Imagine you are visiting a city in your country or abroad. Write a postcard to your friend (about 8

chào! mình tên là Trang

Học sinh chăm học
Thành viên
5 Tháng một 2020
Nghệ An
TTHCS Liên Đồng
[TẶNG BẠN] TRỌN BỘ Bí kíp học tốt 08 môn
Chắc suất Đại học top - Giữ chỗ ngay!!

ĐĂNG BÀI NGAY để cùng trao đổi với các thành viên siêu nhiệt tình & dễ thương trên diễn đàn.

Imagine you are visiting a city in your country or abroad. Write a postcard to your friend (about 8 -10 sentences) . Use your own idea and the following as cues :
- What city are you in?
- What has the weather been like?
- Where are you staying?
- What have you done ?
- What will you do tomorrow?
- How are you feeling ?

Only Normal

Bá tước Halloween|Cựu TMod Toán
HV CLB Hóa học vui
Thành viên
5 Tháng hai 2020
Hà Nội
THCS Quang Minh
The tourism industry has been concerned in many countries and these days lots of investments have been developed on this matter. But there are a lot of debates about some conflicts which come to existence when visitors enter in some societies. In fact, some encourage people to accept and welcome other cultures which have been brought to their countries by tourists and some others believe that tourists should behave as the frame of the host country rules and customs. This essay has tried to cover both of mentioned views and will suggest a solution for this sophisticated issue.
The first groups who opine that people should respect tourists’ cultural believe that introducing new cultures to a society can be suitable. In the other words, people can learn new things from tourists and it can be helpful for increasing society awareness about the way of living in each corner of the world. In the other hand, these groups believe that people and governments should be flexible and admit other cultures if they want to be successful in the tourism industry and attract more tourists. Actually, lots of countries are competing with each other for being the destination of visitors in holidays and without respecting different cultures, they may be lost in this competition.
By contrast, some others worry about their local customs and traditional cultures and they think that bringing new cultures and behaviours to one country by visitors can make a serious threaten for their cultures. Put another way, they believe that people may be interested in other countries cultures when tourists come to their countries and by this way, they forget their local customs. For example, a new style of wearing would be replaced by local clothes or new foods would be developed instead of traditional ones. Hence, they always want from tourists to behave as the host country allows. For instance, in some Islamic countries, governments prohibit drinking alcohol for tourists or ask women tourists to wear some specific dresses.
I think, therefore, tourists always would like to learn and visit local customs when they go to new places, so, host countries can make a potential for tourists to be free and also encourage them to follow local rules and customs by introducing and showing their benefits. Undeniably visitors would be interested in behaving as similar as local people if the proper strategies would be considered.
Nguồn : Internet


Học sinh chăm học
Thành viên
10 Tháng ba 2020
TP Hồ Chí Minh
THCS Trường Chinh
Hi Trang
We’re having a fabulous time here in Singapore
The weather is perfect and we’re spending our days sightseeing and exploring the local area.
The food is pretty good and the other people here are really friendly
See you on next Sunday
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