1. A:I felt so bad when I woke up this morning that I tried to kill myself by taking a thousand aspirins.
B:Oh really??What happened??
A: After the first two I felt better..)
A player was slightly bumped by a member of the opposing team. The player turned round and round with a pained look on his face. His mother, watching the game, laughed and said to the player's wife:
- You see, your husband is having one of his tantrums again, just the same as when he was young. I understand his temper
.If I were on it…
Jim had lost his donkey. While he has looking for it, he kept repeating, “Thank God!”
“Jim, why are you thanking for God all the time?” people asked.
“I am grateful that I was not on the donkey. Otherwise I would be lost, too” He answered