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Kuroko - chan

Học sinh tiêu biểu
HV CLB Hội họa
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27 Tháng mười 2017
Hà Nội
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[TẶNG BẠN] TRỌN BỘ Bí kíp học tốt 08 môn
Chắc suất Đại học top - Giữ chỗ ngay!!

ĐĂNG BÀI NGAY để cùng trao đổi với các thành viên siêu nhiệt tình & dễ thương trên diễn đàn.

I. Use a phrase or clause of purpose to combine each pair of sentences below.
1. The boy stood on the benches. They wanted to get a better view.
2. We lower the volume of the radio. We don’t want to bother our neighbours.
3. I’ll write to you. I want you to know my decision soon.
4. These men were talking in whispers. They didn’t want anyone to hear their conversation.
5. The boy feigned to be sick. He hoped we didn’t make him work.
6. The man spoke loudly. He wanted everybody to hear him clearly.
7. Doris often goes home as soon as the class is over. She doesn’t want her mother to wait for her.
8. John gets up early. He doesn’t want to be late for class.
9. Mary hid the novel under her pillow. She didn’t want her father to see it.
10. Alice prepares her lesson carefully. She wants to get high marks in class.
11. The robber changed his address all the time. He didn’t want the police to find him.
12. They did their jobs well. They hoped the boss would increase their salary.
13. You should walk slowly. Your sister can follow you.
14. I’m studying hard. I want to keep pace with my classmates.
15. We turned out the lights. We didn’t want to waste electricity.
16. This pupil read only for short periods each day. He didn’t want to train his eyes.
17. I whispered. I didn’t want to disturb anyone.
18. The clown took off his mask. He didn’t want to frighten the children.
19. My father drove carefully. He didn’t want to cause accidents.
20. Sue dutifully followed her parents’ advice. She didn’t want to cause trouble for her parents.
21. Mr Thompson is learning Vietnamese. He wishes to read Kim Van Kieu.
22. Please shut the door. I don’t want the dog to go out of the house.
23. The farmer built a high wall around his garden. The fruits wouldn’t be stolen.
24. The police stopped the traffic every few minutes. The pedestrians might cross the road.
25. The notices are written in several languages. Everyone may understand them.
26. I wish to have enough money. I want to buy a new house.
27. Dick is practising the guitar. He can play for the dance.
28. She needs a job. She wants to support her old parents.
29. He moved to the front row. He could hear the speaker better.
30. She put the meat into the oven. She wanted it to be ready for dinner.
II. Rewrite the following sentences, using phrases off purpose.
1. Leave early so that you may get home before dark.
2. This man changed his address constantly so that he could avoid the police.
3. I shouted in order that I could warn everyone of danger.
4. Banks are developed so that they can keep people’s money safe.
5. Mary went to the library in order that she could borrow some books.
6. Yesterday father went to the bank so that he would open a checking account.
7. I went to see him so that I could find out what had happened.
8. Tom is saving up so that he can buy a new bicycle.
9. He hurried so that he could catch the train.
10. She is learning French so that she will be able to speak it when she comes to Paris.
III. Change phrases of purpose to clauses of purpose or vice versa.
1. We hurried to school so as not to be late.
2. He climbed the tree in order to get a better view.
3. You should get up early so that you will have time to review your lesson.
4. Some young people like to earn their own living in order that they will be independent of their parents.
5. We should do morning exercises regularly so as to improve our health.
6. We should take advantage of the scientific achievements of the world so that we can develop our national economy.
7. Every people in the world must unite their efforts to maintain and protect peace.
8. She put on warm clothes so that she wouldn’t catch cold.
9. He hurried to the station so as not to miss the train.
10. She locked the door so as not to be disturbed.
IV. Complete the following sentences.
1. Tom hurried so that...
2. Mary asked her parents for permission in order...
3. They’re studying English so that...
4. He stood up to...
