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19 Tháng ba 2017
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Chou Chou

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TV BQT được yêu thích nhất 2017
4 Tháng năm 2017
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Homeschooling refers to the practice of educating children at home by either parents or by a private tutor instead of sending the child to school. The idea of homeschooling has been present in society for a long time. In fact, if we look at the pages of history, before the establishment of a formal system of education, people were educated at home. The financially well off families could afford a private tutor, or governess. The other families would teach their children themselves.

Homeschooling a good idea

I disagree with the statement that children should never be homeschooled. There are many reasons why parents would opt to home school their children. It could be because they don’t agree with the conventional educational system; they might have specific religious beliefs (like the Jehovah’s Witnesses), or might be a family that travels around the world frequently. In order to objectively analyze the concept, let us look at the pros and cons of homeschooling.


• The child is more open to new and different ideas and concepts.

• If the child is homeschooled due to the nomadic spirit of the parents, she or he will be well travelled, thereby giving the child a wide exposure to different lifestyles.

• The child has a flexible schedule that is free from the rigors of a regular school. The child can enjoy her or his childhood.

• Homeschooling can have a varied and inclusive curriculum, which enables the child to learn and explore more.


• Parents might not be qualified to teach children, even if they have college degrees.

• With an absence of interaction with other children of the same age, the child might be socially withdrawn. The child may be awkward, and find it difficult to make friends.

• As the child is at home with parents, she or he might not learn what it is to have a strict schedule. Discipline might not become a priority for the child, which can have negative effects as an adult.

• The child might not have many opportunities to be a part of group sports and other activities in a regular school.


While there are good and bad effects to homeschooling, it cannot be altogether written off as a bad idea. It has its own benefits both to the child and the family. Apart from that, as the advocates of a regular formal schooling suggest, it is not a terrible situation. As a society, we should have a broad minded attitude towards homeschooling. We should be able to accommodate ideas that are different from our set of beliefs and our value system.


Education is really important nowadays for human beings, especially for children. These days, while numerous students are enrolled in the school to be educated, others, prefer studying at home through parents at home. As a result, both situations have their positive and negative outcomes as will now be argued.

Primarily, it is obvious that those who are educated in school have a complete discipline and training. Certain facilities, as well as library or gym could be found only in the institute, that makes it easier and facilitate the child's growth. What is more, teachers are specialized in their subjects with higher educational qualification, consequently they know how to better prepare the pupils for a career best. To illustrate, the majority of my friends argue that if they have a successful position in their company is due to school and educators.

On the other hand, the main reason that lie behind on why both mother and father used to teach their kids at home, is owing to the fact that, they do not want that their kids become as others their peers or even the society. To be specific, ever more adults nowadays are treated badly by young people which have behaving and attitude problems toward them. Therefore, parents have a lack of trust toward educational environment and as a result they consider it more useful teaching at home. Unfortunately, this decision has some side effects, indeed, the children of course will have a good behaviour in the future yet they will never have the knowledge and ability as one who has attended the school. The absence of a degree weighs highly in the future, in fact such a student hardly find a job position in a firm as the latest analysis stated us.

To conclude, as a overall judgement, It could be said that although if children, taught by the parents could have as main target a good personality and attitude, the most effective manner to being successful in their life, is that the kids should attend the school.


A growing number of people believe that parents are not ideal for providing education to their children. I am totally in favour of this idea. This essay will discuss the benefits and drawbacks for youngsters who plan to follow this type of system with relevant examples.

Let us begin by looking at an advantage of giving education at home by parents. Feeling comfortable and sounding confident by youngsters are by far the most important positive of it. It is well known to everyone that the caregivers gain considerable experience in child's development. Needless to say, they know how to deal with their loved ones better than anyone, which can prove advantageous for tutoring them. Despite the unnecessary demands of kids, guardians are found to express genuine affections and become unduly lenient. As a consequence, teenagers feel very ecstatic and remain utterly determined. Unlike in schools, teachers may hand out punishments and get bullied by classmates for showing the similar necessities as in the home.

Nevertheless, I would argue that pupils tend to be deprived of social skills, discipline and the rest others and eventually might end in failure if the youths received learning from their parents in the bosom. This can be exemplified by the lack of peers who would otherwise usually participate in detailed discussions and encourage in an effective team work. Making matters worse, the little ones usually show lax disciplines owing to the exhibition of exemplary behaviours from the begetters, so the majority of them disappointingly result in breakdowns. In addition, knowledge demonstrated by the forebearers are nowhere near as vast as the teachers because they may not show profound knowledge in various subjects as history, maths and science.

In conclusion, there are highest possibilities that the children become unimaginative, relaxed and along with others at home education. Thus, this type of teaching by parents ought to be discouraged.

Nguồn: Internet
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