[Tiếng anh 8] hùng biện



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Mấy bài dưới đây mình sưu tầm trên mạng và tự chỉnh sửa theo lối hành văn của mình. Mong những bài văn này có thể giúp ích cho bạn! :D

Benefits of Listening to Music

Music is one of the few activities that involves using the whole brain. It is intrinsic to all cultures and can have surprising benefits not only for improving memory and focusing attention, but also for physical coordination and development. Of course, music can be distracting if it's too loud or too jarring, or if it competes for our attention with what we're trying to do. But for the most part, exposure to many kinds of music has beneficial effects.

Overall, music does have positive effects on pain management. Music can help reduce both the sensation and distress of both chronic pain and postoperative pain. Listening to music can reduce chronic pain from a range of painful conditions, including osteoarthritis, disc problems and rheumatoid arthritis, by up to 21% and depression by up to 25%, according to a paper in the latest UK-based Journal of Advanced Nursing. Music therapy is increasingly used in hospitals to reduce the need for medication during childbirth, to decrease postoperative pain and complement the use of anesthesia during surgery.

Next, the power of music to affect memory is quite intriguing. Mozart's music and baroque music, with a 60 beats per minute beat pattern, activates the left and right brain. The simultaneous left and right brain action maximizes learning and retention of information. The information being studied activates the left brain while the music activates the right brain. Also, activities which engage both sides of the brain at the same time, such as playing an instrument or singing, cause the brain to be more capable of processing information.

Finally, easy listening music or relaxing classics improves the duration and intensity of concentration in all age groups and ability levels. It's not clear what type of music is better, or what kind of musical structure is necessary to help, but many studies have shown significant effects.

In conclusion, I think music has many beneficial effects to the whole brain such as reducing pain, and improving memory performance or concentration and attention.


Benefits of Travelling

If you are a keen traveller, you are perhaps a step closer to reducing anxiety or stress and improving your social skills as well. There are more benefits of packing your bag and travelling.

Firstly, travellers improve thier social skills. Meeting new people is one of the great upsides of travelling. Whether it's chatting up your roommate, making small talk with your seat-mate on a train or having a lively discussion at a local bar, you will be forced to improve your social skills (especially if you're travelling solo). If new situations tend to make you anxious, travelling is a sure way to take steps toward reducing that anxiety.

Secondly, travelling reduces stress. Taking time off is an obvious way to recharge and reduce stress levels. But while staying home and resting is a worthy use of your time off, travelling removes you from your everyday life and lets you truly escape. Travelling lets you put aside your daily responsibilities and focus on yourself for a moment. When you return home you'll feel refreshed and have the motivation you felt drained of before you left.

Finally, you will be more patient while travelling. Travel can involve a lot of waiting. You'll wait in lines, for flights or at restaurants. Learning how to cope with those waits, how to make conversation with those you're waiting with and how to stay calm in frustratingly slow situations will teach you how to remain patient and calm in all situations.

To sum up, I think travelling have a lot of benefits. It improves your social skills, reduces stress, and also teaches you to be more patient.


Differences between the life in city and country

There are many differences between the life in city and country. Someone tell me he liked country's life because he wanted to enjoy the fresh air, natural sence and people in country was very nice, friendly. Do you live in the country, and what do you feel about it? Please tell me something you think. I like to live in city although it is noisy and polutted air ,traffic jam and some thing else but I love it. I love business, active and friendly people. I think everyone all has one thought. We can't talk that our thoughts are right. I hope you will find where you really want to live in.

In my opinion, the countryside is a beautiful place. I love it because it is qiuet and life here is very slow and easy. We never have to queue in shops and we can drive bikes on street comfortably because there isn't much heavy traffic .In the countryside, people plant vegetables and raise cattle themselves. So the food is very fresh here. In addition, the air is clean. Every morning, we can enjoy the fresh air to have a good health. The people are very friendly. Everyone knows each other and if someone has a problem, there are always people who can help. However, there is somethings I don't like about the conuntryside. It's too quiet. There’s nothing to do in the everning. It aren’t many parks, movie theaters, or entertainment center. It makes me feel bored. Another problem is that people always talk about each other and everyone knows what others are doing. Moreover, most of the roads are narrow and quite wet when it rains. That is very difficult for students to go to school.

