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Cựu TMod tiếng Anh | CN CLB Địa Lí
Thành viên
28 Tháng tám 2017
Nghệ An
Nghệ An


Học sinh tiến bộ
Thành viên
6 Tháng mười 2013
Ngôi nhà toán học và hóa học
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triệu thị giang

Học sinh chăm học
Thành viên
8 Tháng mười 2018
Vĩnh Phúc
25, protection
26, comfortable
28, extremely
30, travelling
31, feeling
33. marvelous
mình ko học tốt tiếng anh lắm... có j sai xin chỉ bảo nhiều hơn

Nguyễn Thị Ngọc Bảo

Cựu TMod tiếng Anh | CN CLB Địa Lí
Thành viên
28 Tháng tám 2017
Nghệ An
Nghệ An
Tiếp ạ
Choose the best answer.
The (11) ____________ of the race goes back many years to a time when some medicine needed to be taken to Nome, a very remote village. (12) ____________ particularly severe weather, the only (13) ____________ to send the medicine from Anchorage was using a group of husky dogs. Happily, the medicine was delivered just in time to (14) ____________ lives. Alaskans celebrate the heroic journey with the Iditarod, which (15) ____________ the same route across the frozen interior of Alaska.
11. A. basis B. cause C. origin D. reason
12. A. Because of B. However C. Although D. Providing that
13. A. manner B. process C. way D. aim
14. A. free B. guard C. rescue D. save
15. A. follows B. goes C. accompanies D. does


Học sinh tiến bộ
Thành viên
6 Tháng mười 2013
Ngôi nhà toán học và hóa học
Tiếp ạ
Choose the best answer.
The (11) ____________ of the race goes back many years to a time when some medicine needed to be taken to Nome, a very remote village. (12) ____________ particularly severe weather, the only (13) ____________ to send the medicine from Anchorage was using a group of husky dogs. Happily, the medicine was delivered just in time to (14) ____________ lives. Alaskans celebrate the heroic journey with the Iditarod, which (15) ____________ the same route across the frozen interior of Alaska.
11. A. basis B. cause C. origin D. reason
12. A. Because of B. However C. Although D. Providing that
13. A. manner B. process C. way D. aim
14. A. free B. guard C. rescue D. save
15. A. follows B. goes C. accompanies D. does
12/Because of

Nguyễn Thị Ngọc Bảo

Cựu TMod tiếng Anh | CN CLB Địa Lí
Thành viên
28 Tháng tám 2017
Nghệ An
Nghệ An
12/Because of

You are going to read a magazine article about childhood experiences. For questions 1-15, choose from the people (A – D). The people may be chosen more than once.

Which person mentions
an act of great generosity? 1. ______
an opportunity to be creative? 2. ______
learning to be more independent? 3.______
something that was in shot supply? 4.______
regret at what may have been missed? 5. ______
something which is no longer available? 6. ______
someone who is unpredictable by nature? 7. ______
someone who found something puzzling? 8. ______
being particularly close to a family member? 9. ______
enjoying the fact that something was difficult? 10. ______
his/her intention to act differently from a parent? 11. ______
purchasing something which changed his/her life? 12. ______
getting in touch with people who could be of help? 13. ______
a way of making sure that he/she did not leave anything out? 14. ______
someone else making a decision with his/her wellbeing in mind? 15. ______
Your answers:


When I was eleven years old, my dad inherited quite a large amount of money from a distant relative. It was typical of him that he decided to use the money to take a whole party of local kids to Disneyland in Florida for three days. Fortunately, I was able to go as well, which was tremendous. In those days, you had to buy tickets for each ride and so we made a checklist of them all and ticked them off one by one until we’d been on every one. They still had a donkey train a canoe ride back then. My friend Eric bought a funny hat with his name on the front and then kept wondering how, all over Disneyland, random people knew his name and kept saying, “Hi Eric!”. My family will never let me forget how I ordered bowl of potato chips on room service at the motel, which cost them a staggering $20. They were good chips, though!

Most teenagers’ parents have normal jobs, you know like working in an office or being part of a company, but not my mom. She lives for her work and makes spur-of-the moment decisions. When I was a teenager, it almost felt as if I was the parent and she was the child, as I tried to tall her out of whatever her latest scheme involved. You see, my mum’s an archaelogist. She travel round the world finding exciting things in old ruins, and because she was always on the move, so was I! Sometimes I used to wonder if we’d ever settle down and lead a normal family life, but we never did, which is a shame really. Of course, now I’m going to make sure that I don’t do the same to my daughter.
I suppose being twins, my brother and I were always regarded as a single unit and, we did do everything together. From an early age; we were into inventing things, especially things which exploded like rockets, although I don’t ever recall any actually leaving the ground. We were keen on Maths at school and bought a computer when we were eleven years old. It was the best time for getting computers because there was very little software about in those days, so if you wanted to make the computer do anything, you had to write it yourself. Before long we were selling the stuff we’d written to software companies. I don’t think we knew how to turn our interest into money at that stage, having no commercial experience. But we soon found plenty of people who did know, but who couldn’t handle the technical side. We haven’t looked back since.

When I was a teenager, my parents used to send my brother and me off on a week-long summer activity camp each year. Actually, we went to the same place five years running. I think it was because they wanted us to do something outdoors rather than have us sitting in front of a computer screen at home. And it was certainly challenging, if you consider we leanrt to do things like climbing and caving. It wouldn’t suit all kids, but for us it was great. We found out how fo fend for ourselves and we met lots of people from around the world. I’m still in touch with some of them by e-mail even now. Looking back, I guess it cost my parents a lot of money, but as far as I’m concerned it was a good investment because it really broadended my horizons.
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