English THCS Sửa bài luận


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12 Tháng hai 2016
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[TẶNG BẠN] TRỌN BỘ Bí kíp học tốt 08 môn
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ĐĂNG BÀI NGAY để cùng trao đổi với các thành viên siêu nhiệt tình & dễ thương trên diễn đàn.

Write about the following topic:
Some people decide to start their own business instead of working for a company or organisation. Do the advantages for people working for their own business outweigh the disadvantages
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

Getting round to establishing and working as a part in your own business can be a bright way giving you opportunity getting closer to your success, in the other word, there are lots of positive aspects that should be paid attention to. However, this can be also a very big barrier as the lack of experiences and knowledge which should be previously prepared when you still worked for a company or organisation.

Career's beginning can be regarded as one of the most important period of people’ life. It also means that this will bring to us many disadvantages as well as the negative impacts. First of all, it is noted for that the shortage of acknowledgement and personal experiences when you are not professional to start up a business. Most of the ametuer usually have to deal with this problems and maybe there are not any relevant solutions suiting to these difficulties. As a result, the start-up’ boss have to suffer from many pressure and high responsibility. Both of their mental and physical health turn to be depressing , stressful, tiring,etc.. which is some of the obvious emotional and body exhaustion’s symptoms, which will affect your lifestyle in a negatively dramatic way. Keeping up with the amateur’s problem of taking over your own business instead of working for experiences or knowledges previously, an enormous challenge of company’s finace is very worthily concerned. When you start up, of course you can receive lot of supports from your relatives, friends and a great range of different corporations who have great confidence in your business’s success. However if we get the risks, a big debt can lead you to the bankrupt, in the other words, a huge damage to your property and you come back to number zero. The disadvantages can be considered as a quite dangerous damage to business beginners if they have not experience any useful lessons from the time you work as a part in different companies.

In contrast, the decision of starting a new business could be a bright choice. The independence and strong
personality arisen after a long period working as a CEO of your own business could give you the chance to be more responsible to yourself and your staff who rely mostly on your company’s development and profit. Moreover, the success from controlling your business could give you an exactly direction to fame and getting higher social standard. The socialization and communication are improved as your wide relation to everyone.Therefore, you can receive the enthusiastic support whenever you are in emergency situations. All the new, sweet fruits of success are waiting for you to harvest, but not in an ordinary and traditional way,you have to get a foresight, experiences and of course your important knowledge.

In conclusion, the drawbacks of starting a new business is should be paid more attention to. As you can see,
working for a company or organisation before starting your own business would be very necessary because
you can learn many useful lessons rather than getting rid of it before starting your own career.

Giúp mình sủa bài này vs nhá, mik cảm ơn


Học sinh gương mẫu
Thành viên
22 Tháng một 2020
Thanh Hóa
Love Sickgirls ❣️
Write about the following topic:
Some people decide to start their own business instead of working for a company or organisation. Do the advantages for people working for their own business outweigh the disadvantages
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

Getting round to establishing and working as a part in your own business can be a bright way giving you opportunity getting closer to your success, in the other word, there are lots of positive aspects that should be paid attention to. However, this can be also a very big barrier as the lack of experiences and knowledge which should be previously prepared when you still worked for a company or organisation.

Career's beginning can be regarded as one of the most important period of people’ life. It also means that this will bring to us many disadvantages as well as the negative impacts. First of all, it is noted for that the shortage of acknowledgement and personal experiences when you are not professional to start up a business. Most of the ametuer usually have to deal with this problems and maybe there are not any relevant solutions suiting to these difficulties. As a result, the start-up’ boss have to suffer from many pressure and high responsibility. Both of their mental and physical health turn to be depressing , stressful, tiring,etc.. which is some of the obvious emotional and body exhaustion’s symptoms, which will affect your lifestyle in a negatively dramatic way. Keeping up with the amateur’s problem of taking over your own business instead of working for experiences or knowledges previously, an enormous challenge of company’s finace is very worthily concerned. When you start up, of course you can receive lot of supports from your relatives, friends and a great range of different corporations who have great confidence in your business’s success. However if we get the risks, a big debt can lead you to the bankrupt, in the other words, a huge damage to your property and you come back to number zero. The disadvantages can be considered as a quite dangerous damage to business beginners if they have not experience any useful lessons from the time you work as a part in different companies.

In contrast, the decision of starting a new business could be a bright choice. The independence and strong
personality arisen after a long period working as a CEO of your own business could give you the chance to be more responsible to yourself and your staff who rely mostly on your company’s development and profit. Moreover, the success from controlling your business could give you an exactly direction to fame and getting higher social standard. The socialization and communication are improved as your wide relation to everyone.Therefore, you can receive the enthusiastic support whenever you are in emergency situations. All the new, sweet fruits of success are waiting for you to harvest, but not in an ordinary and traditional way,you have to get a foresight, experiences and of course your important knowledge.

In conclusion, the drawbacks of starting a new business is should be paid more attention to. As you can see,
working for a company or organisation before starting your own business would be very necessary because
you can learn many useful lessons rather than getting rid of it before starting your own career.

Giúp mình sủa bài này vs nhá, mik cảm ơn
Write about the following topic:
Some people decide to start their own business instead of working for a company or organisation. Do the advantages for people working for their own business outweigh the disadvantages
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

Getting round to establishing and working as a part in => of your own business can be a bright way giving you opportunity getting closer to your success, in the other word, there are lots of positive aspects that should be paid attention to. However, this can be also => also be a very big barrier as the lack of experiences and knowledge which should be previously prepared when you still worked for a company or organisation.

Career's beginning can be regarded as one of the most important period => periods of people’ life. It also means that this will bring to us many disadvantages as well as negative impacts. First of all, it is noted for that the shortage of acknowledgement => acknowledgment and personal experiences when you are not professional to start up a business. Most of the ametuer usually have to deal with this => these problems and maybe there are not any => no relevant solutions suiting to these difficulties. As a result, the start-up’ boss have => has to suffer from many => any pressure and high responsibility. Both of their mental and physical health turn to be depressing, stressful, tiring, etc.. which is some of the obvious emotional and body exhaustion’s symptoms, which will affect your lifestyle in a negatively dramatic way. Keeping up with the amateur’s problem of taking over your own business instead of working for experiences or knowledges => bits of knowledge (knowledge k đếm được) previously, an enormous challenge of company’s finace => finance is very worthily concerned. When you start up, of course you can receive lot of supports from your relatives, friends and a great range of different corporations who have great confidence in your business’s success. However, if we get the risks, a big debt can lead you to the bankrupt, in the other words, a huge => hugedamage to your property and you come back to number zero. The disadvantages can be considered as a quite => quite dangerous damage to business beginners if they have not experience => experienced any useful lessons from the time you work as a part in different companies.

In contrast, the decision of starting a new business could be a bright choice. The independence and strong
personality arisen after a long period working as a CEO of your own business could give you the chance to be more responsible to yourself and your staff who rely mostly on your company’s development and profit. Moreover, the success from => of controlling your business could give you an exactly => exact direction to fame and getting higher social standard. The socialization and communication are improved as your wide relation to everyone. Therefore, you can receive enthusiastic support whenever you are in emergency situations. All the new, sweet fruits of success are waiting for you to harvest, but not in an ordinary and traditional way, you have to get a foresight => foresight, experiences and of course your important knowledge.

In conclusion, the drawbacks of starting a new business is should be paid more attention to. As you can see,
working for a company or organisation before starting your own business would be very necessary because
you can learn many useful lessons rather than getting rid of it=> them before starting your own career.
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