Which of following has closet meaning to the word communal?
A.rural B.public C.countryside D suburban
public: chung, công, công cộng,công khai
communal: công, chung, công cộng
ruralthuộc) nông thôn, thôn dã
countryside :nông thôn, miền quê, vùng quê, địa phương (ở nông thôn)
suburban: (thuộc) ngoại ô
Which of following has closet meaning to the word communal?
A.rural B.public C.countryside D suburban
rural ([thuộc] nông thôn) the bus system is unavailable in rural areas because of the narrow road.
public = communal: công cộng. Smoking is banned in public places
countryside: (vùng quê, vùng nông thôn) The trip will take you through some beautiful countryside
Suburban ([thuộc) ngoại oo0 My grandparents used to live in a suburban district of Hanoi