The city life is the opposite. There are many things to see and enjoy so most of the people live there. In our freetime, we can go to the zoo, play games and join many other activities as well. There many schools and hospitals here. People can choose the best school for their children and visit the hospital when neccesary... Nowaday, more and more people are moving to the city. Living in the city helps many families earn a lot of money to improve their life. There are many kinds of food here and they are very dilecous. But most of the people in the city are not very friendly. Each person has a private life. In the ohter hand, life in the city is always a truggle with pluttion and jam traffic so some people feel tired. The stress in the city are always full of the traffics. Cars, motobikes... can be seen running up and down all day. Sometimes, there are some accident and some people died as a result.

To sum up,I think each place has each own benefits ang limitations. I want to live in the country. I like living here. Howerver, I thing the city life is better than the countryside in education. But it is my oppinion. What do you think? Where do you want to live? It all depends on you.


How and why I started learning English

I started learning English when I was eight. At first, I only learnt as a subject at school. I thought English wasn't helpful. But soon I realized that English has always been worldwide spoken. Since then, I have tried harder to learn English. As the time goes by, I become interested in English. And now I keep learning English as a hobby.

I suggest that when you are learning a language, you should enjoy it. That how I have been learning English since I started seriously. The more you use what you have learnt, the more you improve. I am sure many people who are very good at English will be shocked to meet others who are even better, and I was one of them at first. Think in this way, you have more than one teacher to learn from. When you are talking with other people, teach them what you know, then you will learn what they know. By changing how you think, the levels do not exist.

After all, I believe English is really useful in daily life. If you know how to start learning it, you are on your first step to the success in the future.


Air pollution in Hanoi

It seems that the air in some big cities is seriously polluted. And, Hanoi is a example of the serious air pollution.

One of the major sources of air pollution in Hanoi is the internal-combustion engine, which doesn’t burn all fuel. In addition to emitting carbon dioxide and various oxides of nitrogen, it gives off incompletely burned wasted products. Chemical pollutants such as chlorofluorocarbon, often used in air conditioners, also pose a serious environmental threat. When these pollutants reach the stratosphere, they destroy the natural ozone layer that acts as an umbrella to shield the earth from ultraviolet radiation.

Therefore, the government should set up standard for emission control of vehicles for registration. All new vehicles are required to conform to the emission control regulation. A daily information of air pollution level in Hanoi should also be developed and provided. This will provide timely information in the event of high pollution days, and raise awareness on the environment issue.

The air pollution problem in Hanoi is now approaching those of larger cities in the region. Unless a focused and integrated plan is implemented, the situation of air pollution here will be getting worse and harder to contain in the future.



There are many different opinions about the controversial issue of students' part time jobs. Personally, I think it is good for students to have jobs even when they are still at school.

First of all, when having a job, students can learn to be more independent. Moreover, they can learn how to communicate or work with other people efficiently.

Secondly, students can earn money by themselves to understand the value of money. When doing that, they will know how hard to make money and how to take care of their budget.

Last but not least, doing part time jobs is a good preparation for their future career. In fact, they can practice their knowledge studied at school in real work.

To sum up, I strongly believe that doing part time jobs is good for students as it is the first step for them to get success in life.

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Physical exercise

I have heard many times that 'Health is Wealth'. There is nothing more important than your own health. So it is my opinion that physical exercise should be a required part of every school day.

Regular exercise will provide relaxation to mind and body. Students generally will not study continuously. So after certain time they need refreshment. Physical exercise will relieve students' stress from studies for a moment. This will eventually result in relaxation of mind and body.

Besides exercising regularly will make students healthy. Regular exercise also could be a game such as football, hockey, cricket and judo karate. Playing these games will make their bones and muscles stronger. Moreover playing these they will generate interest in sports as well. Some of the students may take one of the game as their career.

It will generate bilateral thinking in students. Students who both study and exercise regularly will be able to do dual thinking. They will be able to think in either way around. So overall development of a student will be achieved. They will be sharp in studies as well as in other activities.

After considering these many advantages that physical exercise has, I think physical exercise should be a required part of every school day.


Travel broadens the mind

I guess everybody will agree that travel broadens the mind. Getting out of the place where you always live and then going to an unfamiliar and strange place will be a kind of unforgettable experience in your life.

When you travel, you interact with more and more people and you come to know about your true self, your worth. For the first time, definately you'll make mistakes and relatives'll be embarrassing as well.... But years later, you have a big collection of mistakes called experience, which will definately lead you to success. When you travel, you meet new people with different cultures, their own traditions, customs and social norms. During trvelling exchange of knowledge, thoughts and feelings, healthy discussions on topics such as politics, current affairs, general knowledge awareness would be experienced.

