English THCS Reading

Zelly Nguyễn

Học sinh chăm học
Thành viên
26 Tháng tám 2021
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THCS Nam Hồng
[TẶNG BẠN] TRỌN BỘ Bí kíp học tốt 08 môn
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ĐĂNG BÀI NGAY để cùng trao đổi với các thành viên siêu nhiệt tình & dễ thương trên diễn đàn.

Read the following passage and do the tasks that follow.
For questions 1-5, Choose the correct heading for each section from the list of headings below. Write your answers i-vii in the corresponding numbered boxes provided.

List of Headings
i. An experiment using people who are receiving medical treatment
ii. The experiment that convinced all the researchers
ii. Medical benefits of hypnosis make scientific proof less important
iv. Lack of data leads to opposing views of hypnotism
v. The effects of hypnosis on parts of the brain involved in vision
vi. Inducing pain through the use of hypnotism
vii. Experiments used to support conflicting views
1. Section A-iv
2. Section B-vii
3. Section C-v
4. Section D-i
5. Section E- ii
Hypnotism - is it real or just a circus trick?​

A. Hypnosis has been shown through a number of rigorously controlled studies to reduce pain, control blood pressure, and even make warts go away. But because very few studies have attempted to define the actual processes involved, most scientists are skeptical of its power and uses. That skepticism has driven David Spiegel, a professor of psychiatry at Stanford University School of Medicine, USA, and other researchers to take a hard look at what happens in the brain during hypnosis.

Among researchers there are two schools of thought. One claims that hypnosis fundamentally alters subjects' state of mind: they enter a trance, which produces changes in brain activity. The other believes that hypnosis is simply a matter of suggestibility and relaxation. Spiegel belongs to the first school and over the years has had a debate with two scientists on the other side, Irving Kirsch, a University of Connecticut psychologist, and Stephen Kosslyn, a Harvard professor.

B. Kirsch often uses hypnosis in his practice and doesn't deny that it can be effective. 'With hypnosis you do put people in altered states,’ he says. ‘But you don't need a trance to do it.’ To illustrate the point, Kirsch demonstrates how a subject holding a small object on a chain can make it swing in any direction by mere suggestion, the chain responding to minute movements in the tiny muscles of the fingers. You don’t have to enter a trance for your subconscious and your body to act upon a suggestion,” Kirsch says. “The reaction is the result of your focusing on moving the chain in a particular direction.

