English THCS Reading

Zelly Nguyễn

Học sinh chăm học
Thành viên
26 Tháng tám 2021
Hưng Yên
THCS Nam Hồng
[TẶNG BẠN] TRỌN BỘ Bí kíp học tốt 08 môn
Chắc suất Đại học top - Giữ chỗ ngay!!

ĐĂNG BÀI NGAY để cùng trao đổi với các thành viên siêu nhiệt tình & dễ thương trên diễn đàn.

Part 3: Choose from the list A-I the sentence which best summarizes each part (1-7) of the article. There is one extra sentence which you do not need to use. There is an example at the beginning (0).

A It is worth paying more for less fat.
B Convenience food is often not as good as food cooked at home.
C Added ingredients may improve convenience products.
D Convenience food has some advantages.
E Convenience food is usually an expensive alternative.
F Convenience products are now available which are claimed to be healthier.
G You may often need to serve additional food.
H Some convenience products need careful storage and cooking.
I There is now a greater choice of convenience food.

(0). I
Technological advances have dramatically increased the quality and range of convenience meals that are now available. Vacuum-packed or frozen pre-cooked meals ready for the microwave, packets of soup, cake and sauce mixes, instant mashed potato and frozen peas are just a few of the time-saving foods that many people now rely on.
Although pre-prepared meals save time, they may not always be as nutritious as those prepared in your own kitchen. This is because each time they are heated they lose some of their vitamins, and many ‘heat-and-eat’ meals have already been cooked before they are reheated. Convenience food also tends to contain more sugar, salt and fat than most other food.
However, there are increasing numbers of so-called’ healthy’ meals, usually identified by ‘healthy eating’ symbols or the manufacturer’s own brand name for their low-calorie products. Some labels mention ‘reduced’ or ‘controlled’ sodium, but these may still contain considerable amounts of salt.
A meal in a packet is a useful standby, especially in families who like to eat different things at different times, and for people who work late. It is often cheaper than a takeaway and a convenient alternative to cooking from scratch. And it saves on washing up.
The ‘healthy’ versions of most pre-prepared dishes are more expensive than their standard equivalents, but may be a better choice if they are lower in fat. Levels of other ingredients in the standard and ‘healthy’ varieties are usually similar.
Although some ready-made foods are sold as ‘complete’ meals, they are rarely a good source of vegetables or starchy foods. It is a good idea, therefore, to add extra vegetables or a salad along with a starchy food, such as brown rice or a whole meal roll.
Despite the fact that food manufacturers and retailers have improved hygiene and food safety at many stages of the food chain, pre-cooked foods found in chill cabinets may still be a source of food poisoning. Consumers should keep and prepare these foods with great care to prevent the spread of bacteria. This means bringing food home as soon as possible after purchase, keeping it in a refrigerator or freezer, following microwave guidelines and making sure food is really hot before eating.
Although many people view additives with suspicion, they have their advantages. Their presence is often vital if food is not to spoil, and many result in better taste, texture or color. All additives are the subject of strict safety checks and allergic reactions are very rare.
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