English THCS Test 12 ôn thi hsg


Học sinh chăm học
Thành viên
13 Tháng một 2019
Bình Phước
[TẶNG BẠN] TRỌN BỘ Bí kíp học tốt 08 môn
Chắc suất Đại học top - Giữ chỗ ngay!!

ĐĂNG BÀI NGAY để cùng trao đổi với các thành viên siêu nhiệt tình & dễ thương trên diễn đàn.

Làm và giải thích cụ thể

I. Chọn phương án đúng (A, B, C hoặc D) ứng với từ có phần gạch chân phát âm khác ba từ còn lại.
1. A. cover B. optional C. tropical D. hobby
2. A. purpose B. course C. comprise D. collapse
3. A. capture B. planet C. volcano D. campus
4. A. charity B. chopstick C. exchange D. champagne
5. A. ordered B. relaxed C. sprayed D. received
II. Chọn phương án đúng (A, B, C hoặc D) để hoàn thành câu.
6. He’s taken his medicine, ________?
A. hasn’t he B. didn’t he C. doesn’t he D. isn’t he
7. My parents have stayed in Dublin _______ two weeks.
A. during B. for C. about D. at
8. She _______ a very amusing article in one of the newspapers yesterday.
A. found B. find C. finds D. has found
9. _______ more than one hundred elements are known, only 25 of them are common and important.
A. Because B. Although C. Whether D. Since
10. Mother’s Day is _______ May.
A. on B. in C. at D. for
11. Can this be a little girl _______ hair I used to stroke.
A. which B. whose C. of whom D. who’s
12. I’m sorry I _______ you party. I was away at that time.
A. lost B. failed C. passed D. missed
13. John’s grandfather’s daughter could be John’s son’s _______.
A. grandmother B. great aunt C. granddaughter D. sister
14. – “How was the concert last night?” - “It was _______”
A. disappointing B. disappointed C. disappoint D. being disappointed
15. How long _______ French?
A. do you study B. have you studied C. did you studied D. you have studied
16. Peter works from nine _______ five.
A. from B. to C. in D. out
17. – “I’m leaving a note to Marry”
– Hurry up,_______ you will miss the train.
A. or B. and C. but D. so
18. She said she _______ to me but she didn’t.
A. would write B. will have written C. will write D. would have written
19. How much would you _______ for repairing my watch.
A. charge B. cost C. pay D. spend
20. Tom didn’t get up until nine that morning and he arrived at the meeting _______.
A. too late much B. too much late C. much too late D. late too much
21. Everyone dislikes _______ in the public.
A. to laugh at B. laughed at C. laughing at D. being laughed at
22. – “How long have you been here?” - _______ here three weeks ago”
A. I. came B. I’d be C. I have been D. I’d been
23. –“Have a nice weekend!” –“________”
A. The same to you B. You do, too C. The same as you D. You have it, too
24. I thought you ________ like something to read.
A. may B.might C. could D. must
25. You will become ill ________ you stop working hard.
A. until B. when C. unless D. if
26. I teach at a university, ________ is the centre of town.
A. where B. which C. when D. that
27. I spoke very slowly ________ he didn’t understand English very well.
A. so that B. because C. to D. because of
28. HEAT is to HOT as BEAUTY is to ________.
A. pretty B. beautiful C. beauties D. beauty
29. If you rearrange the letter “ANLDEGN”, you’ll have a name of a (an) ________.
A. ocean B. country C. state D. animal
III. Đọc kỹ đoạn văn sau sau đó chọn phương án đúng điền vào chỗ trống.
You have probably never heard of Charles Burgess Fry but in the early years of this century, he was the
most famous man in England. He became(30) _______ while still at the university, mainly (31) _______ of his sporting achievements. He is at the same time, captain of the university football, cricket and atheletics teams and held the world record for the long jump. He was (32) _______a popular sport journalist. He was so famous that letters addresses to “Mr. Fry, Oxford” were delivered to him (33) _______ any difficulty. His college, although it had a quite different name, (34) _______ known as “Fry’s College”.
