Ngoại ngữ IOE lớp 10



[TẶNG BẠN] TRỌN BỘ Bí kíp học tốt 08 môn
Chắc suất Đại học top - Giữ chỗ ngay!!

ĐĂNG BÀI NGAY để cùng trao đổi với các thành viên siêu nhiệt tình & dễ thương trên diễn đàn.

He stood on one leg, leaning _______ the wall while he took off his shoe.
Wildlife is now facing threats ____ many human actions.
Cat Tien National ____ lies approximately 150km north of HCM City, Vietnam.
Water in this river is __ contaminated that it is not suitable for drinking.
I didn’t find out __ Terry had revealed our secret.
It was Neil Armstrong who first set ____ on the moon.
Women are a long way ____ achieving equal pay with their male colleagues.
If the traffic were not heavy during ____ hours, they would not be sometimes late for school.
When did he take the first step ____ the world of music as a composer?
I hear someone shouting in the distance. Do you hear it ___?
The woman should not ___ involved in the situation.
I’ve decided to quit the job. – Oh, ____ you?
I think simple food are ______ than fancy dishes.
Extinction is a hotly debated, ___ poorly understood topic in science.
She first rose to … as a singer at the age of 16.
Unfortunately, the excursion turned ___ to be a disaster.
I have 4 brothers. One is a doctor; the ______ are teachers.
37 degrees Celsius is the normal temperature of the human ____.
There is nothing left to talk _______ you and me.
If the traffic were not heavy during ____ hours, they would not be sometimes late for school.
Please let me know _______ you can come or not.
The world’s water balance is regulated by the constant circulation of water in liquid ___ vapor form.
I wonder __ you could help me with those difficult mathematical puzzles.
The wind was __ strong that the cottage collapsed.
To overcome a bad habit, ____ as smoking and gambling, is not quite easy to most of human beings.
Her father encouraged Susan to _____ for the job.
The city ____ to be occupied by the enemy for many years.
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