
[FONT=.VnTime]moi ng oi, sua giup em bài này vs :khi (114):[/FONT]
[FONT=.VnTime]noi ve kinh nghiem dang nho trog doi[/FONT]
[FONT=.VnTime]Dear Trang,[/FONT]
[FONT=.VnTime]I am writing this letter to tell you my most memorable past experience in my life. It happened last week. On morning Sunday last week, when I was preparing to go out, suddenly it rained. My mother told me to bring a raincoat but because it is small rain, I didn't bring. But when I went to home, the wind got up, the sky became dark with clouds and It was raining more and more heavily. I decided to go home in rain without raincoat or[/FONT] umbrella[FONT=.VnTime]. Afternoon, I felt tired and headache. Then evening, I had [/FONT]cold heavy[FONT=.VnTime]. Throughout night, my mother worried and cared for me. when I see my mother beside me and worry about me so. I promise to myself never to do so again. [/FONT]
[FONT=.VnTime]I hope you won't do it as me. [/FONT]
[FONT=.VnTime]Your friend,[/FONT]
[FONT=.VnTime]noi ve kinh nghiem dang nho trog doi[/FONT]
[FONT=.VnTime]Dear Trang,[/FONT]
[FONT=.VnTime]I am writing this letter to tell you my most memorable past experience in my life. It happened last week. On morning Sunday last week, when I was preparing to go out, suddenly it rained. My mother told me to bring a raincoat but because it is small rain, I didn't bring. But when I went to home, the wind got up, the sky became dark with clouds and It was raining more and more heavily. I decided to go home in rain without raincoat or[/FONT] umbrella[FONT=.VnTime]. Afternoon, I felt tired and headache. Then evening, I had [/FONT]cold heavy[FONT=.VnTime]. Throughout night, my mother worried and cared for me. when I see my mother beside me and worry about me so. I promise to myself never to do so again. [/FONT]
[FONT=.VnTime]I hope you won't do it as me. [/FONT]
[FONT=.VnTime]Your friend,[/FONT]
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