5. I gave her my telephone number in order that...
6. I’ll come there early in order...
7. The teacher explained the lesson again so that...
8. The firemen rushed into the burning house to...
9. He is saving money so that...
10. They are in a hurry so as not...
11. We study hard in order...
12. Mary has made a big cake so that...
13. They went to Paris to...
14. He tries to go to work in time so as not...
15. The workers went on strike so that...
I. Use SO or SUCH.
1. The sun shone brightly that Maria had to put on her sunglasses.
2. Dean was a powerful swimmer that he always won the races.
3. There were few students registered that the class was cancelled.
4. We had wonderful memories of that place that we decided to return.
5. We had good a time at the party that we hated to leave.
6. The benefit was great a success that the promoters decided to repeat it.
7. It was a nice day that we decided to go to the beach.
8. Jane looked sick that the nurse told her to go home.
9. Those were difficult assignments that we spent two weeks finishing them.
10. Ray called at an early hour that we weren’t awake yet.
11. The book looked interesting that he decided to read it.
12. He worked carefully that it took him a long time to complete the project.
13. We stayed in the sun for a long time that we became sunburned.
14. There were many people on the bus that we decided to walk.
15. The program was entertaining that nobody wanted to miss it.
II. Make sentences with SO ... THAT.
1. The lesson is very difficult. Nobody can understand it.
2. The work is very hard. I can’t finish it on time.
3. This novel was very interesting. I couldn’t put it down.
4. This song is very simple. All of us can sing it.
5. My brothers and sisters were very excited about the trip. They couldn’t sleep.
III. Make sentences with SUCH ... THAT.
1. The house is very expensive. Nobody can buy it.
2. The boy is very nice. We all like him.
3. The weather was very cold. We couldn’t go out.
4. The room was very dark. I couldn’t see anything.
5. The day was nice. We decided to go to the beach.
IV. Combine two sentences, using so ... THAT or SUCH THAT.
1. The sun shone brightly. Maria had to put on her sunglasses.
2. Dean was a powerful swimmer. He always won the races.
3. There were few students registered. The class was cancelled.
4. The house was beautiful. I took a picture of it.
5. This coffee is strong. I can’t drink it.
6. This is a good film. I want to see it again and again.
7. There was a lot of food. Everyone ate too much.
8. There were a lot of guests. There wasn’t enough food.
9. I ate a lot of sandwiches. I felt uneasy.
10. David has a lot of work to do. He can’t come tonight.
11. He was very sick. He was sent to the hospital.
12. It was very dark. He couldn’t see anything.
13. He has very wide knowledge. We can’t help admiring him.
14. His conduct is very good. All his teachers love him.
15. Mary has a beautiful voice. We all like to hear her sing.
16. John is still very weak. He can’t walk without a stick.
17. My father has a very good health. He seldom takes any medicines.
18. There is too much noise. We can’t learn our lessons.
19. My friend is very strong. He can lift up the table by himself.
20. Bill is an intelligent boy. He is always at the top of his class.
V. Use SUCH instead of SO to rewrite the sentences below.
1. He is so clever that he can answer all my questions.
2. Mr. Keller is so rich that he can give the charitable society one million dollars.
3. This city is so large that I’ve got lost.
4. That day was so nice that all of us went out for a walk.
5. This shop is so small that we don’t take notice of it.
6. That fish was so big that it could weigh fifty kilos.
7. The test we did yesterday was so difficult that we couldn’t finish it an hour.
8. The play we saw yesterday was so bad that we went out by halves.
9. The story he told us was so funny that I couldn’t help laughing.
10. Jane’s conduct is so good that everybody likes her.
11. Mary’s voice is so beautiful that we all like to hear her sing.
12. Miss Snow’s ring is so valuable that she keeps it very carefully.
13. Your dog is so fierce that nobody dares to approach it.
14. His house is so beautiful that he doesn’t want to sell it.
15. Our car is so old that we must repair it three times a month.
VI. Complete the following sentences.
1. That lesson was so difficult that...
