Some people said Internet is useless and not benefit to me or my family. This is totally not true.
You have a lot of benefits from Internet. Here are the list of your benefit from Internet below.
- Watch video or listen to radio on the net.
- Live Video Conference - if you own a company in oversea or international, You can have live Internet Video meeting with your employee.
- For your children to do their school research. For example, in the old day, many children would go to library to do their paper research. Now a day, you do not need to go to library. All the information is on Internet. All you have to do, know how to use search engine to search for your articles.
- E-Mail - you can send electronic mail to any body on the net. This saves a lot of money. If you send a letter, it cost about 35 cent each time.
- Shopping - you can buy or sale any product on the net.
- Working - For example, if you are professional IT, you can manage your information or database through Internet. So that you do not have to travel to work all the time. For example, if you are machine operator and operate robots in manufacture area, you just turn on your computer from home and command the robots to do all the work. If you are businessmen, you just command your computer from home to open up your store in the morning. You have a lot of robots will do all the work for you. If you are a doctor, you will use computer to operate your patience because it is very accurately and precisely.
- Search for employment - In the old day, people would look into newspaper or ask people to see if they have any job opening. Now a day, you can apply job opening on line and interview it on line. Million of American get hire everyday through Internet.
- You can pay your bill on line
- You can go to school on line - For example, if you are living in Cambodia and want to attend University in U.S.A., you do not have to fly from Cambodia to U.S.A., You can learn it through Internet. When your class start, you sit in front of your computer, you can see your professor lecture in the class room. you can ask him questions in real time. Every word, he writes on the black board, you can see it clearly in your computer. If you miss the class, you can review the video clip that store in the database. You can take the test on line in real time. The professor can monitor you through his computer to see if you are cheating or not.
So internet is benefit to you every aspect.
Many people are using Internet now. They know only 10% of Internet resources. But there are many more about Internet that will benefits to you.
Right now, you would see military use Internet to command aircraft, tank, etc. to attack their enemy. So in the future, the war will be like video game. This is the fact. It is not imagination.
Now day, Internet become more real time. Every time you surf the web, other people can see you through the web.
Many company have a lot of investment in fiber optic. You would see many states or countries install their fiber optic under ground for the future of internet connection. The fiber optic line can download a gigabyte data per second. So you would see people in Video Clip like real time.
In the future, the people can not use computer or have no knowledge about Internet so it is very difficult for them to find a job. Many employer will hire only people who has some background of computer or internet. No matter what fields you are in. For example, if you are garbage collector, you need to use computer to command robots or machines to collect certain trash. So you have to know how to operate a computer. If you are assembler, you need to know to report your daily work to your supervisors. Your works will be log into a computer. So you need to know how to use computer.
Many people worry about robots will take over people. It is true. The robots will take over people one day. This will help employer to get richer and profits. So they will do it. Plus robots will make our lives easily. Each house will have a robot servant. It serves your daily food and clean your house.
This is why there are many job demanded in Computer Programming, Electronic Engineer, Mechanical Engineer, Architecture, Robot Specialist, Network, Mechanic, English writers, Web Developer, Assembler.
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