Don't leave lights on when no one is in the room. If you are going to be out of the room for more than five minutes, turn off the light.
If you know of a light that everyone forgets to turn off, make a sticker or a sign to hang next to the switch that says "Lights Out!" or "Don't Forget!"
Where possible, use compact fluorescent light bulbs. Those funny-looking bulbs produce the same amount of light by using 1/4 of the electricity. Plus, they last for years and years without burning out.
Don't leave things turned on. Turn off the TV when no one is watching it. The same goes for computers, radios and stereos - if no one using it, turn it off.
Turn off your electric blanket when you aren't in bed.
Don't leave on your computer, TVs, radios or games that use electricity when you're not using them.
Wasting water wastes electricity. Why? Because the biggest use of electricity in most cities is supplying water and cleaning it up after it's been used!
Think about what your family buys. If you buy things that can be used over and over instead of buying disposable items that are used once and then thrown away, you will save precious natural resources. You'll also save energy used to make them, and you'll reduce the amount of landfill space we need when they are thrown away.
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