2. The goods were so good that...
3. We enjoyed the music so much that...
4. He is such a busy man that...
5. They are such big shoes that...
6. He spoke so fast that...
7. He worked so hard that...
8. Distances are so great that...
9. The mountains are so high that...
10. I have so many things to do that...
11. This is such a heavy package that...
12. It is such a warm day that...
13. That was such a good movie that...
14. We had such a good time that...
15. This is such a difficult lesson that...
16. There is so much noise here that...
17. That book is so interesting that...
18. They are such high mountains that...
19. She speaks with such speed that...
20. She is such a busy person that...
VII. Use the construction TOO... + to-infinitive to rewrite the sentences below.
1. It was so cold that we didn’t want to go out.
2. Mr. Pike is so weak that he can’t walk without a stick.
3. The ground is so hard that we can’t dig it.
4. The elephant is so big that it can’t run fast.
5. Your handwriting is so bad that I can’t read it.
6. This man is so old that he can’t work.
7. These shoes are so big that I can wear them.
8. These goods are so expensive that they can’t be sold quickly.
9. She walked so fast that her younger sister couldn’t follow her.
10. I got up so late that I didn’t have time to eat breakfast.
VIII. Rewrite the sentences below, using ENOUGH instead of TOO
1. He is too old to wear this coloured shirt.
2. She is too weak to carry this bag.
3. This pen is too expensive for me to buy.
4. Bill is too foolish to understand what I say.
5. This bag is too heavy for her to carry.
6. The test was too difficult for them to do.
7. That sentence was too long for me to memorize.
8. The land is too poor to grow crops.
9. The room is too noisy for us to study.
10. This book is too dull to read.
11. We were too late to get good seats.
12. Jack is too lazy to make progress in his study.
13. I’m too poor to help you with the money.
14. These oranges are too sour for us to eat.
15. The shelf is too high for the boy to reach.
16. This road is too dangerous for her to go at night.
17. The water in this pool is too dirty to drink.
18. Martha is too ugly to have a boyfriend.
19. This room is too dark for us to study.
20. He studied too badly to pass his exam.
IX. Fill in the blanks with SO MUCH or SO MANY.
1. We have ________ problems that we can’t go to bed early.
2. Why have you got ________ furniture?
3. There was ________ food that everyone ate too much.
4. There were ________ guests that there wasn’t enough food.
5. Why did you buy ________ beer?
6. Doctor Simmon ________ has patients that he’s always busy.
7. I ate ________ sandwiches that I felt ill.
8. My father has ________ work to do that he can’t come back home tonight.
9. Why did he drink ________ wine?
10. They drank ________ wine that they couldn’t walk.
11. His mother asks him to take ________ things that he can’t put all of them into his suitcase.
12. There are ________ places of interest in London that Jane can’t decide where to go first.
13. It took Jane ________ time to listen to her roommate.
14. There was ________ noise in the room that I couldn’t work.
15. There are ________ planets in the universe that we can’t count them.
IX. Fill in the blanks with SO MUCH or SO MANY.
1. We have ________ problems that we can’t go to bed early.
2. Why have you got ________ furniture?
3. There was ________ food that everyone ate too much.
4. There were ________ guests that there wasn’t enough food.
5. Why did you buy ________ beer?
6. Doctor Simmon ________ has patients that he’s always busy.
7. I ate ________ sandwiches that I felt ill.
8. My father has ________ work to do that he can’t come back home tonight.
9. Why did he drink ________ wine?
10. They drank ________ wine that they couldn’t walk.
11. His mother asks him to take ________ things that he can’t put all of them into his suitcase.
12. There are ________ places of interest in London that Jane can’t decide where to go first.
13. It took Jane ________ time to listen to her roommate.
14. There was ________ noise in the room that I couldn’t work.
15. There are ________ planets in the universe that we can’t count them.
Vì còn nhiều quá nên mình muốn nhờ mọi người giúp
Cố gắng giúp mình trước 10h nhé
Được tới đâu hay tới đó
Cảm ơn mọi người trước nhen T^T
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Tohru - san

