
When the winds bring cool favorite is when the sun begins to fall, weather marks man, gentle, autumn comes to real, sudden and rushed. Not like the cold winter that plug plug Dìu calm, making our hearts rejoice, the season should also be known as wedding season, season of love. Collected on every level, I see the happiness and love watching the leaves are gradually transferred from fresh green to red, the beauty we have something really gentle, dark petal-like appearance of young women are showing first nature, a deep beauty, mix little sad. Girls fall he is reclining in his wind, his heart soaring, every glance wind as if we are hear that song of nature.
Remember feedback baby, she nhóc as a new year, six years old, I was very hyperactive, often gathered in đám children and neighbors are discovered at half mast everywhere. Hui homes he does not like san Available now, trees, gardens still many fields, the children should be playing very many places, but discovered spoiled, because to me at the time, the world seems too large, I want to find out for in the end. Wonder why the thrust of the dose. There is an afternoon, I escaped with his neighbor the ride, go very far, to find the road to hills near the house, said he was near the high hills and want to be on top, it takes a lot of time, Left line up extremely hard, the child we hì hức to climb forever, finally after two hours struggling as a result we had reached the summit, the first time we stand in one place so high. Beautiful scenery around, the city lies at the base, cool wind and a half, two little lamb to the sales person, then we play everything on that role, looking away, underground to explore caves, old flame feedback This hill is where the enemy-occupied France to observe our land, so this place is also considered relics of the war, that we hang on the International Monetary Fund is in that ancient enemy building, a deep cave and through the alley corner lot, the child cling to my clothes that go together, do not know fear, was mò news finally find the way out. Season on the hill that has a lot of reed, the air cleaning cotton en vu in the wind, they play my Soldiers authors until both are dead-beat and rolling out on the lawn. Now think about that time that really know how fun.
That many baby ploy, to lunch to hit children as they go out I gathered the village neighbors, which is to climb guava, potato theft, especially the doses used in military barracks theft pomelo, pomelo tree so he only has to read a result, ^ ^, and dogs were chasing ran becgje tung toe. But get no results grapefruit finish her child nấy khoái hò hét position to bring added grapefruit, I do not like to eat for containers, with the fruit is very delicious grapefruit that is not only because that's how things work loss we get new power.
Anniversary is actually much, sure there is not even on the end, the most impressive in the scenes I picked up the rice flower, fall flower rice only to fall out remnants of white cotton, very beautiful, the sun the wind today I pick cotton or rice on the game, they soft, silky, pure white, sky full of flying.
Old days when I was in the collective small, front of house is a pond with trees thickset, in the afternoon like most is to start dragonfly, dragonfly metal, pepper dragonfly, dragonfly Now the buffalo again , not counting many Xue, started my dragonfly metal because they start easy, and most difficult is the dragonfly his buffalo, just to, just healthy, the ability to start, the food that I had never started is a child at all. Bags are another son, they all go beat dragonfly, to prohibit the tennis is also summarized what the end is .^^!. Very funny.
More bizarre, every time it rains, they do every child on a non-straight out the box yard, baby do not worry all wet, and test each against water, rain water flows to the river is known as song, This blocked the other foot, against until the wet clothes all the time, so after the rain the match so that the child is sick, and coughing, but still eagerly awaiting the next shower of rain to play again, children are So know, it's natural soul, indifferent.
Many at bâng khuâng I'd be back, be free as a result, children now know where to find such beautiful memories, developing world, dragging the man to change. Children now know where the lights to the copy he made of paper colors, instead of electronics, we have not lost their beauty to the old he, beautiful childhood that is still where? :khi (46)::khi (174)::khi (65)::Mloa_loa:
Remember feedback baby, she nhóc as a new year, six years old, I was very hyperactive, often gathered in đám children and neighbors are discovered at half mast everywhere. Hui homes he does not like san Available now, trees, gardens still many fields, the children should be playing very many places, but discovered spoiled, because to me at the time, the world seems too large, I want to find out for in the end. Wonder why the thrust of the dose. There is an afternoon, I escaped with his neighbor the ride, go very far, to find the road to hills near the house, said he was near the high hills and want to be on top, it takes a lot of time, Left line up extremely hard, the child we hì hức to climb forever, finally after two hours struggling as a result we had reached the summit, the first time we stand in one place so high. Beautiful scenery around, the city lies at the base, cool wind and a half, two little lamb to the sales person, then we play everything on that role, looking away, underground to explore caves, old flame feedback This hill is where the enemy-occupied France to observe our land, so this place is also considered relics of the war, that we hang on the International Monetary Fund is in that ancient enemy building, a deep cave and through the alley corner lot, the child cling to my clothes that go together, do not know fear, was mò news finally find the way out. Season on the hill that has a lot of reed, the air cleaning cotton en vu in the wind, they play my Soldiers authors until both are dead-beat and rolling out on the lawn. Now think about that time that really know how fun.
That many baby ploy, to lunch to hit children as they go out I gathered the village neighbors, which is to climb guava, potato theft, especially the doses used in military barracks theft pomelo, pomelo tree so he only has to read a result, ^ ^, and dogs were chasing ran becgje tung toe. But get no results grapefruit finish her child nấy khoái hò hét position to bring added grapefruit, I do not like to eat for containers, with the fruit is very delicious grapefruit that is not only because that's how things work loss we get new power.
Anniversary is actually much, sure there is not even on the end, the most impressive in the scenes I picked up the rice flower, fall flower rice only to fall out remnants of white cotton, very beautiful, the sun the wind today I pick cotton or rice on the game, they soft, silky, pure white, sky full of flying.
Old days when I was in the collective small, front of house is a pond with trees thickset, in the afternoon like most is to start dragonfly, dragonfly metal, pepper dragonfly, dragonfly Now the buffalo again , not counting many Xue, started my dragonfly metal because they start easy, and most difficult is the dragonfly his buffalo, just to, just healthy, the ability to start, the food that I had never started is a child at all. Bags are another son, they all go beat dragonfly, to prohibit the tennis is also summarized what the end is .^^!. Very funny.
More bizarre, every time it rains, they do every child on a non-straight out the box yard, baby do not worry all wet, and test each against water, rain water flows to the river is known as song, This blocked the other foot, against until the wet clothes all the time, so after the rain the match so that the child is sick, and coughing, but still eagerly awaiting the next shower of rain to play again, children are So know, it's natural soul, indifferent.
Many at bâng khuâng I'd be back, be free as a result, children now know where to find such beautiful memories, developing world, dragging the man to change. Children now know where the lights to the copy he made of paper colors, instead of electronics, we have not lost their beauty to the old he, beautiful childhood that is still where? :khi (46)::khi (174)::khi (65)::Mloa_loa: