places. Travelers did not always recognize an interesting plant on seen it – interesting, that is, to the collector at home. So in the 16th and 17th century, attempts were made to collect on a most professional basis, either by patrons sending collections into the field, or by subscriptions to finance local enthusiasts in the most promised areas. By 1611 John Tradescant was traveling and collecting in France and other parts of Europe. Lately, Peter Collinson, a London merchant, who had seen the richness of the plant material sending back by Tradescant, organized a syndicate to finance the amateur botanist John Bartram. Before long, special collectors were being dispatched to all parts of the world by institutions such as the Chelsea Physic Garden.
1 collection collecting6mostmore
>> Dựa vào nghĩa từ "so..." - Em không
chắc lắm ạ ^^"
2 cases case
>> in the case of : phòng khi
>> promising area
>> bị động QKHT
xem kĩ hơn tại Đây
4makingmade9lately : gần đâylater : sau đó
>> on seeing : khi nhìn thấy
Anh/ chị tham khảo ạ,
Có sai sót mong giúp đỡ và bổ sung ạ

Nếu có vấn đề gì thắc mắc chưa hiểu rõ anh/chị cứ đăng bài, BQT box Anh diễn đàn HOCMAI sẽ hỗ trợ nhiệt tình ạ
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