30. A. fame B. rich C. well-known D. common
31. A. because B. that C. which D. thus
32. A. so B. too C. also D. of
33. A. with B. without C. no D. not
34. A. be B. which C. what D. was
IV. Đọc kỹ đoạn văn sau sau đó chọn phương án đúng điền vào chỗ trống.
The Korean education system basically consists of primary schools, (35)______ schools, high schools
and colleges (36)______ universities, with graduate courses to Ph.D. degrees . Primary education is compulsory for children aged six (37)______eleven. The basic primary school curriculum is generally divided into eight (38)______: the Korean language, social studies, science, mathematics, ethics, physical education, music and fine arts. Students in secondary schools are required to take a number of additional subjects, such as English, and can take electives, such as technical or vocational courses. Afterwards, students can (39)______between general education and vocational high schools. In general, high school tends to be strict, as college and university admission is very competitive.
35. A. second B. secondary C. among D. half
36. A. as B. or C. but D. so
37. A. from B. for C. with D. to
38. A. subjects B. courses C. topics D. titles
39. A. choose B. test C. wish D. consist
V. Đọc kỹ đoạn văn sau sau đó chọn phương án đúng để trả lời cho các câu hỏi.
- From far out in space, Earth looks like a blue ball. Since water covers three fourths of the Earth’s
surface, blue is the color we see most. The continents look brown, like small islands floating in the huge, blue sea. White clouds wrap around the Earth like a light blanket. The Earth is shaped like a sphere, or a ball. It is 25,000 miles round! It would take more than a year to walk around the whole planet. A spaceship can fly around the widest part of the sphere in only 90 minutes.
- Even though spaceships have traveled to the moon, people cannot visit the Moon without special suits. The Moon has no air or water. Plants and animals can’t live there either. Astronauts first landed on the Moon in 1969. After that, there were six more trips to the Moon. They brought back Moon’s rock, which scientists are still studying. There are holes, or craters, all over the Moon’s surface. Scientists believe that meteorities smashed into the Moon millions of years ago and formed craters.
- The sun is the closest star to Earth. A star is a hot ball of burning gas. The sun looks very big because it is so close. But the sun is just a medium-sized star. Billions of far-away stars are much bigger than our Sun. The burning gases from the sun are so hot that they warm the Earth from 93 million miles away! Even though the Sun is always glowing, the night here on Earth is dark. That’s because the Earth rotates, or turns around, every 24 hours. During the day, the Earth faces the Sun. Then we see light. During the night, the Earth turns away from the Sun. Then it faces the darkness of space. Each day we learn more about the Earth, the Moon, and the Sun.
40. Why is blue the color we see most when looking at Earth from outer space.
A. Because most of the Earth is covered in land.
B. Because the sun’s rays make the Earth look blue.
C. Because most of the Earth is covered in water.
D. Because clouds wrap around the Earth.
41. What does the word “formed” mean?
A. hit B. made C. broke D. stopped
42. What causes daylight on Earth?
A. The full Moon causes daylight.
B. Daylight is caused by the Earth facing away from the Sun.
C. The heat of the Sun’s rays causes daylight.
D. Daylight is caused by the Earth facing toward the Sun.
43. Which of the following sentences best describes the Sun?
A. The sun looks small because it’s so dar from the Earth.
B. The Sun is a ball of burning gases that gives the Earth heat and light.
C. The Sun is a small star.
D. The Sun is not as hot as it looks.
44. Why did the astronauts bring rocks back from the moon.
A. Because they didn’t know if they would return to the Moon ever again.
B. Because they wanted to prove that they went to the moon.
C. Because they wanted to study them and learn more about the moon.
45. What is the main idea of the article?
A. plants and animals can’t live on the Moon.
B. Without the Sun we would have no heat or light.
C. We know a lot about the Earth, Moon, and Sun, but there is still more to learn
D. From outer space, the Earth looks tiny, even though it is thousands of miles around.
VI. Đọc kỹ đoạn văn sau sau đó chọn phương án đúng để trả lời cho các câu dưới đây.
- Thomas Alva Edison lit up the world with his invention of the electric light. Without him, the world
might still be dark place. However, the electric light was not his only invention. He also invented the
phonograph, the motion picture camera, and over 1,200 other things. About every two week he created
something new.