Spiegel disagrees. One of his best-known studies found that when subjects were hypnotised and given suggestions their brain wave patterns changed, indicating that they had entered a trance. In one of his studies, people under hypnosis were told their forearms were numb, then given light electrical shocks to the wrists. They didn’t flinch or respond in any way, and their brain waves resembled those of people who experienced a much weaker shock. To Kirsch this still wasn’t enough to prove the power of trance, but Stephen Kosslyn was willing to be convinced. Many external factors could have been responsible for the shift in the subject’s rate of mind, but Kosslyn wondered, ‘Is there really something going on in the brain?’
C. To find out, Spiegel and Kosslyn decided to collaborate on a study focusing on a part of the brain that is well understood; the circuit which has been found to process the perception of color. Spiegel and Kosslyn wanted to see if subjects could set off the circuit by visualising color while under hypnosis. They selected eight people for the experiment conducted at Massachusetts General Hospital. The subjects were put in a scanner and shown a slide with colored rectangles while their brain activity was mapped. Then they were shown a black and white slide and told to imagine its having color. Both tasks were then repeated under hypnosis.
The results were striking. When the subjects truly saw the colored rectangles, the circuit lit up on both sides of the brain; when they only had to imagine the color, the circuit lit up only in the right hemisphere. Under hypnosis, however, both sides of the brain became active, just as in regular sight; imagination seemed to take on the quality of a hallucination.
After the experiment, Kosslyn was forced to admit, ‘I’m absolutely convinced now that hypnosis can boost what mental imagery does. ‘ But Kirsch remained skeptical, saying, ‘The experiments demonstrate that people are experiencing the effects of hypnotic suggestion but don’t prove that they are entering a trance.’ He also argued that subjects were told to see the card in color when they were hypnotized but only to imagine it in color when they weren’t. ‘ Being told to pretend you’re having an experience is different from the suggestion to have the experience.’
D. Spiegel, however, is a clinician first and a scientist second. He believes the most important thing is that doctors recognise the power of hypnosis and start to use it. Working with Elvira Lang, a radiologist at a Harvard Medical Centre, he is testing the use of hypnosis in the operating room just as he and Kosslyn did in the scanner. Spiegel and Lang took 241 patients scheduled for surgery and divided them into three groups. One group received standard care, another standard care with a sympathetic care provider and the third received standard care, a sympathetic care provider and hypnosis. Every 15 minutes the patients were asked to rate their pain and anxiety levels. They were also hooked up to painkilling medication which they could administer to themselves.
On average, Spiegel and Lang found the hypnotized subjects used less medication, experienced less pain, and felt far less anxiety than the other two groups. Original results published in The Lancet have been further supported by ongoing studies conducted by Lang.
E. Spiegel’s investigations into the nature of hypnosis and its effects on the brain continue. However, if hypnosis is ever to work its way into mainstream medicine and everyday use, physicians will need to know there is solid science behind what sounds like mysticism. Only then will their reluctance to using such things as mind over matter be overcome. ‘I agree that the medical use of hypnotism should be based on data rather than belief,’ says Spiegel, ‘but in the end, it doesn’t really matter why it works, as long as it helps our patients.’
For questions 6-10, choose the correct letter, A, B, C, or D Write the correct letter in the corresponding boxes provided
6. Kirsch uses a small object on a chain to demonstrate that ____.
A . inducing a trance is a simple process
B. responsible for a suggestion does not require a trance
C . muscles respond as a result of a trance
D. it is difficult to identify a trance
7. Spiegel disagrees with Kirsch because of the subjects in Spiegel’s experiment _____.
A . believed what they were told
B. showed changes in brain activity
C . responded as expected to shocks
D . had similar reactions to control subjects
8. Kosslyn’s response to Spiegel’s electric shock experiment was to _____.
A . challenge the results because of external factors
B. work with Kirsch to disprove Spiegel’s results
C . reverse his previous position on trance
D. accept that Spiegel’s ideas might be correct
9. Spiegel and Kosslyn’s experiment was designed to show that hypnosis ______.
A . affects the electrical responses of the brain
B . could make the color appear as black and white
C . has an effect on how shapes are perceived
D . can enhance the subject’s imagination
10. Kirsch thought Spiegel and Kosslyn‘s results ______.
A . were worthy of further investigation
B . had nothing to do with hypnotic suggestion
C . showed that the possibility of trance existed
D . were affected by the words used in the instructions
For questions 11-14, decide whether the following statements are True (T), False (F), or Not Given (NG). Write your answers in the corresponding numbered boxes provided.

11. Spiegel is more interested in scientific research than medical practice. F
12. Patients in the third group in Spiegel and Lang’s experiment were easily hypnotized NG
13. In Spiegel and Lang’s experiment, a smaller amount of painkiller was needed by the hypnotised patients than by the other two groups. T
14. Spiegel feels that doctors should use hypnotism only when it is fully understood. T
Em có làm rồi ạ,nhờ anh chị kiểm tra và tìm dẫn chứng giúp em với ạ!
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Bút Bi Tím

Học sinh chăm học
Thành viên
24 Tháng mười một 2020
Bình Thuận
Watching the World go by
Read the following passage and do the tasks that follow.
For questions 1-5, Choose the correct heading for each section from the list of headings below. Write your answers i-vii in the corresponding numbered boxes provided.

