The fact that English has been spoken in England for 1,500 years but in Australia for only 200, explains (1) ______ we have a great wealth of regional dialects in England that is more or less totally lacking in Australia. It is often possible to tell where an English person comes from about 15 miles or less in Australia where there has not been enough time for changes to bring about (2) _____ regional variation it is almost impossible to tell where someone comes from at (3) ______, although very small differences are now beginning to appear. It is unlikely, however that (4) _____ will ever be as much dialectal variation in Australia as there is in England. This is because modern transport and communication conditions are very different from what they were 1,500 or at least 100 years ago. Even (5) _____ English is now spoken in many different parts of the world many thousands of miles apart, it is very unlikely that English will ever break up into (6) _____ number of different non-intelligible languages in the same way that Indo-European and Germanic (7) _____ German and Norwegian became different languages because the ancestors of the speakers of these two languages moved apart geographically, and were no (8) _____ in touch and communicating with one another. In the modern world, barring unforeseen catastrophes, (9) _____ will not happen, at least in the near future. As long as Americans and British people, for instance, are in touch with one another and want to communicate with one another, it is most unlikely that their dialect will drift so far apart (10) ______ to become different languages.