English THPT Hiện tại hoàn thành + hiện tại hoàn thành tiếp diễn

MonMS _903

Học sinh mới
Thành viên
16 Tháng chín 2021
Hải Phòng
THPT Tiên Lãng
[TẶNG BẠN] TRỌN BỘ Bí kíp học tốt 08 môn
Chắc suất Đại học top - Giữ chỗ ngay!!

ĐĂNG BÀI NGAY để cùng trao đổi với các thành viên siêu nhiệt tình & dễ thương trên diễn đàn.

Giải thích giúp e được thì tốt ạ :<
Choose the correct words in brackets to complete the sentences.
1. Prof. Wilson has given / has been giving the same seminar to students for the last 12 years.
2. She has never understood / has never been understanding why so many young people want to study abroad.
3. Nam has studied / has been studying English for two years.
4. He has attended / has been attending online vocational courses twice.
5. Have you applied / Have you applying for the scholarship to study in Singapore?
6. We have waited / have been waiting for the university's reply about entry requirements for the whole week. We hope to receive it soon.
7. The British Council has used / has been using IELTS as an international standardised test of English for non-native English language speakers for a long time.
8. The university has built / has been building a new campus since May.
9. We have read / have been reading three books on vocational training to complete this project.
10. They have read / have been reading a report on a further education since last Monday. I will finish it this Sunday.
11. Mary has stayed / has been staying at a homestay for three weeks during her undergraduate programme.
12. I have applied / have been applying for a vocational scholarship three times.
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Cựu Phụ trách nhóm Anh
Thành viên
19 Tháng tư 2017
Nam Định
Trái tim của Riky-Kun
Giải thích giúp e được thì tốt ạ :<
Choose the correct words in brackets to complete the sentences.
1. Prof. Wilson has given / has been giving the same seminar to students for the last 12 years.
2. She has never understood / has never been understanding why so many young people want to study abroad.
3. Nam has studied / has been studying English for two years.
4. He has attended / has been attending online vocational courses twice.
5. Have you applied / Have you applying for the scholarship to study in Singapore?
6. We have waited / have been waiting for the university's reply about entry requirements for the whole week. We hope to receive it soon.
7. The British Council has used / has been using IELTS as an international standardised test of English for non-native English language speakers for a long time.
8. The university has built / has been building a new campus since May.
9. We have read / have been reading three books on vocational training to complete this project.
10. They have read / have been reading a report on a further education since last Monday. I will finish it this Sunday.
11. Mary has stayed / has been staying at a homestay for three weeks during her undergraduate programme.
12. I have applied / have been applying for a vocational scholarship three times.
Toàn bộ lý thuyết phần này có ghi ở đây nên mình không giải thích thêm nhé
[Lý thuyết] Các thì cơ bản - HMF
1. Prof. Wilson has given / has been giving the same seminar to students for the last 12 years.
2. She has never understood / has never been understanding why so many young people want to study abroad.
3. Nam has studied / has been studying English for two years.
4. He has attended / has been attending online vocational courses twice.
5. Have you applied / Have you applying for the scholarship to study in Singapore?
6. We have waited / have been waiting for the university's reply about entry requirements for the whole week. We hope to receive it soon.
7. The British Council has used / has been using IELTS as an international standardised test of English for non-native English language speakers for a long time.
8. The university has built / has been building a new campus since May.
9. We have read / have been reading three books on vocational training to complete this project.
10. They have read / have been reading a report on a further education since last Monday. I will finish it this Sunday.
11. Mary has stayed / has been staying at a homestay for three weeks during her undergraduate programme.
12. I have applied / have been applying for a vocational scholarship three times.
Nếu muốn nhấn mạnh tính tiếp diễn của hành động thì dùng thì hiện tại hoàn thành tiếp diễn. Chúc bạn học tốt!
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