List of Headings
i. An experiment using people who are receiving medical treatment
ii. The experiment that convinced all the researchers
ii. Medical benefits of hypnosis make scientific proof less important
iv. Lack of data leads to opposing views of hypnotism
v. The effects of hypnosis on parts of the brain involved in vision
vi. Inducing pain through the use of hypnotism
vii. Experiments used to support conflicting views
1. Section A-iv
2. Section B-vii
3. Section C-v
4. Section D-i
5. Section E- ii
Hypnotism - is it real or just a circus trick?​

A. Hypnosis has been shown through a number of rigorously controlled studies to reduce pain, control blood pressure, and even make warts go away. But because very few studies have attempted to define the actual processes involved, most scientists are skeptical of its power and uses. That skepticism has driven David Spiegel, a professor of psychiatry at Stanford University School of Medicine, USA, and other researchers to take a hard look at what happens in the brain during hypnosis.

Among researchers there are two schools of thought. One claims that hypnosis fundamentally alters subjects' state of mind: they enter a trance, which produces changes in brain activity. The other believes that hypnosis is simply a matter of suggestibility and relaxation. Spiegel belongs to the first school and over the years has had a debate with two scientists on the other side, Irving Kirsch, a University of Connecticut psychologist, and Stephen Kosslyn, a Harvard professor.

B. Kirsch often uses hypnosis in his practice and doesn't deny that it can be effective. 'With hypnosis you do put people in altered states,’ he says. ‘But you don't need a trance to do it.’ To illustrate the point, Kirsch demonstrates how a subject holding a small object on a chain can make it swing in any direction by mere suggestion, the chain responding to minute movements in the tiny muscles of the fingers. You don’t have to enter a trance for your subconscious and your body to act upon a suggestion,” Kirsch says. “The reaction is the result of your focusing on moving the chain in a particular direction.

