English THCS Enviromental pollution


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5 Tháng sáu 2019
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Word Pollution in English originate the word pollution in Latins which means making dirty. Now, pollution is a very popular word in all the world. I sure that if you are in every country, every continent, you must hear this word at least once a time in many articles or in Internet. So pollution what is it means ? To answer this question, I will define it really easily and quickly. Pollution is the bad affect that human making to enviroment by many ways from industrial production or from human living trash. In this definition, also carbon dioxide can be regarded as a kind of pollution and many other things. I think this definition is large but I think it is the most fullest definition for this topics. Many discussions become silly because they don’t have the same definition. Do you know the reality about pollution in the world. I mean do you know how many affect that pollution making for us. I know that many readers who are reading this now has heared many times of this word and you think the politicians and many people are stupid because they talk it all the time about one problem. In fact, this problem isn’t easy. From staticsfied, more than 35 percent land of India is in a very seriously polluted. That too much ! If we count it to kilometers square it is equal 1150450 kilometers square and it is three times of land of Vietnam. And it just in India. In the world, people throw 4 billion trash and just 30 percent of them can be recycled in factory. And 70 percent of them where they go ? Exectaly, they are thrown in ocean, land and lakes. So how many kind of pollution are there in the world ? You can talk many like visual pollution, soil pollution, etc. But I just talk about three main pollution that affect we most serious. First, the most popular pollution is water pollution. So what is water pollution. Water pollution in short just a pollution that affected to water like lakes, rivers, ocean. Water pollution is from industrial production trash or human living trash. With industrial production trash, you can see we many things use now such as smart phone, electronic devices, clothes or cutlery.
To respone this demand, many company and corporation from big to small like Mitsubishi, Toyota, General Electrics must build more and more factories. Factories are usually taken place in countryside so if you are in city or urban, you won’t see it. Actually , factory are usually taken place in place where is less – resident so although you are in countryside you will seldom see it. Because of those reasons, many people from old to young can’t know what is real affect that factory make for us. When factory working, many trash will be thrown. We call it is industrial trash. To spend at least money in producing, many company or corporation will delete wastewater treatment to save money. They will spend money to throw it in any river and lake near factory. And what happen when they do that ? The wastewater will from river to ocean. So river near factory will be polluted. And if we count it in many many times for many factory in the world what will we help. Yes, we have a large amount of polluted water in the world. Also, the resident who has a bad consciousness can throw trash in river or lake and even ocean if they near their house. Those people just think : “ Nah , If I throw some trash, there are no problem “. But no, like factory, we multiply it many times we will have a large amout. The solutions of this problem for me is from two object. First, we must change our consciousness and our friend and family consciousness too. In school, in area, in company, in park, in street, we can make posters that encourage people throw trash in right place. Just your little action can help all humanity. In school, teachers can teach their student about how to be enviromental friendly. Secondly, government must require company and corporation that has factory to treat waste and punish every company that doesn’t follow rule.
The next kind of pollution is soil pollution. Soil pollution really easily we can think it as a pollution that affects to soil. So what is the reason for this ? There are too many reasons for this but the most important for this kind of pollution is deforestation. Deforestation can be caused by human. Many people who want to be rich easily cut down a wide and large area tree to take wood and they bring wood to sell. And it is illegal. They also cut tree in national park although government said it is illegal and national park is place where converse rare tree and animals. And now although many government have rangers force – a arm force that protect forest and arrest who cut wood illegally, they now and now cut a lot of tree and many kind of tree is nearly disapper. Deforestation can be caused by animals. I know it is silly because why animal can destroy their own home but it is true but not all animal. Black hawk is one of them. Black hawk has a action that bring fire wood from human living area and throw it to enemy. This action can make enemy died quickly but also it cause forest fire. Soil pollution can make the soil infertile so farmers can’t collect the best quality fruit and also it can make rice what we eat everyday died. So what is the solution for this pollution. Easily, we can encourage people not to cut tree illegally. Also government must improve rangers force skills to catch more and more crimes. And the last one, police can invesgate who is crime to catch them before they cut tree and catch politcian that take bribe from crime and arrest them to police station. The last one but the rarest one is radioaction pollution. In Vietnam , there are no nuclear power so you can’t imagine what affect that it make for us. And if we compare with kind of pollution above, its affection isn’t equal them. But in the future, it is a threat. I sure that you have heard “ Chernobyl explosion “. It just a nuclear power factory but its consequence is very terrible. A village near chernobyl factory is destroyed. All Ukraine, Belarus and Russia is affected. In Ukraine, many people must go away because of radioactive. In the most terrible time, in Kiev – capital of Ukraine, student must leave their school because of radioactive cloud. And Chernobyl workers were almost died. Some people was survived but they must live with cancer and other disease all the rest of life. In Japan, there was Fukushima factory explosion because of earthquake. In short radioactive pollution is very rare but if it happen, nothing will be survived. It’s sad to say that we – resident don’t have really effective solution. The most effective solution we can do is encourage government. But I think government won’t here us cause the really really profit of nuclear power plants. To end this pargarph, I must to say :” Please protect environmental like your life “. Goodbye ! See you next time in other paragraph
Bài hơi dài, các bạn sửa hộ mình phần ngữ pháp với ạ. Thanks !


