Ngoại ngữ Bài tập Tiếng Anh 10 unit 1+2


Học sinh tiến bộ
Thành viên
10 Tháng năm 2017
Nghệ An
Trường Tâm
1. A
2. B
3. B
4. A
5. A
6. B
7. B
8. D
9. C
10. B
11. B
12. A
13. A
14. C
15. C
16. A
17. A
18. C
19. D
20. B
21. C
22. D
23. A
24. D
25. B
3. The film hasn't shown on TV nearly for 10 years
4. I haven't visited the city for 5 years
5. I last attended the club in 1998
6. I last saw him 2 months ago
7. I last went swimming 2 years ago
1. I haven't played football since 1970
2. It hasn't rained for a fortnight
3. Lucy hasn't wore the dress since Barbara's wedding
4. My father hasn't been to Vung Tau for 2 years
5. Betty hasn't ridden to work for a fortnight
6. The last time he played tennis in 1990
7. The last time I met her 2 months ago
1. Tom has been playing the piano for 4 years
2. I have been cooking for the party for 4 hours
3. She has been working as a secretary for 2 years
4. My sister has been studying English for 1 year
5. My father has been reading a newspaper for 2 hours
6. Scientists have been fighting againist AIDS since 1980
7. The Browns began to living in London 20 years ago
8. John started working for this electronics film in 1999
9. Women began to fight for their rights in the middle of 20 th century
10. Jack and Jill started learning to drive 2 weeks ago
11. ..... chịu
12. This hospital has been using laser treatment for 5 years
13. She has been working as a book keeper for this company for 5 years
14. I started working for the company a year ago
15. She has been studying English for 6 years
16. When did you start studying English?
17. How long have you researched on lung cancer?
1. This is the first time my father has driven a car
2. It's the first time i've met such a famous singer
3. ....
p/s: mệt quá, các bài còn lại tự giải nha
Last edited:


Giải Danh dự "Thử thách cùng Box Hóa 2017"
Thành viên
3 Tháng chín 2014
Bình Định
1. A
2. B
3. B
4. A
5. A
6. B
7. B
8. D
9. C
10. B
11. B
12. A
13. A
14. C
15. C
16. A
17. A
18. C
19. D
20. B
21. C
22. D
23. A
24. D
25. B
3. The film hasn't shown on TV nearly for 10 years
4. I haven't visited the city for 5 years
5. I last attended the club in 1998
6. I last saw him 2 months ago
7. I last went swimming 2 years ago
1. I haven't played football since 1970
2. It hasn't rained for a fortnight
3. Lucy hasn't wore the dress since Barbara's wedding
4. My father hasn't been to Vung Tau for 2 years
5. Betty hasn't ridden to work for a fortnight
6. The last time he played tennis in 1990
7. The last time I met her 2 months ago
1. Tom has been playing the piano for 4 years
2. I have been cooking for the party for 4 hours
3. She has been working as a secretary for 2 years
4. My sister has been studying English for 1 year
5. My father has been reading a newspaper for 2 hours
6. Scientists have been fighting againist AIDS since 1980
7. The Browns began to living in London 20 years ago
8. John started working for this electronics film in 1999
9. Women began to fight for their rights in the middle of 20 th century
10. Jack and Jill started learning to drive 2 weeks ago
11. ..... chịu
12. This hospital has been using laser treatment for 5 years
13. She has been working as a book keeper for this company for 5 years
14. I started working for the company a year ago
15. She has been studying English for 6 years
16. When did you start studying English?
17. How long have you researched on lung cancer?
1. This is the first time my father has driven a car
2. It's the first time i've met such a famous singer
3. ....
p/s: mệt quá, các bài còn lại tự giải nha
Mình làm tiếp nhé
3.It is the first time she has been to the ballet.
4.This is the first time she has drunk Coca cola.
5.It is the first time I've read this book.
6.It is the first time I've met such an intelligent student.
7.This is the first time I've seen snow.
8.My grandfather has never been in hospital before.
1.It is over 3 months since Tom last had his hair cut.
2.It is 2 years since my father last went to Hanoi.
3.It is ... years since I last enjoyed myself so much.
4. It is 2 years since I last ate this kind of food.
5.It is ... hours since Mary last rang.
6.It is 4 years since We last saw him.
7.I haven't gone to see them for over a year.
8.i haven't played football for more than ten years.
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