- Thomas A Edison was born in Milan, Ohio, on February 11, 1847. His family moved to Port Huron, Michigan, when he was seven years old. Surprisingly, he attended school for only two months. His mother, a former teacher, taught him a few things, but Thomas was mostly self-educated. His natural curiously led him to start experimenting at a young age with electrical and mechanical things at home. -- When he was 12 years old, he has his first job. He became a newsboy on a train that ran between Port Huron and Detroit. he set up a laboratory in a baggage care of the train so that he could continue his experiments in his spare time. Unfortunately, his first work experience did not end well. Thomas was fired when he accidentally set fire to the floor of the baggage car.
- Thomas then worked for five years as a telegraph operator, but he continued to spend much of his time on the job conducting experiments. He got his first patent in 1868 for a vote recorder run by electricity. However, the vote recorder was not a success. In 1870, he sold another invention, a stock-ticker, for $40,000. A stock-ticker is a machine that automatically prints stock prices on a tape. He was then able to build his first shop in Newark, New Jersey.
- Thomas Edison was totally deaf in one ear and hard of hearing in the other, but thought of his deafness as a blessing in many ways. It kept conversations short, so that he could have more time for work. He called himself a “two shift man” because he worked 16 out of 24 hours. Sometimes he worked so intensely that his wife had to remind him to sleep and eat.
- Thomas Edison died at the age of 84 on October 18, 1931, at his estate in West Orange, New Jersey. He left numerous inventions that improved the quality of life all over the world.
46. Thomas Edison did things in this order:__________.
A. he became a telegraph operator, a newsboy,, and then got his first patent
B. he became a newsboy, got his first patent, and then became a newsboy.
C. he got a patent, became a telegraph operator, and then became a newsboy.
D. he became a newsboy, a telegraph operator and then got a patent.
47. Edison considered his deafness _________.
A. a disadvantage B. a blessing
C. something from a priest D. a necessity
48. Of all the inventions, _________ was probably the most important for civilization.
A. the vote recorder B. the stock ticker C. the light bulb D. the motion camera
49. The main idea of the passage is:
A. Thomas Edison was always interested in science and inventions, and he invented many important things.
B. Thomas Edison could not keep a job.
C. Thomas Edison worked day and night on his experiments.
D. Deaf people make good inventors because they can focus without the distraction of spoken
VII. Hoàn thành những câu dưới đây, sử dụng những từ ngữ cho sẵn.
50. thank / very much / invitation / spend / three weeks / August / you / your family / Scotland.
=> …………………………………………………………………………………………………….


Cựu TMod Anh
Thành viên
10 Tháng mười hai 2018
Quảng Ngãi
THCS Phổ Ninh
Làm và giải thích cụ thể

I. Chọn phương án đúng (A, B, C hoặc D) ứng với từ có phần gạch chân phát âm khác ba từ còn lại.
1. A. cover B. optional C. tropical D. hobby
2. A. purpose B. course C. comprise D. collapse
3. A. capture B. planet C. volcano D. campus
4. A. charity B. chopstick C. exchange D. champagne
5. A. ordered B. relaxed C. sprayed D. received
II. Chọn phương án đúng (A, B, C hoặc D) để hoàn thành câu.
6. He’s taken his medicine, ________?
A. hasn’t he B. didn’t he C. doesn’t he D. isn’t he
7. My parents have stayed in Dublin _______ two weeks.
A. during B. for C. about D. at
8. She _______ a very amusing article in one of the newspapers yesterday.
A. found B. find C. finds D. has found
9. _______ more than one hundred elements are known, only 25 of them are common and important.