Spiegel disagrees. One of his best-known studies found that when subjects were hypnotised and given suggestions their brain wave patterns changed, indicating that they had entered a trance. In one of his studies, people under hypnosis were told their forearms were numb, then given light electrical shocks to the wrists. They didn’t flinch or respond in any way, and their brain waves resembled those of people who experienced a much weaker shock. To Kirsch this still wasn’t enough to prove the power of trance, but Stephen Kosslyn was willing to be convinced. Many external factors could have been responsible for the shift in the subject’s rate of mind, but Kosslyn wondered, ‘Is there really something going on in the brain?’
C. To find out, Spiegel and Kosslyn decided to collaborate on a study focusing on a part of the brain that is well understood; the circuit which has been found to process the perception of color. Spiegel and Kosslyn wanted to see if subjects could set off the circuit by visualising color while under hypnosis. They selected eight people for the experiment conducted at Massachusetts General Hospital. The subjects were put in a scanner and shown a slide with colored rectangles while their brain activity was mapped. Then they were shown a black and white slide and told to imagine its having color. Both tasks were then repeated under hypnosis.
The results were striking. When the subjects truly saw the colored rectangles, the circuit lit up on both sides of the brain; when they only had to imagine the color, the circuit lit up only in the right hemisphere. Under hypnosis, however, both sides of the brain became active, just as in regular sight; imagination seemed to take on the quality of a hallucination.
After the experiment, Kosslyn was forced to admit, ‘I’m absolutely convinced now that hypnosis can boost what mental imagery does. ‘ But Kirsch remained skeptical, saying, ‘The experiments demonstrate that people are experiencing the effects of hypnotic suggestion but don’t prove that they are entering a trance.’ He also argued that subjects were told to see the card in color when they were hypnotized but only to imagine it in color when they weren’t. ‘ Being told to pretend you’re having an experience is different from the suggestion to have the experience.’
D. Spiegel, however, is a clinician first and a scientist second. He believes the most important thing is that doctors recognise the power of hypnosis and start to use it. Working with Elvira Lang, a radiologist at a Harvard Medical Centre, he is testing the use of hypnosis in the operating room just as he and Kosslyn did in the scanner. Spiegel and Lang took 241 patients scheduled for surgery and divided them into three groups. One group received standard care, another standard care with a sympathetic care provider and the third received standard care, a sympathetic care provider and hypnosis. Every 15 minutes the patients were asked to rate their pain and anxiety levels. They were also hooked up to painkilling medication which they could administer to themselves.
On average, Spiegel and Lang found the hypnotized subjects used less medication, experienced less pain, and felt far less anxiety than the other two groups. Original results published in The Lancet have been further supported by ongoing studies conducted by Lang.
E. Spiegel’s investigations into the nature of hypnosis and its effects on the brain continue. However, if hypnosis is ever to work its way into mainstream medicine and everyday use, physicians will need to know there is solid science behind what sounds like mysticism. Only then will their reluctance to using such things as mind over matter be overcome. ‘I agree that the medical use of hypnotism should be based on data rather than belief,’ says Spiegel, ‘but in the end, it doesn’t really matter why it works, as long as it helps our patients.’
For questions 6-10, choose the correct letter, A, B, C, or D Write the correct letter in the corresponding boxes provided
6. Kirsch uses a small object on a chain to demonstrate that ____.
A . inducing a trance is a simple process
B. responsible for a suggestion does not require a trance
C . muscles respond as a result of a trance
D. it is difficult to identify a trance
7. Spiegel disagrees with Kirsch because of the subjects in Spiegel’s experiment _____.
A . believed what they were told
B. showed changes in brain activity
C . responded as expected to shocks
D . had similar reactions to control subjects
8. Kosslyn’s response to Spiegel’s electric shock experiment was to _____.
A . challenge the results because of external factors
B. work with Kirsch to disprove Spiegel’s results
C . reverse his previous position on trance
D. accept that Spiegel’s ideas might be correct
9. Spiegel and Kosslyn’s experiment was designed to show that hypnosis ______.
A . affects the electrical responses of the brain
B . could make the color appear as black and white
C . has an effect on how shapes are perceived
D . can enhance the subject’s imagination
10. Kirsch thought Spiegel and Kosslyn‘s results ______.
A . were worthy of further investigation
B . had nothing to do with hypnotic suggestion
C . showed that the possibility of trance existed
D . were affected by the words used in the instructions
For questions 11-14, decide whether the following statements are True (T), False (F), or Not Given (NG). Write your answers in the corresponding numbered boxes provided.

11. Spiegel is more interested in scientific research than medical practice. F
12. Patients in the third group in Spiegel and Lang’s experiment were easily hypnotized NG
13. In Spiegel and Lang’s experiment, a smaller amount of painkiller was needed by the hypnotised patients than by the other two groups. T
14. Spiegel feels that doctors should use hypnotism only when it is fully understood. T
Em có làm rồi ạ,nhờ anh chị kiểm tra và tìm dẫn chứng giúp em với ạ!
Zelly NguyễnĐây là đáp án của mình:
1. A - ii
2. B - iV
3. C - vii
4. D - i
5. E - iii
6. B
7, 8, 9, 10; D

Hien Dang

Cựu Mod tiếng Anh
Thành viên
2 Tháng chín 2021
Nam Định
@Zelly Nguyễn Em làm đúng rồi nên c chỉ nêu dẫn chứng thôi nhé
1. "But because very few studies have attempted to define the actual processes involved, most scientists are skeptical of its power and uses." (Bởi vì có quá ít nghiên cứu để định nghĩa quá trình thực sự diễn ra, đa số nhà khoa học còn nghi ngờ về khả năng và công dụng của nó)
2. Đoạn B thì em chú ý vào câu đầu của mỗi đoạn nhỏ trong đó -> conflicting views, còn phần nội dung đều là experiments.
3. "To find out, Spiegel and Kosslyn decided to collaborate on a study focusing on a part of the brain that is well understood; the circuit which has been found to process the perception of color."
4. "he is testing the use of hypnosis in the operating room" (ông ấy thử nghiệm việc sử dụng thuật thôi miên trong phòng phẫu thuật)
5. "‘but in the end, it doesn’t really matter why it works, as long as it helps our patients." (nhưng sau tất cả thì không quan trọng là tại sao nó lại có tác dụng miễn là nó giúp được bệnh nhân của chúng ta)

Chúc em học tốt!
Nếu em muốn luyện thêm về reading thì ghé qua topic Reading made easy nhé.

