Ngoại ngữ Essay

Nguỵ Quân Tử

Học sinh chăm học
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28 Tháng hai 2017
[TẶNG BẠN] TRỌN BỘ Bí kíp học tốt 08 môn
Chắc suất Đại học top - Giữ chỗ ngay!!

ĐĂNG BÀI NGAY để cùng trao đổi với các thành viên siêu nhiệt tình & dễ thương trên diễn đàn.

Mình có hai topic sau ạ:
1. What are the benefits of school students' use of smartphones ? (about 100 words)
2. It is obvious that there are more and more people going on holiday all over the country. What, in your opinion, are the reasons for this? Write a paragraph of about 150 words to support your answer, using examples and relevant evidence.
Có thể gợi ý cho mình những ý chính không ?

Quang Trungg

Học sinh xuất sắc
Thành viên
14 Tháng mười một 2015
Hà Nội
THCS Mai Dịch
There is a controversial argument that secondary and high school students can possess mobiles phone or not. Some people think that using a cell phone will be able to distract students from learning and not useless. In my point of view, we should think out of box as a mobile phone can make a lot of benefits for both students and their family. There are some clues supporting my idea below. Firstly, students can use a cell phone as an intelligent device, which is very advantageous to their study. Obviously, most of modern mobiles have extreme advancing feature, such as: dictionary looking, ebook reader or internet surfing that will provide students efficient tools for learning foreign languages or obtain extra knowledge over the world. Moreover, students can record the lectures and listen again at home simply by active their mobile. Secondly, mobile is itself a good device for parents to connect and even track their schoolchildren or surveillance them. To make this point further, many parents want to know what and where their children do in the school time. That can be solved easily by making a call. Especially, they can follow and know exactly where students are when a tracking software is installed on students' mobiles without students's awareness. That's a good way to discipline their teenagers. As far as I am concerned, mobile phones have a lot positive effects on youngsters and parents. It is of utmost importance that parents should give an instruction or help their kid how to use a cell phone in the right way.
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Cựu Mod tiếng Anh
Thành viên
TV BQT tích cực 2017
13 Tháng tám 2013
Việt Nam
Mình có hai topic sau ạ:
1. What are the benefits of school students' use of smartphones ? (about 100 words)
2. It is obvious that there are more and more people going on holiday all over the country. What, in your opinion, are the reasons for this? Write a paragraph of about 150 words to support your answer, using examples and relevant evidence.
Có thể gợi ý cho mình những ý chính không ?
Bạn tham khảo nha!
- Smartphones help students learn better. There are many useful learning applications on smartphones such as dictionary, pronunciation, and recording. These applications allow students to check their effort immediately and learn from the mistakes.
- Students can relax and communicate with their friends at break time. Students relax by listening to music, playing games and chatting with their online friends between lessons. This helps them feel comfortable and excited about the next lesson.
- ...

- These days, we live in the world of convenient travel. Most people have an interest in traveling both domestically and abroad. There are many attractions to see as well as a number of great places to rest and recuperate all over the world.
- Tourists travel not only for entertainment but also for educational reasons. They may have a strong desire to pay visits to wonderful attractions like temples or national parks that they previously learn about. These destinations show the importance of cultural values.
- For cultural and historic spots, a lot of tourists like to visit because of numerous landscapes and cheap flight tickets. They can enjoy areas of natural beauty or perhaps some places of historical interest.
- ...
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