A. Because B. Although C. Whether D. Since
10. Mother’s Day is _______ May.
A. on B. in C. at D. for
11. Can this be a little girl _______ hair I used to stroke.
A. which B. whose C. of whom D. who’s
12. I’m sorry I _______ you party. I was away at that time.
A. lost B. failed C. passed D. missed
13. John’s grandfather’s daughter could be John’s son’s _______.
A. grandmother B. great aunt C. granddaughter D. sister
14. – “How was the concert last night?” - “It was _______”
A. disappointing B. disappointed C. disappoint D. being disappointed
15. How long _______ French?
A. do you study B. have you studied C. did you studied D. you have studied
16. Peter works from nine _______ five.
A. from B. to C. in D. out
17. – “I’m leaving a note to Marry”
– Hurry up,_______ you will miss the train.
A. or B. and C. but D. so
18. She said she _______ to me but she didn’t.
A. would write B. will have written C. will write D. would have written
19. How much would you _______ for repairing my watch.
A. charge B. cost C. pay D. spend
20. Tom didn’t get up until nine that morning and he arrived at the meeting _______.
A. too late much B. too much late C. much too late D. late too much
21. Everyone dislikes _______ in the public.
A. to laugh at B. laughed at C. laughing at D. being laughed at
22. – “How long have you been here?” - _______ here three weeks ago”
A. I. came B. I’d be C. I have been D. I’d been
23. –“Have a nice weekend!” –“________”
A. The same to you B. You do, too C. The same as you D. You have it, too
24. I thought you ________ like something to read.
A. may B.might C. could D. must
25. You will become ill ________ you stop working hard.
A. until B. when C. unless D. if
26. I teach at a university, ________ is the centre of town.
A. where B. which C. when D. that
27. I spoke very slowly ________ he didn’t understand English very well.
A. so that B. because C. to D. because of
28. HEAT is to HOT as BEAUTY is to ________.
A. pretty B. beautiful C. beauties D. beauty
29. If you rearrange the letter “ANLDEGN”, you’ll have a name of a (an) ________.
A. ocean B. country C. state D. animal
III. Đọc kỹ đoạn văn sau sau đó chọn phương án đúng điền vào chỗ trống.
You have probably never heard of Charles Burgess Fry but in the early years of this century, he was the
most famous man in England. He became(30) _______ while still at the university, mainly (31) _______ of his sporting achievements. He is at the same time, captain of the university football, cricket and atheletics teams and held the world record for the long jump. He was (32) _______a popular sport journalist. He was so famous that letters addresses to “Mr. Fry, Oxford” were delivered to him (33) _______ any difficulty. His college, although it had a quite different name, (34) _______ known as “Fry’s College”.
30. A. fame B. rich C. well-known D. common
31. A. because B. that C. which D. thus
32. A. so B. too C. also D. of
33. A. with B. without C. no D. not
34. A. be B. which C. what D. was
IV. Đọc kỹ đoạn văn sau sau đó chọn phương án đúng điền vào chỗ trống.
The Korean education system basically consists of primary schools, (35)______ schools, high schools
and colleges (36)______ universities, with graduate courses to Ph.D. degrees . Primary education is compulsory for children aged six (37)______eleven. The basic primary school curriculum is generally divided into eight (38)______: the Korean language, social studies, science, mathematics, ethics, physical education, music and fine arts. Students in secondary schools are required to take a number of additional subjects, such as English, and can take electives, such as technical or vocational courses. Afterwards, students can (39)______between general education and vocational high schools. In general, high school tends to be strict, as college and university admission is very competitive.
35. A. second B. secondary C. among D. half
36. A. as B. or C. but D. so
37. A. from B. for C. with D. to
38. A. subjects B. courses C. topics D. titles
39. A. choose B. test C. wish D. consist
V. Đọc kỹ đoạn văn sau sau đó chọn phương án đúng để trả lời cho các câu hỏi.
- From far out in space, Earth looks like a blue ball. Since water covers three fourths of the Earth’s
surface, blue is the color we see most. The continents look brown, like small islands floating in the huge, blue sea. White clouds wrap around the Earth like a light blanket. The Earth is shaped like a sphere, or a ball. It is 25,000 miles round! It would take more than a year to walk around the whole planet. A spaceship can fly around the widest part of the sphere in only 90 minutes.
