Ngoại ngữ [Tiếng Anh 9] Cần gấp!!!

Nguyễn Thị Thu Phương

Học sinh mới
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31 Tháng tám 2017
Hưng Yên
Living in the countryside is really good for your life because of these reasons:- First, living in the country can bring you a clean evironment. The air is fresher and there are lots oftrees, rice fields and rivers, you can walk on the fields or along the rivers to enjoy the clean and fresh airthere in the early morning.- Second, living in the countryside is cheaper than in the city because people there have lower income anddon’t have the habit of spending a lot of money. If you live in the country, you can save a lot of money.- Finally, people in the country are more friendly and opener than people in the city because they live neareach other. People live together in a small village so they can talk countryside can have festivals and youcan join and fell very happy.In conclusion, there are many benefits of living in the country.
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TV BQT được yêu thích nhất 2017
4 Tháng năm 2017
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THPT Thanh Thủy
Some people prefer to live downtown, close to shops, restaurants and sports facilities. Other choose to live in the countryside where it is peaceful and relaxing. Which do you prefer and why ?


In today society, many people prefer living in urban areas rather than in rural ones since there are many shopping stores, restaurants and entertainment facilities located there. However, many opinions assert that it is much better to live in the countryside, as it is comfortable, fresh, relaxing and peaceful. Personally, I choose to live in downtown, as there would be more opportunities for a young girl like me in studying, looking for a good job, and having a convenient life.
The first reason is that I am a freshman who has just graduated from University, thus living in urban areas would provide me more job opportunities since big corporations, companies and factories are mostly located there. I believe that the youths need a dynamic-competitive working environment to provide themselves challenge and useful experience and motivate them to keep learning and improving. Although living in countryside has many positive sides such as fresh food, fresh air, relaxing and calm environment and I can feel peaceful in my soul; it is still not my choice at this young age.
Secondly, another reason is that I am an outgoing person who likes meeting new people, hanging out with friends and exploring new things. Therefore, living in a peaceful place where the pace of life is slow and lack of entertainments and friends is not suitable for me. Meanwhile, the downtown provides me a convenient life with stores, restaurants, entertainments and sport facilities everywhere. Although living the life here is much more complicated than in countryside, I am still attracted and want to experience.
In conclusion, regardless of living in countryside or downtown, it is people’s choice to live where they think it is suitable for them. In my opinion, it would be a good chance for young people to live in downtown according to the reasons I mentioned above. However, as I said that it is people’s choice of where they want to spend their lives, many people who like the beauty of countryside with slow pace of life and want to leave the busy lives in downtown behind, living in the countryside would be their preference.


Some people prefer to live downtown, close to shops, restaurants and sports facilities. Other choose to live in the countryside where it is peaceful and relaxing. For me, I prefer to live downtown with three main reasons.

Firstly, downtown is the center of trading. There are thousands of foreign offices and companies which provide jobs in many fields . A graduate may be easier to get a job here. For most of young people in countryside, downtown is a paradise where they can easily find a job and have a bright future. Finding a job with high salary is the very important reason I think of when I prefer to live downtown.

Secondly, downtown is the center of information. We can keep abreast of current affairs all over the world by variety of media such as newspapers, magazines ( The Youth, The Women, The Children, The Police, The Saigon Times....), radio, television with a lot of channels and internet services. They supply us with a great deal of information, the latest news, as well as up-to-date news. Moreover, thanks to them, we can make a decision in business on time.

Finally, downtown is the center of services and entertainments. The good services are health services, supermarkets, restaurants...We can come to the hospital or health services where have a lots modern technologies, good doctors to check our health. At weekend, we can enjoy many kinds of international food without coming those countries. There are many products such as foods, toys, clothes, sundry goods which are made in our country or imported from another countries. We can buy anything we want at the supermarket or the stores. It is very convenient. Moreover, in downtown there are centers of entertainment such as clubs, bars and concert halls. We can go there to make friend and relax after a day of hard work or study.

In conclusion, living downtown is really advantages because we have many opportunities of jobs, the latest information in business and more convenient life. Those are reasons to attract young people and they are ready to leave their countryside to live downtown.


