[ tiếng anh ] unit 1


Á quân kiên cường WC 2018
Thành viên
5 Tháng tư 2017
Quảng Trị
In today's rat race, students tend to study too hard to keep up with their peers and become workaholics. As a result, they don't care much about sharing housework with other family members, which I don't favor for doing household chores creates a closer family bond since if you share housework with your loved ones, it means that you care about your whole family, especially the homemaker. Another reason is that doing family tasks also helps us to be active instead of sitting day in, day out in front of a computer, affects positively the efficiency of students' schoolwork. In conclusion, household chores should be shared equally among family members because it benefits us in many ways.
(117 words)
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