After gaining so much, you'll become a versatile person and you'll have more strentgh to face and tackle your problems. The style and the way you used to perceive things would be changed. Surprisingly, your vision from narrow will transform into a broader one. You'll get more independent, practical, logistic, understanding and a matured person than before....

Well travelling is just one side of touching new country. But it is the best way to broaden your mind and enlarge your vision.


Noise pollution

Nowadays, noise pollution is becoming a serious problem in society. However, it has not appropriated level of consideration yet. Noise pollution is increasingly indifferent to abuses by many people, although its influence in our lives is extremely dangerous. Big cities recieve most influence by noise-polluted. There are many causes of seriously noise pollution in big cities. But mostly because three main factors: traffic, manufacturing industry and human activities.

First of all, traffic become the biggest threat increases the intensity of noise pollution. With the increase of transport, traffic congestion in big cities become more severe, the noise coming from the engine is also increasing. Not only that, car horn’s honk cause noise pollution, too.

Next, presence of the manufacturing industry, the use of machinery is considered indispensable. However, due to the short of sense of manufacturer and some industrial zones cause noise pollution level is increasing. Big cities also have many manufactering plants and industrial zones.

Finally, the human activities in big cities are very abundant and complicate that contribute to noise pollution. The turning on loudly players also impact negatively on hearing of peaple, especially the discos or bars. This is a factor of noise pollution that is considered the most difficult handle and only rely on people sense mainly.

In coclusion, all those reasons explain why most big cities are noise-polluted. Noise effect negatively on hearing and cause sleep disorders as well human cardiovascular disease. Hope that in the future, people would concern about stainded to minimize noise.


Why people attend to university

Nowadays, attending to college or university is one of the most important issues for juveniles. Benefits such as career preparation and improving knowledge have motivated people to attend to university.

First reason for attending to university, in my point of view, is career preparation. In order to apply for the better jobs, people try to make their resume stronger than others. In the marathon of getting jobs, who granduated from university have more priority than ungranduated ones. Granduating from university make us more skillful, and also become an expert.

Second reason that I believe motivates people to attend university is improving knowledge. Human being has desire for learning more, and always tried for that. In addition, in today's world with the mess of information, everyday we have to know more worth things than the previous day. Attending to university performs an opportunity for learning new matters, such as cultures, various cults, religions, and a variety of popular subjects.

In my opinion, two main reasons for joining university are career preparation and improving knowledge. Today, people think they can obviate these things they need by attending to university. Therefore, most people are studying or wishing to study in college or university.


Control The Press

Nowadays, one of the most controversial issues related to mass media is the amount of control posed on newspapers, televisions and websites. It is argued whether the government should exercise more restriction on media or provide free access of information to the public. Personally, I strongly believe that the government should increase the level of control to protect the public against inappropriate and potentially harmful contents.

One of the strong arguments in favour of tighter media control is to limit the violent contents. They have a serious impact on people in their puberty. A few years ago, there was a game show which involved throwing rocks to the losers. This is actually very environmentally unfriendly. So, we should ban programmes or articles with incorrect social values.

The major opposing argument is the protection of citizens. In other words, the government should disclose the information to the media in a timely manner, especially for disasters and outbreak of new diseases. Taking the SARS in 2003 as an example, the Chinese government limited the amount of information for public access which therefore caused numerous deaths. Another perspective on this is to prevent the citizen from unnecessary fear and unrest.

Both sides of the arguments have its merits and demerits. My personal view is that despite the emphasis on citizen safety, the government should regulate the correct amount of violent content and censor the culturally unsuitable information. Setting up a council to monitor the media to the public could be a practical idea.


The Internet

Over the past decade, internet has spread out rapidly to the every corner of the world and it is becoming an indispensable part of our lives. Obviously, it has become overwhelmingly popular due to a large amount of benefits it has brought about. However, many would argue that internet itself creates a great deal of grave danger and its misuse can be fatal.

The foremost target of internet has always been the communication. For example, one can communicate in a fraction of second with the other who is sitting in a different part of the world via internet. Through plenty messenger services in offering, a kind of global friendship has become easy to establish. Besides, internet has provided a substantial number of strong points in many other areas such as information, entertainment, ecommerce and so on.

