
Xin chào các bạn! Mình là Lien23, mình là một học sinh lớp 10. Mình vừa viết một bài Writing, chủ đề “Describing a film”. Mình viết về bộ phim “My Princess”. Đây là phim tâm lí tình cảm do Hàn Quốc sản xuất. Mình rất thích bộ phim này và muốn giới thiệu về bộ phim. Chắc hẳn bài còn nhiều lỗi sai, mình post lên, mong nhận được sự góp ý của tất cả mọi người ở địa chì binhthuongdaica2000@yahoo.com. Cảm ơn rất nhiều! 
I really like seeing love story films. Recently, I have seen “My Princess”. It’s a romantic love story film. This film is made in Korea in 2010. The main characters are Lee Seol and Park Hae Young. Lee Seol is a young student in a college. She was orphaned when she was still small. She doesn’t know anything about her family profile. Suddenly, she is known that she is a princess of the old Korean dynasty. Her life is changed. She is lived in royal palace. Park Hae Young is a handsome diplomatist and he‘s a successor of his grandfather’s wealthy business group. The Korean president instructs Hae Young to live in royal palace and become princess‘s teacher. Lee Seol meets Hae Young. Gradually, they fall in love. However, they discover a secret in the past between their families in the past and the reason for the appearance of princess in that situation. They feel wretched. In the end, they pass over the old mistake and get married. It’s a happy ending. I prefer this film to other one because it has many interesting and moving details. ‘’My princess” is produced by Kwoon Seok Jang and Kang Tae Seon. They are excellence directors. The main actors are Kim Tae Hee and So Seung Hun. They perform well. They’re very beautiful and well-known. The music in film is great. I often listen it.
I really like seeing love story films. Recently, I have seen “My Princess”. It’s a romantic love story film. This film is made in Korea in 2010. The main characters are Lee Seol and Park Hae Young. Lee Seol is a young student in a college. She was orphaned when she was still small. She doesn’t know anything about her family profile. Suddenly, she is known that she is a princess of the old Korean dynasty. Her life is changed. She is lived in royal palace. Park Hae Young is a handsome diplomatist and he‘s a successor of his grandfather’s wealthy business group. The Korean president instructs Hae Young to live in royal palace and become princess‘s teacher. Lee Seol meets Hae Young. Gradually, they fall in love. However, they discover a secret in the past between their families in the past and the reason for the appearance of princess in that situation. They feel wretched. In the end, they pass over the old mistake and get married. It’s a happy ending. I prefer this film to other one because it has many interesting and moving details. ‘’My princess” is produced by Kwoon Seok Jang and Kang Tae Seon. They are excellence directors. The main actors are Kim Tae Hee and So Seung Hun. They perform well. They’re very beautiful and well-known. The music in film is great. I often listen it.