- Even though spaceships have traveled to the moon, people cannot visit the Moon without special suits. The Moon has no air or water. Plants and animals can’t live there either. Astronauts first landed on the Moon in 1969. After that, there were six more trips to the Moon. They brought back Moon’s rock, which scientists are still studying. There are holes, or craters, all over the Moon’s surface. Scientists believe that meteorities smashed into the Moon millions of years ago and formed craters.
- The sun is the closest star to Earth. A star is a hot ball of burning gas. The sun looks very big because it is so close. But the sun is just a medium-sized star. Billions of far-away stars are much bigger than our Sun. The burning gases from the sun are so hot that they warm the Earth from 93 million miles away! Even though the Sun is always glowing, the night here on Earth is dark. That’s because the Earth rotates, or turns around, every 24 hours. During the day, the Earth faces the Sun. Then we see light. During the night, the Earth turns away from the Sun. Then it faces the darkness of space. Each day we learn more about the Earth, the Moon, and the Sun.
40. Why is blue the color we see most when looking at Earth from outer space.
A. Because most of the Earth is covered in land.
B. Because the sun’s rays make the Earth look blue.
C. Because most of the Earth is covered in water.
D. Because clouds wrap around the Earth.
41. What does the word “formed” mean?
A. hit B. made C. broke D. stopped
42. What causes daylight on Earth?
A. The full Moon causes daylight.
B. Daylight is caused by the Earth facing away from the Sun.
C. The heat of the Sun’s rays causes daylight.
D. Daylight is caused by the Earth facing toward the Sun.
43. Which of the following sentences best describes the Sun?
A. The sun looks small because it’s so dar from the Earth.
B. The Sun is a ball of burning gases that gives the Earth heat and light.
C. The Sun is a small star.
D. The Sun is not as hot as it looks.
44. Why did the astronauts bring rocks back from the moon.
A. Because they didn’t know if they would return to the Moon ever again.
B. Because they wanted to prove that they went to the moon.
C. Because they wanted to study them and learn more about the moon.
45. What is the main idea of the article?
A. plants and animals can’t live on the Moon.
B. Without the Sun we would have no heat or light.
C. We know a lot about the Earth, Moon, and Sun, but there is still more to learn
D. From outer space, the Earth looks tiny, even though it is thousands of miles around.
VI. Đọc kỹ đoạn văn sau sau đó chọn phương án đúng để trả lời cho các câu dưới đây.
- Thomas Alva Edison lit up the world with his invention of the electric light. Without him, the world
might still be dark place. However, the electric light was not his only invention. He also invented the
phonograph, the motion picture camera, and over 1,200 other things. About every two week he created
something new.
- Thomas A Edison was born in Milan, Ohio, on February 11, 1847. His family moved to Port Huron, Michigan, when he was seven years old. Surprisingly, he attended school for only two months. His mother, a former teacher, taught him a few things, but Thomas was mostly self-educated. His natural curiously led him to start experimenting at a young age with electrical and mechanical things at home. -- When he was 12 years old, he has his first job. He became a newsboy on a train that ran between Port Huron and Detroit. he set up a laboratory in a baggage care of the train so that he could continue his experiments in his spare time. Unfortunately, his first work experience did not end well. Thomas was fired when he accidentally set fire to the floor of the baggage car.
- Thomas then worked for five years as a telegraph operator, but he continued to spend much of his time on the job conducting experiments. He got his first patent in 1868 for a vote recorder run by electricity. However, the vote recorder was not a success. In 1870, he sold another invention, a stock-ticker, for $40,000. A stock-ticker is a machine that automatically prints stock prices on a tape. He was then able to build his first shop in Newark, New Jersey.
- Thomas Edison was totally deaf in one ear and hard of hearing in the other, but thought of his deafness as a blessing in many ways. It kept conversations short, so that he could have more time for work. He called himself a “two shift man” because he worked 16 out of 24 hours. Sometimes he worked so intensely that his wife had to remind him to sleep and eat.
- Thomas Edison died at the age of 84 on October 18, 1931, at his estate in West Orange, New Jersey. He left numerous inventions that improved the quality of life all over the world.