Nonetheless, when using the internet, people may be facing serious danger as many aspects like theft of personal information, spamming or virus threat. Among these respects, pornography is perhaps the most burning threat related to children. For instance, recently, there have been thousands of pornographic sites on the internet that can be easily found and can be a detrimental factor to letting children use Internet.

In conclusion, indeed, an ideal world cannot have an omittance of the internet as its advantages vastly outweigh the drawbacks. That is to say, the internet is likely to be a lever improving relationships of a community, giving a hand to establish and develop a basis of knowledge.


Decisions of children over 15

Because of the easy access to information, and better education system today, children over 15 have greater knowledge and confidence. But this has not given them the emotional maturity or experience to take important decisions without the active participation of parents or teachers.

The important decisions that children above the age of 15 take, can easily go wrong, because of the lack of experience and the temperamental nature of their decision making process. For example, as the age of 15 is crucial period for them to lay a foundation in their educational career, if not properly guided, there could be a danger of greater school dropouts and career choices that would not match their intellectual aptitudes.

Parents and teachers who have greater experience and emotional maturity should guide them at this age, but at the same time should not impose their ideas on them.

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What you have learned about a country from its movies

Watching movies is a famous entertainment activity. Movies can also provides us knowledge about the country where they are produced, such as culture, history, sports, etc.

Begin with my own example, sometimes, the forgein tourists ask me about my country because they're excited to know something about it. My suggestion has always been watching movies to achieve more information. They will know everthing about the culture of a country that way.

In addition, some movies are based on real stories from history. So, we can get information about the history of that country. For example, China is very famous for its historical movies. Those movies have succeeded in interesting spectators in Chinese history.

Finally, sports is also another important part which we find in movies from the country. For example, I had never knew about American football and used to think it's the same as British one. But, after watching movies, I knew the difference between them.

In sum, there are lots of things we can learn from movies. They are the best option to obtain knowledge about culture, history, sports, etc. of the country where they made.


Reasons to Study History

When I was in school, we learned about the world in seemingly unrelated snippets. My teachers called the subject Social Studies. Social Studies remains a core subject in many educational systems today. I think schools often do Social Studies because it's a unit and you can just pop it into places when you have time. It's expedient, but I don't think it's a very effective way to learn. Even though, I still believe children need to study History.

First of all, history provides the framework we need to make sense of our world. With Social Studies, I never learned the big-picture of history and how the world works. But a history-based curriculum gives children the framework of knowledge they need. As you move through time you give them a cohesive map of knowledge they will build on their entire lives. As they learn new information, they can "place" that knowledge in the appropriate place in their mental map.

Next, history helps us make wise decisions. Did you know that the pilgrims attempted socialism? As we study history, we see they created a common storehouse and asked everyone to bring the food in; they were going to share all things. These pilgrims all shared the same cultural background, worshiped in the same way, and believed in a common cause. But after one season, they decided that socialism didn't work. They discovered that if people didn't have rewards, they didn't work hard enough. As we study history, we can learn helpful lessons for our world today from the past.

Finally, we understand God values in history. This was a new thought for me recently. I believe God honors history. Think of the Bible: it's divided into 66 books, and many of them are direct history. They tell the story of what happened to specific people, in a specific place, at a specific time. And there's a lot of history in the other books as well. God wants us to read this history and learn from it. So even God thinks history is something worth spending time thinking about and reasoning on. I've heard that the Bible may be the only Holy Book that includes history. Just something to ruminate on!

So my challenge to homeschoolers is to skip the scattered Social Studies approach and instead study History. Let's learn from history, as history helps us live with wisdom and make sense of our world.


Technology cannot replace teachers

There is an onslaught of technology on the modern classroom. Teachers, administrators, parents, and students alike are being told that technology is the whetstone with which we can all sharpen our education system. The influx of technology means there is a greater need for teachers. The modern teacher must be willing to take chances and able to figure out how not just how technology works, but how it works for each student, and where its use is most appropriate.

Personalized tech-infused learning is the future of education. We started Modern Lessons in an effort to bring all teachers, parents, and students around the world up to speed on modern technology. However, when someone mentions using technology in education, the conversation shifts away from education and pedagogy, and transforms into dreams of shiny new gizmos and gadgets filling our classrooms. A classroom with one iPad or one laptop for every student may offer opportunities that a classroom with one computer for the teacher to use does not. But technology in such abundance is not education's magic bullet. Instead of having an all-technology-all-the-time classroom, teachers should leverage the technology when it can ameliorate the lesson. Project-based learning activities don't have to happen in totally tech driven environments.