Học sinh tiến bộ
Thành viên
6 Tháng ba 2018
Đồng Nai
TH - THCS Nguyễn Khuyến
I. Use SO or SUCH.
1. The sun shone so brightly that Maria had to put on her sunglasses.
2. Dean was such a powerful swimmer that he always won the races.
3. There were such few students registered that the class was canceled.
4. We had so wonderful memories of that place that we decided to return.
5. We had such a good time at the party that we hated to leave.
6. The benefit was such a great success that the promoters decided to repeat it.
7. It was such a nice day that we decided to go to the beach.
8. Jane looked so sick that the nurse told her to go home.
9. Those were such difficult assignments that we spent two weeks finishing them.
10. Ray called at such an early hour that we weren’t awake yet.
11. The book looked so interesting that he decided to read it.
12. He worked carefully that it took him such a long time to complete the project.
13. We stayed in the sun for such a long time that we became sunburned.
14. There were so many people on the bus that we decided to walk.
15. The program was so entertaining that nobody wanted to miss it.
II. Make sentences with SO ... THAT.
1. The lesson is very difficult. Nobody can understand it. => The lesson is so difficult that nobody can understand.
2. The work is very hard. I can’t finish it on time. => The work is so hard that I can't finish it on time
3. This novel was very interesting. I couldn’t put it down. => This novel was so interesting that I couldn’t put it down
4. This song is very simple. All of us can sing it. => This song is so simple that all of us can sing.
5. My brothers and sisters were very excited about the trip. They couldn’t sleep. => My brothers and sisters were so excited about the trip that they couldn’t sleep
III. Make sentences with SUCH ... THAT.
1. The house is very expensive. Nobody can buy it. =>It is such an expensive house that nobody can buy it.
2. The boy is very nice. We all like him. => It is such a nice boy that we all like him.
3. The weather was very cold. We couldn’t go out. => It was such a cold weather that we couldn't see anything.
4. The room was very dark. I couldn’t see anything. => It was such a very dark room that I couldn't see anything.
5. The day was nice. We decided to go to the beach. => It was such a nice day that we decided to go to the beach.
IV. Combine two sentences, using so ... THAT or SUCH THAT.
1. The sun shone brightly. Maria had to put on her sunglasses. > The sun shone so bright that Maria had to put on her sunglasses.
2. Dean was a powerful swimmer. He always won the races. => Dean was such a powerful swimmer that he always won the race.
3. There were few students registered. The class was canceled. => There were such few students registered that the class was canceled.
4. The house was beautiful. I took a picture of it. => The house was so beautiful that I took a picture of it.
5. This coffee is strong. I can’t drink it. => This coffee is so strong that I can't drink it.
6. This is a good film. I want to see it again and again. => This is such a good film that I want to see it again and again.
7. There was a lot of food. Everyone ate too much. => There was such a lot of food that everyone ate too much.
8. There were a lot of guests. There wasn’t enough food. => There were such a lot of guests that where wasn't enough food.
9. I ate a lot of sandwiches. I felt uneasy. => I ate such a lot of sandwiches that I felt uneasy.
10. David has a lot of work to do. He can’t come tonight. => David has such a lot of work to do that he cant' come tonight.
11. He was very sick. He was sent to the hospital. => He was so sick that he was sent to the hospital.
12. It was very dark. He couldn’t see anything. => It was so dark that he couldn't see anything.
13. He has very wide knowledge. We can’t help admiring him. => He was such wide knowledge that we can't help admiring him
14. His conduct is very good. All his teachers love him. => His conduct is so good that all his teachers love him.
15. Mary has a beautiful voice. We all like to hear her sing. => Mary has such a beautiful voice that we all like her sing.
