Go green


Học sinh
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12 Tháng ba 2020
Quảng Ninh
thcs Bái Tử Long
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Học sinh tiến bộ
Thành viên
14 Tháng mười một 2019
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THCS thiệu chính
Talking about your favourite TV programme.
  • I would like to talk about……..
  • I would like to describe…….
  • I usually watch……...,
  • My favourite TV program is……
  • It is a crime serial/comedy serial/drama serial
  • The purpose of telecasting this program is to educate the people………
  • By watching this program, people can…………..
Talking about a sport or game you like best.
I would like to talk about…..which is the sport that I particularly enjoy
    • For me, …….is my all-time favourite sport
    • I first knew about …….when I was a little kid
    • I have been watching and practising……….for……….
    • I usually play ……...in the……….
    • I would say…
    • I think/don’t think…
    • My guess is that…
    • It’s + something + that + V…
    • I’m a (big) fan of/not a fan of…
    • My favourite is...
    • Nothing is better than …
    • The best of all is…
    • What I like most about it is…
    • Like + V-ing/to + V
    • Enjoy + V-ing
    • Have time + to + V
    • Find + N + adj
    • Prefer + V-ing
    • Would rather + V
      Talking about your dream house.
      Dựa theo Units 10 vừa học
    • Talking about ways to " go green "
    • 1. Talk to teachers at school about putting recycling bín in every classroom
    • 2. reuse your plastic bags.
    • 3.use refillable pens and pencils.
    • 4. use reusable water bottles instead of plastic ones
    • 5. swap your clothes with your friends or cousins
    • 6. grow your own vegetables.
    • 7 turn the tap off when you brush your teeth or wash the dishes.
    • 8. walk more
    • 9. find creative ways to reuse old items before throwing them away.
    • 10.charty instead of throwing clothes last year away


Học sinh tiêu biểu
Thành viên
9 Tháng ba 2020
Nghệ An
Trường THCS Quỳnh Hồng
Talking about your dream house .
Gợi ý:
  • What type of house will it be?
  • Where will it be located?
  • How will it look like?
  • what will it be surrounded?
  • How many rooms will it have?
  • What appliances will it have?
  • What might they/it do for you?
Bạn tham khảo link sau: https://diendan.hocmai.vn/threads/write-about-your-dream-house.744579/
Talking about ways to " go green " .
Bạn tham khảo những ý sau:
  1. Change your light bulbs. Changing just one of the light bulbs in your home to a fluorescent light
  2. Turn your computers off at night.
  3. Turn off lights in the home when they are not being used.
  4. Stop rinsing dishes before you put them in the dishwasher.
  5. Take your own bags with you to the grocery store.
  6. Hang dry your clothes rather than use the clothes dryer.
  7. When washing clothing, make sure that you use cold water or warm water.
  8. Take a small shower instead of taking a bath.


Học sinh tiến bộ
Thành viên
14 Tháng mười một 2019
Thanh Hóa
THCS thiệu chính
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