One thing we feel strongly about: teachers aren't going anywhere. Whatever word you choose - teacher, tutor, preceptor, or something else - the role a teacher plays in the classroom is huge. Everyone knows this on a personal level, and can identify a teacher or mentor who has had influence on us or changed our trajectories in a positive way. Teachers are not, and cannot be automatons handing out information to students. They are leaders, guides, facilitators, and mentors. They encourage students when they struggle, and inspire them to set and reach for their goals. They are role models, leading by example and giving direction when necessary.

A computer can give information, but a teacher can lend a hand, or an ear, and discern what's necessary for a student to succeed, and to want to succeed. So yes, technology is going to play a critical role in the future of education. But not as big role as that of a teacher.


The advantages and disadvantages of a child in a large family

As we know, the most valuable thing in life is family. Family means home, love, and everything. Many people want to live in a large family. They have to look at both the advantages and the disadvantages.

A large family has some very strong advantages. First of all, it has a lot of members and there is more than one earning member in a large family. In addition, a large family also has a joyful atmosphere. At the end of the day, members all sit and talk about their good experiences, their problems and possible solutions together. Last but not less, a large family can save money. Because they all live together, the cost becomes lower in total.

There are several disadvantages of a large family, too. Firstly, there is hardly any privacy. It is hard to be alone because there are so many people living in one house. Secondly, a large family often has more expenses than a small one. A large family has to budget their money so that everyone can have enough food and clothes to live. Finally, in a large family, there is more responsibility on the parents to take care of all the children. It takes a lot of work for parents to make sure that all of their children grow up to be good people.

After all, living in a large family has its own advantages and disadvantages. But, as long as everyone in the family loves each other, all problems will be solved.


The media you like best

Music, the media I like best, is one of a few activities that involves using the whole brain. It can have surprising benefits for memory, attention and physical coordination.

Overall, music can help reduce both the sensation and distress of both chronic pain and postoperative pain. Listening to music can reduce chronic pain from a range of painful conditions by up to 21% and depression by up to 25%.

Next, the power of music to affect memory is quite intriguing. Mozart's music and baroque music, with a 60 beats per minute beat pattern, activates the left and right brain. The simultaneous left and right brain action maximizes learning and retention of information. The information being studied activates the left brain while the music activates the right brain.

Finally, easy listening music or relaxing classics improves the duration and intensity of concentration in all age groups and ability levels. It's not clear what type of music is better, or what kind of musical structure is necessary to help, but many studies have shown significant effects.

In conclusion, I like music due to its beneficial effects to the whole brain such as reducing pain, and improving memory performance or concentration and attention.


What career would you like to choose after leaving school​
Today, it is not easy to choose a career. Hundreds of students pass various examinations every year and compete with one another for positions in the various professions . I would, however, like to choose game creating as my career, which most of people think it's impossible.

Unlike people's thought, game creating is an interesting career for several reasons. First of all, I like games and have a great imagination. It's a sound basis of game creation. In addition, as a game creator, I can learn many things. If I creat a game about History, for example, I have to read many books to make my game more real and interesting to my players. So, I can acquire more knowledge of the subjects that I want to creat game about. Also, to be a game creator, I have to express my ideas in the way that my players will be able to understand and be interested in my games. In this way I can improve my vocabulary to great extent. Last but not least, a great game creator will be respected by many people. People will assume that you have certain qualifications in creating game and show their regard for you and the opinions that you express. Thus, you will be able to live a happy respectful life.

It seems unusual to choose game creating as a career. But, with those reasons above, I still think I will choose it as my career for my interest, knowledge, vocabulary, and respect.


Computer currently helps me much in my study​

First of all, it helps me format my lessons effectively. I often type my lessons on the computer and format them to make them attractive to eyes so that I may learn them by heart quickly and review them conveniently.

Next, computer helps me keep my materials safely for future use. Today, beside the hard drive, I often bring my USB’s with me and use them to save all what I want at any time and place.

Moreover, I often updatemy materials on the screen. This enables me to create clear and tidy versions of materials and save up much time for other activities. On the other hand, computer is the most helpful friend helping me learn information and knowledge on the internet.

Thanks to computer, I often access the internet and learn many things. Computer has made my understanding better day by day and become indispensable for my study.
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