16. John is still very weak. He can’t walk without a stick. => John is still so weak that he can't walk without a stick.
17. My father has a very good health. He seldom takes any medicines. =>
18. There is too much noise. We can’t learn our lessons.
19. My friend is very strong. He can lift up the table by himself.
20. Bill is an intelligent boy. He is always at the top of his class.
V. Use SUCH instead of SO to rewrite the sentences below.
1. He is so clever that he can answer all my questions.
2. Mr. Keller is so rich that he can give the charitable society one million dollars.
3. This city is so large that I’ve got lost.
4. That day was so nice that all of us went out for a walk.
5. This shop is so small that we don’t take notice of it.
6. That fish was so big that it could weigh fifty kilos.
7. The test we did yesterday was so difficult that we couldn’t finish it an hour.
8. The play we saw yesterday was so bad that we went out by halves.
9. The story he told us was so funny that I couldn’t help laughing.
10. Jane’s conduct is so good that everybody likes her.
11. Mary’s voice is so beautiful that we all like to hear her sing.
12. Miss Snow’s ring is so valuable that she keeps it very carefully.
13. Your dog is so fierce that nobody dares to approach it.
14. His house is so beautiful that he doesn’t want to sell it.
15. Our car is so old that we must repair it three times a month.
VI. Complete the following sentences.
1. That lesson was so difficult that I couldn't understand.
2. The goods were so good that
3. We enjoyed the music so much that...
4. He is such a busy man that...
5. They are such big shoes that...
6. He spoke so fast that...
7. He worked so hard that...
8. Distances are so great that...
9. The mountains are so high that...
10. I have so many things to do that...
11. This is such a heavy package that...
12. It is such a warm day that...
13. That was such a good movie that...
14. We had such a good time that...
15. This is such a difficult lesson that...
16. There is so much noise here that...
17. That book is so interesting that...
18. They are such high mountains that...
19. She speaks with such speed that...
20. She is such a busy person that...
VII. Use the construction TOO... + to-infinitive to rewrite the sentences below.
1. It was so cold that we didn’t want to go out. => It was too cold for us to go out
2. Mr. Pike is so weak that he can’t walk without a stick. => Mr.Pike is too weak to walk without a stick
3. The ground is so hard that we can’t dig it. => Ths ground is too hard for us to dig.
4. The elephant is so big that it can’t run fast. => The elephant is too big to run fast.
5. Your handwriting is so bad that I can’t read it. => Your handwriting is too bad for me to read.
6. This man is so old that he can’t work. => This man is too old to work.
7. These shoes are so big that I can wear them. => These shoes are too big for me to wear.
8. These goods are so expensive that they can’t be sold quickly. => These goods are too expensive to be sold quickly.
9. She walked so fast that her younger sister couldn’t follow her. => She walked too fast for her younger sister to follow her.
10. I got up so late that I didn’t have time to eat breakfast. => I got up too late to have time to eat breakfast.
VIII. Rewrite the sentences below, using ENOUGH instead of TOO
1. He is too old to wear this colored shirt. => He is old enough to wear this colored shirt
2. She is too weak to carry this bag. => She is strong enough to carry this bag
3. This pen is too expensive for me to buy. => This pen is cheap enough for me to buy
4. Bill is too foolish to understand what I say. => Bill is smart enough to understand what I say
5. This bag is too heavy for her to carry. => This bag is light enough for her to carry
6. The test was too difficult for them to do. => The test was easy enough for them to do
7. That sentence was too long for me to memorize. => That sentence was short enough for me to memorize.
8. The land is too poor to grow crops. => The land is rich enough to grow crops.
9. The room is too noisy for us to study. => The room is quiet enough for us to study.
10. This book is too dull to read. => This book is interesting enough to read.
11. We were too late to get good seats. => We were soon enough to get good seats
12. Jack is too lazy to make progress in his study. => Jack is hard-working enough to make progress in his study.
13. I’m too poor to help you with the money. => I'm rich enough to help you with the money
14. These oranges are too sour for us to eat. => These oranges are sweat enough for us to eat
15. The shelf is too high for the boy to reach. => The shelf is low enough for the boy to reach
16. This road is too dangerous for her to go at night. => This road is safe enough for her to go at night.
17. The water in this pool is too dirty to drink. => The water in this pool is clean enough to drink
18. Martha is too ugly to have a boyfriend. => Martha is beautiful enough to have a boyfriend.
19. This room is too dark for us to study. => This room is bright enough for us to study.
20. He studied too badly to pass his exam. => He studied well enough to pass his exam
IX. Fill in the blanks with SO MUCH or SO MANY.
1. We have __so many__ problems that we can’t go to bed early.
2. Why have you got ___so much_ furniture?
3. There was __so much___ food that everyone ate too much.
4. There were ___so many_ guests that there wasn’t enough food.
5. Why did you buy __so much__ beer?
6. Doctor Simmon ___so many__ has patients that he’s always busy.
7. I ate ___so many__ sandwiches that I felt ill.
8. My father has __so much__ work to do that he can’t come back home tonight.
9. Why did he drink __so much__ wine?
10. They drank __so much__ wine that they couldn’t walk.
11. His mother asks him to take ___so many__ things that he can’t put all of them into his suitcase.
12. There are ___so many__ places of interest in London that Jane can’t decide where to go first.
13. It took Jane ___so much__ time to listen to her roommate.
14. There was __so much_ noise in the room that I couldn’t work.
15. There are __so many__ planets in the universe that we can’t count them.
Hong kịp làm hết :(
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Cựu TMod Cộng đồng|Cựu Phụ trách box "Sách"
HV CLB Địa lí
Thành viên
2 Tháng chín 2018
Bình Dương
Lớp 12 có khác, tự nhiên nhớ lại 1 thời cũng phải ngồi làm mấy cái này : D. Chị làm được phần nào thì đăng phần đó.

Make sentences with SO ... THAT.
1. The lesson is SO difficult THAT nobody can understand it.
2. The work is SO hard THAT I can’t finish it on time.
3. This novel was SO interesting THAT I couldn’t put it down.
4. This song is SO simple THAT all of us can sing it.
5. My brothers and sisters were SO excited about the trip THAT they couldn’t sleep.
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