English THPT Speak


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31 Tháng năm 2018
Quảng Nam
Tom: Hey Alice, have you heard about this new way to learn that's been gaining popularity?

Alice: No, what is it?

Tom: It's called "immersive learning". Instead of just sitting in a classroom and listening to lectures, you actually get to experience what you're learning about in a real-world setting.

Alice: That sounds interesting. Can you give me an example?

Tom: Sure. Let's say you're learning about ancient history. With immersive learning, you might actually visit ancient ruins and artifacts, and interact with experts in the field. You get to see and experience things firsthand, instead of just reading about them in a textbook.

Alice: Wow, that sounds like a much more engaging way to learn. Do you think it's effective?

Tom: Absolutely. Studies have shown that people are much more likely to retain information when they're actively engaged in the learning process. And with immersive learning, you're not just learning facts, you're experiencing them, which makes it much more memorable.

Alice: That makes sense. Do you know if there are any schools or programs that offer this type of learning?

Tom: Yes, there are actually quite a few. Some universities are starting to incorporate immersive learning into their curriculum, and there are also independent programs and organizations that specialize in it. It's definitely something worth looking into if you're interested in trying a new way to learn.

Alice: Thanks for telling me about it, Tom. I'll definitely have to do some research on immersive learning and see if it's something I want to try.
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