Bút Bi Tím

Học sinh chăm học
Thành viên
24 Tháng mười một 2020
Bình Thuận
Watching the World go by
Read the following passage and do the tasks that follow.
For questions 1-5, Choose the correct heading for each section from the list of headings below. Write your answers i-vii in the corresponding numbered boxes provided.

List of Headings
i. An experiment using people who are receiving medical treatment
ii. The experiment that convinced all the researchers
ii. Medical benefits of hypnosis make scientific proof less important
iv. Lack of data leads to opposing views of hypnotism
v. The effects of hypnosis on parts of the brain involved in vision
vi. Inducing pain through the use of hypnotism
vii. Experiments used to support conflicting views
1. Section A-iv
2. Section B-vii
3. Section C-v
4. Section D-i
5. Section E- ii
Hypnotism - is it real or just a circus trick?​

A. Hypnosis has been shown through a number of rigorously controlled studies to reduce pain, control blood pressure, and even make warts go away. But because very few studies have attempted to define the actual processes involved, most scientists are skeptical of its power and uses. That skepticism has driven David Spiegel, a professor of psychiatry at Stanford University School of Medicine, USA, and other researchers to take a hard look at what happens in the brain during hypnosis.

Among researchers there are two schools of thought. One claims that hypnosis fundamentally alters subjects' state of mind: they enter a trance, which produces changes in brain activity. The other believes that hypnosis is simply a matter of suggestibility and relaxation. Spiegel belongs to the first school and over the years has had a debate with two scientists on the other side, Irving Kirsch, a University of Connecticut psychologist, and Stephen Kosslyn, a Harvard professor.

B. Kirsch often uses hypnosis in his practice and doesn't deny that it can be effective. 'With hypnosis you do put people in altered states,’ he says. ‘But you don't need a trance to do it.’ To illustrate the point, Kirsch demonstrates how a subject holding a small object on a chain can make it swing in any direction by mere suggestion, the chain responding to minute movements in the tiny muscles of the fingers. You don’t have to enter a trance for your subconscious and your body to act upon a suggestion,” Kirsch says. “The reaction is the result of your focusing on moving the chain in a particular direction.