46. Thomas Edison did things in this order:__________.
A. he became a telegraph operator, a newsboy,, and then got his first patent
B. he became a newsboy, got his first patent, and then became a newsboy.
C. he got a patent, became a telegraph operator, and then became a newsboy.
D. he became a newsboy, a telegraph operator and then got a patent.
47. Edison considered his deafness _________.
A. a disadvantage B. a blessing
C. something from a priest D. a necessity
48. Of all the inventions, _________ was probably the most important for civilization.
A. the vote recorder B. the stock ticker C. the light bulb D. the motion camera
49. The main idea of the passage is:
A. Thomas Edison was always interested in science and inventions, and he invented many important things.
B. Thomas Edison could not keep a job.
C. Thomas Edison worked day and night on his experiments.
D. Deaf people make good inventors because they can focus without the distraction of spoken
VII. Hoàn thành những câu dưới đây, sử dụng những từ ngữ cho sẵn.
50. thank / very much / invitation / spend / three weeks / August / you / your family / Scotland.
=> …………………………………………………………………………………………………….
1. A. cover /ə/
2. B. course /ô/
3. C. vocalno /ā/
4. D. champange /SH/
5. B. relaxed /t/
6 . A
7 . B
8. A
9 . A
10. B
11. D
12. D
13. D. sister
14. B. disappointed
15. B. have you studied
16. B. to
17. A. or
18. A. would write
19. C. pay
20. A. too late
Last edited:

Trịnh Thị Mai Linh

Học sinh chăm học
Thành viên
2 Tháng tám 2020
Thanh Hóa
Trường Trung học Cơ Sở Định Hưng
Làm và giải thích cụ thể

I. Chọn phương án đúng (A, B, C hoặc D) ứng với từ có phần gạch chân phát âm khác ba từ còn lại.
1. A. cover B. optional C. tropical D. hobby
2. A. purpose B. course C. comprise D. collapse
3. A. capture B. planet C. volcano D. campus
4. A. charity B. chopstick C. exchange D. champagne
5. A. ordered B. relaxed C. sprayed D. received
II. Chọn phương án đúng (A, B, C hoặc D) để hoàn thành câu.
6. He’s taken his medicine, ________?
A. hasn’t he B. didn’t he C. doesn’t he D. isn’t he
7. My parents have stayed in Dublin _______ two weeks.
A. during B. for C. about D. at
8. She _______ a very amusing article in one of the newspapers yesterday.
A. found B. find C. finds D. has found
9. _______ more than one hundred elements are known, only 25 of them are common and important.
A. Because B. Although C. Whether D. Since
10. Mother’s Day is _______ May.
A. on B. in C. at D. for
11. Can this be a little girl _______ hair I used to stroke.
A. which B. whose C. of whom D. who’s
12. I’m sorry I _______ you party. I was away at that time.
A. lost B. failed C. passed D. missed
13. John’s grandfather’s daughter could be John’s son’s _______.
A. grandmother B. great aunt C. granddaughter D. sister
14. – “How was the concert last night?” - “It was _______”
A. disappointing B. disappointed C. disappoint D. being disappointed
15. How long _______ French?
A. do you study B. have you studied C. did you studied D. you have studied
16. Peter works from nine _______ five.
A. from B. to C. in D. out
17. – “I’m leaving a note to Marry”
– Hurry up,_______ you will miss the train.
A. or B. and C. but D. so
18. She said she _______ to me but she didn’t.
A. would write B. will have written C. will write D. would have written
19. How much would you _______ for repairing my watch.
A. charge B. cost C. pay D. spend
20. Tom didn’t get up until nine that morning and he arrived at the meeting _______.
A. too late much B. too much late C. much too late D. late too much
21. Everyone dislikes _______ in the public.
A. to laugh at B. laughed at C. laughing at D. being laughed at
22. – “How long have you been here?” - _______ here three weeks ago”
A. I. came B. I’d be C. I have been D. I’d been
23. –“Have a nice weekend!” –“________”
