Skiing is one of the most straightforward forms of exercise there is. It offers the participant, whether a novice or an old hand at the sport, a great deal of excitement and pleasure, plus lots of fresh air. But skiing does have its various disadvantages. When it comes to guaranteeing a profitable day's downhill skiing, there are two essential ingredients. You need hills, or preferable mountains, in order to get the most out of this pursuit; then you need a fairly generous covering of snow. Fortunately, there are usually snow machines to supplement any natural deficiencies in the supply of this second requirement and help may now be at hand too for those lacking in the first, through the sport of snow-kiting. Snow-kiting is a wintry offshoot of kite-surfing, an established watersport. By harnessing their skis to an inflated kite, snow-kiters can move at speed across even the very flattest of landscapes. All they need is a reasonable wind, then they can enjoy all the exhilaration of a fast downhill ski run. In fact, partly because of hazardous objects such as electricity pylons and trees, the best location for snow-kiting is not a ski resort at all - but a vast uninterrupting plain. Skiing may never be the same again.