bạn tham khảo nha: solutions of..........
+) water polution:
ligistion :serval forms of legislation have bên passed in recents decades to ry to control wwater polution.These indicator bacteria súggests that a certain selection of water maybe contain inated with untreated sewage .These legistions are important part in the fight a gainst water polution.Congress has passed laws to try to combat water polution thus aeknowleding the fact that water polition is indeeed, aserioussue.But the goverment alone can't solve the entire problem.wwe must become familiar with our local water resources and learn about ways for disposing harmful house hold wastes so they don't end in sewage treatment plants that can' handle them.we must determine
+) soil polution
Nowadays, environtment is being polluted seriously and soil pollution is one of the problems concerned múch by science ànd gẻneral public.As u know, soil chemiscal , salts, radioactive materials, or diease causing agents , which have adverse effectives on plant growth and animal health.
there are many ways to reduce land polution.The most common way is to remove the soil and deposit it in landfills or incinerate it. these methods , however , often exchange one problem for another : landfills mêrely confines the poluted soil while doing little to decontaminate it, and incineration removes toxic organic materials from the soil ,but subsequently releases them into the air, in the process causing airpoplution .The other way to decontaminate polluted soil is developing the removal and recovery of heavy metals vairious soil washing techniques.Beside, people should limit construction in sensitive areas, recycle garbage and reduce use of herbicides ànd pesticides .If people can do that , the soil polution will be solve.
, I except it can help you! good luck^^