Spiegel disagrees. One of his best-known studies found that when subjects were hypnotised and given suggestions their brain wave patterns changed, indicating that they had entered a trance. In one of his studies, people under hypnosis were told their forearms were numb, then given light electrical shocks to the wrists. They didn’t flinch or respond in any way, and their brain waves resembled those of people who experienced a much weaker shock. To Kirsch this still wasn’t enough to prove the power of trance, but Stephen Kosslyn was willing to be convinced. Many external factors could have been responsible for the shift in the subject’s rate of mind, but Kosslyn wondered, ‘Is there really something going on in the brain?’
C. To find out, Spiegel and Kosslyn decided to collaborate on a study focusing on a part of the brain that is well understood; the circuit which has been found to process the perception of color. Spiegel and Kosslyn wanted to see if subjects could set off the circuit by visualising color while under hypnosis. They selected eight people for the experiment conducted at Massachusetts General Hospital. The subjects were put in a scanner and shown a slide with colored rectangles while their brain activity was mapped. Then they were shown a black and white slide and told to imagine its having color. Both tasks were then repeated under hypnosis.
The results were striking. When the subjects truly saw the colored rectangles, the circuit lit up on both sides of the brain; when they only had to imagine the color, the circuit lit up only in the right hemisphere. Under hypnosis, however, both sides of the brain became active, just as in regular sight; imagination seemed to take on the quality of a hallucination.
After the experiment, Kosslyn was forced to admit, ‘I’m absolutely convinced now that hypnosis can boost what mental imagery does. ‘ But Kirsch remained skeptical, saying, ‘The experiments demonstrate that people are experiencing the effects of hypnotic suggestion but don’t prove that they are entering a trance.’ He also argued that subjects were told to see the card in color when they were hypnotized but only to imagine it in color when they weren’t. ‘ Being told to pretend you’re having an experience is different from the suggestion to have the experience.’
D. Spiegel, however, is a clinician first and a scientist second. He believes the most important thing is that doctors recognise the power of hypnosis and start to use it. Working with Elvira Lang, a radiologist at a Harvard Medical Centre, he is testing the use of hypnosis in the operating room just as he and Kosslyn did in the scanner. Spiegel and Lang took 241 patients scheduled for surgery and divided them into three groups. One group received standard care, another standard care with a sympathetic care provider and the third received standard care, a sympathetic care provider and hypnosis. Every 15 minutes the patients were asked to rate their pain and anxiety levels. They were also hooked up to painkilling medication which they could administer to themselves.
On average, Spiegel and Lang found the hypnotized subjects used less medication, experienced less pain, and felt far less anxiety than the other two groups. Original results published in The Lancet have been further supported by ongoing studies conducted by Lang.
E. Spiegel’s investigations into the nature of hypnosis and its effects on the brain continue. However, if hypnosis is ever to work its way into mainstream medicine and everyday use, physicians will need to know there is solid science behind what sounds like mysticism. Only then will their reluctance to using such things as mind over matter be overcome. ‘I agree that the medical use of hypnotism should be based on data rather than belief,’ says Spiegel, ‘but in the end, it doesn’t really matter why it works, as long as it helps our patients.’
For questions 6-10, choose the correct letter, A, B, C, or D Write the correct letter in the corresponding boxes provided
6. Kirsch uses a small object on a chain to demonstrate that ____.
A . inducing a trance is a simple process
B. responsible for a suggestion does not require a trance
C . muscles respond as a result of a trance
D. it is difficult to identify a trance
7. Spiegel disagrees with Kirsch because of the subjects in Spiegel’s experiment _____.
A . believed what they were told
B. showed changes in brain activity
C . responded as expected to shocks
D . had similar reactions to control subjects
8. Kosslyn’s response to Spiegel’s electric shock experiment was to _____.
A . challenge the results because of external factors
B. work with Kirsch to disprove Spiegel’s results
C . reverse his previous position on trance
D. accept that Spiegel’s ideas might be correct
9. Spiegel and Kosslyn’s experiment was designed to show that hypnosis ______.
A . affects the electrical responses of the brain
B . could make the color appear as black and white
C . has an effect on how shapes are perceived
D . can enhance the subject’s imagination
10. Kirsch thought Spiegel and Kosslyn‘s results ______.
A . were worthy of further investigation
B . had nothing to do with hypnotic suggestion
C . showed that the possibility of trance existed
D . were affected by the words used in the instructions
For questions 11-14, decide whether the following statements are True (T), False (F), or Not Given (NG). Write your answers in the corresponding numbered boxes provided.

11. Spiegel is more interested in scientific research than medical practice. F
12. Patients in the third group in Spiegel and Lang’s experiment were easily hypnotized NG
13. In Spiegel and Lang’s experiment, a smaller amount of painkiller was needed by the hypnotised patients than by the other two groups. T
14. Spiegel feels that doctors should use hypnotism only when it is fully understood. T
Em có làm rồi ạ,nhờ anh chị kiểm tra và tìm dẫn chứng giúp em với ạ!
Zelly NguyễnTiếp tục:
11. NG
12. T
13. T
14. F
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