A. The same to you B. You do, too C. The same as you D. You have it, too
24. I thought you ________ like something to read.
A. may B.might C. could D. must
25. You will become ill ________ you stop working hard.
A. until B. when C. unless D. if
26. I teach at a university, ________ is the centre of town.
A. where B. which C. when D. that
27. I spoke very slowly ________ he didn’t understand English very well.
A. so that B. because C. to D. because of
28. HEAT is to HOT as BEAUTY is to ________.
A. pretty B. beautiful C. beauties D. beauty
29. If you rearrange the letter “ANLDEGN”, you’ll have a name of a (an) ________.
A. ocean B. country C. state D. animal
III. Đọc kỹ đoạn văn sau sau đó chọn phương án đúng điền vào chỗ trống.
You have probably never heard of Charles Burgess Fry but in the early years of this century, he was the
most famous man in England. He became(30) _______ while still at the university, mainly (31) _______ of his sporting achievements. He is at the same time, captain of the university football, cricket and atheletics teams and held the world record for the long jump. He was (32) _______a popular sport journalist. He was so famous that letters addresses to “Mr. Fry, Oxford” were delivered to him (33) _______ any difficulty. His college, although it had a quite different name, (34) _______ known as “Fry’s College”.
30. A. fame B. rich C. well-known D. common
31. A. because B. that C. which D. thus
32. A. so B. too C. also D. of
33. A. with B. without C. no D. not
34. A. be B. which C. what D. was
IV. Đọc kỹ đoạn văn sau sau đó chọn phương án đúng điền vào chỗ trống.
The Korean education system basically consists of primary schools, (35)______ schools, high schools
and colleges (36)______ universities, with graduate courses to Ph.D. degrees . Primary education is compulsory for children aged six (37)______eleven. The basic primary school curriculum is generally divided into eight (38)______: the Korean language, social studies, science, mathematics, ethics, physical education, music and fine arts. Students in secondary schools are required to take a number of additional subjects, such as English, and can take electives, such as technical or vocational courses. Afterwards, students can (39)______between general education and vocational high schools. In general, high school tends to be strict, as college and university admission is very competitive.
35. A. second B. secondary C. among D. half
36. A. as B. or C. but D. so
37. A. from B. for C. with D. to
38. A. subjects B. courses C. topics D. titles
39. A. choose B. test C. wish D. consist
V. Đọc kỹ đoạn văn sau sau đó chọn phương án đúng để trả lời cho các câu hỏi.
- From far out in space, Earth looks like a blue ball. Since water covers three fourths of the Earth’s
surface, blue is the color we see most. The continents look brown, like small islands floating in the huge, blue sea. White clouds wrap around the Earth like a light blanket. The Earth is shaped like a sphere, or a ball. It is 25,000 miles round! It would take more than a year to walk around the whole planet. A spaceship can fly around the widest part of the sphere in only 90 minutes.
- Even though spaceships have traveled to the moon, people cannot visit the Moon without special suits. The Moon has no air or water. Plants and animals can’t live there either. Astronauts first landed on the Moon in 1969. After that, there were six more trips to the Moon. They brought back Moon’s rock, which scientists are still studying. There are holes, or craters, all over the Moon’s surface. Scientists believe that meteorities smashed into the Moon millions of years ago and formed craters.
- The sun is the closest star to Earth. A star is a hot ball of burning gas. The sun looks very big because it is so close. But the sun is just a medium-sized star. Billions of far-away stars are much bigger than our Sun. The burning gases from the sun are so hot that they warm the Earth from 93 million miles away! Even though the Sun is always glowing, the night here on Earth is dark. That’s because the Earth rotates, or turns around, every 24 hours. During the day, the Earth faces the Sun. Then we see light. During the night, the Earth turns away from the Sun. Then it faces the darkness of space. Each day we learn more about the Earth, the Moon, and the Sun.
