We see a world that is safe and healthy with vibrant oceans.
That’s why we are campaigning to end the flow of plastic into our oceans. We are calling on big corporations to act to reduce their plastic footprint – and stop producing excessive plastic packaging that is designed to be used once then thrown away.
We’re also working to protect the oceans through marine reserves. Globally, less than 1 percent of the ocean is under protection. We’re campaigning to establish marine reserves in 20 percent of U.S. waters by 2020, double what the country has right now.
These reserves will preserve biodiversity, help endangered species rebound, and give marine life a fighting chance to survive the rapid changes we are causing to the planet. Marine reserves can also help replenish fish populations decimated by overfishing, meaning a more sustainable food supply for all of us in the long run.
The way we treat the rest of our ocean—under protection or not—is just as important. Today, overfishing is the status quo, bycatch kills about 63 billion pounds of marine animals every year, and human activity is disrupting the balance of marine ecosystems across the globe. The impacts on humans are equally severe. Overfishing compromises food security and the livelihoods of fishing communities.
Global tuna fisheries are particularly out of control. They are emptying our oceans of fish, harming marine life, and exploiting workers. The tuna industry has repeatedly failed its customers on both ocean sustainability and human rights. The U.S. is the largest tuna market in the world—anyone can be part of the solution by wielding your consumer power and only buying (or encouraging your friends and family who eat tuna to buy) sustainable tuna.
We want a better future for our oceans and the people that depend on them.