In every country, even in the most industrialized ones, there are always two different parts: urban area or downtown and the countryside. And, we can see that someone prefers to live downtown while others choose to live in the countryside.
Although we cannot deny the fact that city has many utilities such as big shopping centres with many commodities, restaurants which is full of delicious food and a great variety of sports facilities, which can make our lives more comfortable and worth of living.
Anyway, I still do not like living in the city for some reasons:
First of all,most cities now suffer from environmental pollution at an alarming rate;the water resources,canals and rivers and even trees are all severely polluted,causing many bad problems to our health and a decreased life expectancy for the old people..
Secondly, the social life sometimes turns to be very complicated and terrible because crimes, caused by social devils, drugs, prostitute, robbery, murder happen very often in our society.This situation makes us feel stressed and terrified. So, in my opinion, living in a downtown area is not suitable to me at all.
On the contrary, in the countryside, people earn their living by planting trees, fishing, hunting, raising poultry...; therefore, their lives are very peaceful and relaxing. Besides, they are so considerate and treat one another quite well. Moreover, you can live with nature and enjoy its pure beautiful landscapes. While breathing clean and fresh air, you can bathe in unpolluted canals, rivers without worrying about the toxic and poisonous atmosphere like in the city.
In short, it is admitted that the standard of living in the rural areas is not as good as the downtown, I still prefer to live in it.


Everyone would like to choose an ideal dwelling place that suits their lifestyle, hobbies and character. I am a modern and dynamic person, thus that is the reason why I love nothing better than living downtown. There are some following reasons for explaining my idea:
The more modern the life becomes, the higher demand is. If we are sporty fans, sporty clubs and stadiums are the best places for us to express our indulgences in pleasure. If we are fashion believers, why do not we go to renowned shops to own our favorite clothes?... In short, in downtown, we can do anything to meet our own demand. More examples, on our birthdays, wedding anniversaries or other parties, we will not have to spend much time on considering and preparing everything, just needing a booking call, a perfect party will be served in a restaurant according to our pleasure; or after a hard-working week, we can throw out our stress and fatigue by experiencing in spas, it will bring us wonderful moments that we desire to have a real life; … In downtown, everything is developing in such a way to supply people with their demand: social services such as medicine, education, entertainment, commerce, means of communication or many things else. We do not need to move away to be supplied, everything is right in our hands. In other words, they will make our life easier and more comfortable.
The second reason, life in downtown will help us expand and enhance our relationship. The population is densely concentrated in areas that have good living conditions. Therefore, we may meet many people in our work as well as in daily life. Our life will become more dynamic and colourful because of meetings and conversations every day. The last reason, living in such a surroundings, we will have so many opportunities of getting a good job. It is nearly unable to be unemployed as around us, there are many businesses and enterprises.
In short, downtown is truly an ideal dwelling place for those who want to have a comfortable, convenient and easy life. At least, we do not have to be in boredomand deprivation as life in countryside.


Cities and countryside are different in some aspects. Cities are more modern with more opportunities for young people. In contrast, countryside is a good choice for people who want peace. That is the reason why I prefer to live in the countryside because of its peace, clear air as well as friendly and kind people.
The rural environment is fully peaceful with less crime and no noisy. Crime is very rare in the country. The people here are so mild and honest that they hardly ever have a thought of committing crime even if it is a slight one, namely a burglary. Besides, rural areas are not noisy because there are not so many vehicles running around all day and factories as in urban areas. The people mainly travel on foot rather than any other kinds of transportations. Fewer vehicles and factories contribute to clean air – a special feature of the countryside.
Rural areas are covered by uncontaminated air. Fewer transports and industrial parks mean that there are fewer emissions or toxic gases which are considered the main causes of air pollution worldwide. Furthermore, there are a lot of trees, weeds and farms. They seem to be very useful in cleaning the air. They really help the environment in the countryside to be improved, while that in the cities is destroyed to some great extent.
Another reason why I choose to live in the countryside instead of cities is that the people here are very friendly and kind. They welcome everyone who visits their place and are always willing to help other people if necessary. Relationships between neighbors are in such great bonds that they spend time sharing with each other about almost everything from time to time. Also, whenever someone has troubles, his friends, families or neighbors always stand by him and support him.
Each one will have each view. But in my opinion, I firmly believe that living in such a relaxing, clean and friendly place like the countryside is a good choice for me.
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