40. Why is blue the color we see most when looking at Earth from outer space.
A. Because most of the Earth is covered in land.
B. Because the sun’s rays make the Earth look blue.
C. Because most of the Earth is covered in water.
D. Because clouds wrap around the Earth.
41. What does the word “formed” mean?
A. hit B. made C. broke D. stopped
42. What causes daylight on Earth?
A. The full Moon causes daylight.
B. Daylight is caused by the Earth facing away from the Sun.
C. The heat of the Sun’s rays causes daylight.
D. Daylight is caused by the Earth facing toward the Sun.
43. Which of the following sentences best describes the Sun?
A. The sun looks small because it’s so dar from the Earth.
B. The Sun is a ball of burning gases that gives the Earth heat and light.
C. The Sun is a small star.
D. The Sun is not as hot as it looks.
44. Why did the astronauts bring rocks back from the moon.
A. Because they didn’t know if they would return to the Moon ever again.
B. Because they wanted to prove that they went to the moon.
C. Because they wanted to study them and learn more about the moon.
45. What is the main idea of the article?
A. plants and animals can’t live on the Moon.
B. Without the Sun we would have no heat or light.
C. We know a lot about the Earth, Moon, and Sun, but there is still more to learn
D. From outer space, the Earth looks tiny, even though it is thousands of miles around.
VI. Đọc kỹ đoạn văn sau sau đó chọn phương án đúng để trả lời cho các câu dưới đây.
- Thomas Alva Edison lit up the world with his invention of the electric light. Without him, the world
might still be dark place. However, the electric light was not his only invention. He also invented the
phonograph, the motion picture camera, and over 1,200 other things. About every two week he created
something new.
- Thomas A Edison was born in Milan, Ohio, on February 11, 1847. His family moved to Port Huron, Michigan, when he was seven years old. Surprisingly, he attended school for only two months. His mother, a former teacher, taught him a few things, but Thomas was mostly self-educated. His natural curiously led him to start experimenting at a young age with electrical and mechanical things at home. -- When he was 12 years old, he has his first job. He became a newsboy on a train that ran between Port Huron and Detroit. he set up a laboratory in a baggage care of the train so that he could continue his experiments in his spare time. Unfortunately, his first work experience did not end well. Thomas was fired when he accidentally set fire to the floor of the baggage car.
- Thomas then worked for five years as a telegraph operator, but he continued to spend much of his time on the job conducting experiments. He got his first patent in 1868 for a vote recorder run by electricity. However, the vote recorder was not a success. In 1870, he sold another invention, a stock-ticker, for $40,000. A stock-ticker is a machine that automatically prints stock prices on a tape. He was then able to build his first shop in Newark, New Jersey.
- Thomas Edison was totally deaf in one ear and hard of hearing in the other, but thought of his deafness as a blessing in many ways. It kept conversations short, so that he could have more time for work. He called himself a “two shift man” because he worked 16 out of 24 hours. Sometimes he worked so intensely that his wife had to remind him to sleep and eat.
- Thomas Edison died at the age of 84 on October 18, 1931, at his estate in West Orange, New Jersey. He left numerous inventions that improved the quality of life all over the world.
46. Thomas Edison did things in this order:__________.
A. he became a telegraph operator, a newsboy,, and then got his first patent
B. he became a newsboy, got his first patent, and then became a newsboy.
C. he got a patent, became a telegraph operator, and then became a newsboy.
D. he became a newsboy, a telegraph operator and then got a patent.
47. Edison considered his deafness _________.
A. a disadvantage B. a blessing
C. something from a priest D. a necessity
48. Of all the inventions, _________ was probably the most important for civilization.
A. the vote recorder B. the stock ticker C. the light bulb D. the motion camera
49. The main idea of the passage is:
A. Thomas Edison was always interested in science and inventions, and he invented many important things.
B. Thomas Edison could not keep a job.
C. Thomas Edison worked day and night on his experiments.
D. Deaf people make good inventors because they can focus without the distraction of spoken
VII. Hoàn thành những câu dưới đây, sử dụng những từ ngữ cho sẵn.
50. thank / very much / invitation / spend / three weeks / August / you / your family / Scotland.
=> …………………………………………………………………………………………………….
II, Bạn thử kham thảo nha!
14. A
15. B
16. B
17. A
18. D
19. A
20. B
21. D
22. C
23. A
24. B
25. C
26. B
27. B
Câu nào k hỉu bn cứ hỏi nhé:p
IV. Bạn xem link này và tự rút ra nha https://diendan.hocmai.vn/threads/tieng-anh-12.722600/
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