
Các bạn ơi! Các bạn có thể giúp mình gợi ý trả lời mấy câu hỏi này nha. Cảm ơn các bạn nhiều lắm. ^_^
1. Say what is in your bag.
2. Say what you do everyday in the morning, afternoon and evening. Say what time you do these activeties.
3. Say 3 things you have got, and 3 things you haven't got.
4. Say 7 types of transport.
5. What do you usually eat for breakfast, lunch and dinner?
6. How was on holiday?
7. When was your last holiday?
8. Where did you go?
9. Who did you go with?
10. What did you see?
1. Say what is in your bag.
2. Say what you do everyday in the morning, afternoon and evening. Say what time you do these activeties.
3. Say 3 things you have got, and 3 things you haven't got.
4. Say 7 types of transport.
5. What do you usually eat for breakfast, lunch and dinner?
6. How was on holiday?
7. When was your last holiday?
8. Where did you go?
9. Who did you go with?
10. What did you see?