Cựu TMod Anh
Thành viên
7 Tháng sáu 2017
Đắk Lắk
Word Pollution in English originates the word pollution in Latins which means making dirty. Now, pollution is a very popular word in all the world. I am sure that if you are in every country, every continent, you must hear this word at least once a time in many articles or the Internet. So pollution what is it means? To answer this question, I will define it easily and quickly. Pollution is the bad effect that humans making on the environment in many ways from industrial production or human living trash. In this definition, also carbon dioxide can be regarded as a kind of pollution and many other things. I think this definition is large but I think it is the fullest definition for this topic. Many discussions become silly because they don’t have the same definition. Do you know the reality of pollution in the world? I mean do you know how many affect that pollution making on us. I know that many readers who are reading this now have heard many times of this word and you think the politicians and many people are stupid because they talk all the time about one problem. This problem isn’t easy. From satisfied, more than 35 percent land of India is very seriously polluted. That is too much! If we count it to kilometers square it is equal to 1150450 kilometers square and it is three times of land of Vietnam. And it is just in India. In the world, people throw 4 billion pieces of trash and just 30 percent of them can be recycled in factories. And 70 percent of them where they go? Exactly, they are thrown in the ocean, land, and lakes. So how many kinds of pollution are there in the world? You can talk about many like visual pollution, soil pollution, etc. But I just talk about three main pollutions that affect us most seriously. First, the most popular pollution is water pollution. So what is water pollution? Water pollution in short just pollution that affected water like lakes, rivers, oceans. Water pollution is from industrial production trash or human living trash. With industrial production trash, you can see we many things use now such as smartphones, electronic devices, clothes or cutlery.
To respond to this demand, many companies and corporations from big to small like Mitsubishi, Toyota, General Electrics must build more and more factories. Factories are usually taken place in the countryside so if you are in a city or urban area, you won’t see it. A factory is usually taken place in a place where is less – resident so although you are in the countryside you will seldom see it. Because of those reasons, many people from old to young can’t know what is the real effect that factory makes for us. When factory working, many trash will be thrown. We call it is industrial trash. To spend at least money in producing, many companies or corporations will delete wastewater treatment to save money. They will spend money to throw it in any river and lake near a factory. And what happens when they do that? The wastewater will be from the river to the ocean. So the river near the factory will be polluted. And if we count it in many many times for many factories in the world what will we help. Yes, we have a large amount of polluted water in the world. Also, the resident who has a bad consciousness can throw trash in river or lake and even ocean if they near their house. Those people just think: “ Nah, If I throw some trash, there is no problem “. But no, like the factory, we multiply it many times we will have a large amount. The solutions to this problem for me are from two objects. First, we must change our consciousness and our friend and family consciousness too. In school, in the area, in the company, in the park, in street, we can make posters that encourage people to throw trash in right place. Just your little action can help all humanity. In school, teachers can teach their students about how to be environmentally friendly. Secondly, the government must require a company and corporation that has a factory to treat waste and punish every company that doesn’t follow the rule.
The next kind of pollution is soil pollution. Soil pollution easily we can think of it as pollution that affects the soil. So what is the reason for this? There are too many reasons for this but the most important for this kind of pollution is deforestation. Deforestation can be caused by humans. Many people who want to be rich easily cut down a wide and large area tree to take wood and they bring wood to sell. And it is illegal. They also cut trees in national parks although the government said it is illegal and a national park is a place where converse rare trees and animals. And now although many governments have rangers force – an armed force that protects forest and arrest who cut wood illegally, they now and now cut a lot of trees and any kind of tree nearly disappear. Deforestation can be caused by animals. I know it is silly because why can animal can destroy their own home but it is true but not all animals. Black hawk is one of them. Black Hawk has an action that brings firewood from the human living area and throws it to the enemy. This action can make the enemy died quickly but also it causes a forest fire. Soil pollution can make the soil infertile so farmers can’t collect the best quality fruit and also it can make rice that we eat every day died. So what is the solution to this pollution? Easily, we can encourage people not to cut trees illegally. Also, the government must improve ranger force skills to catch more and more crimes. And the last one, police can investigate who is a crime to catch them before they cut tree and catch politician that takes bribe from crime and arrests them at the police station. The last one but the rarest one is radioactive pollution. In Vietnam, there is no nuclear power so you can’t imagine what effect that it make on us. And if we compare with the kind of pollution above, its affection isn’t equal them. But in the future, it is a threat. I am sure that you have heard “ Chernobyl explosion “. It is just a nuclear power factory but its consequence is very terrible. A village near the Chernobyl factory is destroyed. All Ukraine, Belarus, and Russia are affected. In Ukraine, many people must go away because of radioactive. In the most terrible time, in Kyiv – the capital of Ukraine, students must leave their school because of the radioactive cloud. And Chernobyl workers almost died. Some people were survived but they must live with cancer and other diseases all the rest of life. In Japan, there was a Fukushima factory explosion because of an earthquake. In short radioactive pollution is very rare but if it happens, nothing will be survived. It’s sad to say that we – residents don’t have an effective solution. The most effective solution we can do is encourage the government. But I think the government won’t hear us cause of the profit of nuclear power plants. To end this paragraph, I must say:” Please protect the environment like your life “. Goodbye! See you next time in another paragraph

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