
Quang Trungg

Học sinh xuất sắc
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14 Tháng mười một 2015
Hà Nội
THCS Mai Dịch
Write about the importance of sport.
HELP ME!!!! PLEASE!!!!:)))))
Sports are nice physical activities that provide freedom from the stress and worries. It has nice scope and professional career for the sports persons. It has ability to give sportspersons their required name, fame and money. So, we can say that, sports can be played for personal benefits as well as professional benefits. In both ways, it benefits our body, mind and soul. Some people play it daily for their body and mind fitness, enjoyment, etc however some play it to get valuable status in their life. No one can ignore its values in the personal and professional life. First Olympic Games were held in 1896 in Athens which is now held continuously after every four years in different countries. It involves both, outdoor and indoor games in which sportsperson of many countries takes part.

Some of the outdoor sports and games are like football, hockey, volleyball, baseball, cricket, tennis, kho-kho, kabaddi, etc which require a playground to be played. Indoor games are like carom, cards, chess, table tennis, puzzle, indoor basketball, etc can be played at home without any playground. Some sports and games like badminton and table tennis can be enjoyed both as indoor and outdoor.


Học sinh tiêu biểu
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17 Tháng mười một 2017
Quảng Nam
Trung Học Phổ Thông Chuyên Nguyễn Bỉnh Khiêm
If we see back for a while in the history or put some lights on the life of any successful person, we see that name, fame and money never come easily. It needs a dedication, continuity, patience and most importantly some physical activities means physical and mental health of a person for a healthy survival and success. Sports is the best way to get involved in the continuous physical activities. Success of any person depends on the mental and physical energy. History reveals that only supremacy have power to rule the nation or person.
Sports are nice way to get involved in the physical activities which benefits a lot. Sports are given much importance in many countries as they know it’s real benefits and need in the personal and professional life of a person. Sports are physical activities of much importance for any athlete or a professional sportsperson. It means a lot for them and their life. Sports have nice scope for the sportspersons nationally as well as internationally. In some countries, sports and games activities are arranged in the celebration of some events or festivals, for example; Olympic Games are organized to pay honor to the Olympiads of the ancient Greece.
Nguồn: Sưu tầm

Yun KM

Học sinh tiến bộ
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11 Tháng mười một 2017
Hà Nội
Sports play a great in everyone’s busy life especially for students. Everyone should involve themselves in the sports activity even for a small time all through the day. Sports are necessary because it brings physical and mental fitness to the person involved in this on regular basis. People who have busy schedule in their life get tired very easily. As we all know that, living a relaxed and comfort life we need a sound mind and a sound body. Education is very necessary to get name, fame and money. In the same way, getting a sound mind and body, everyone must involve in some type of physical activities for which sports is the best way.

Being involved in sports activities benefits a person in many ways. It does not provide only physical strength however it increases mental power too. Outdoor sports such as football, cricket, volleyball, hockey, running, etc helps in improving physical health and mental fitness. However, some indoor games and sports like brain games, chess, Sudoku, etc improves mental power and concentration level.
Nguồn : Sưu tầm
- 150 words nha ;)
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Nguyễn Thị Phanh

14 Tháng tám 2017
Phú Thọ
Participation in sports is extremely important, and should be encouraged much more. Children and young people in particular need to do sport so that they develop good habits that they can continue into adulthood. The main benefits of sport are improved health and fitness, and the development of social and communication skills.

With more than a third of adults in the USA being classed as obese, and many more being overweight, it has never been more important to participate in sports. People that do sport on a regular basis are burning more calories than those that don’t, and are therefore less likely to end up overweight. Being a healthy weight means that you will be less likely to die young and suffer from heart disease, strokes, high blood pressure, diabetes and a range of other conditions, and if you already eat well, it can give you an extra calorie allowance so you can treat yourself without feeling guilty about it.

As well as improving cardiovascular health and fitness, exercising is also good for the musculoskeletal system, making muscles more supple and toned, and improving the strength of bones and joints. People who do sports will be stronger and more able to lift and carry heavy things, which is also always useful, and they are less likely to become really weak and frail as they get older because their bodies are strong. Furthermore, doing sports can improve mental health as well as physical health, with exercise being helpful for people with depression and a range of other mental health issues, because it releases good chemicals into our brains. It also makes people feel better about their bodies, which can make them happier, and reduces the risk of eating disorders and crash dieting, as people make more sensible, healthy changes to their lifestyle.

Sports also allow people to develop personally. Social and communication skills can be learned and developed through sport. Teamwork, for example, is naturally learned through participating in team sports and games. Communication skills can really be honed, as they are at the center of any team’s success, and a lack of them leads to failure. Many people will also develop leadership skills through sport, often discovering abilities that they never knew they even had.

Many people’s self-esteem improves through sport as they discover things that they are good at and improve their body. Participating in any competitive sport also improves our ability to handle pressure and still perform well, as well as teaching us how to win and lose graciously. All in all, the fact that playing sport is good for us is completely undeniable, because it helps our minds and bodies, and ultimately means that we will be living longer, happier lives.


Học sinh tiêu biểu
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17 Tháng mười một 2017
Quảng Nam
Trung Học Phổ Thông Chuyên Nguyễn Bỉnh Khiêm
Have you ever thought why people do sports? Absolutely, many people seem not to know the reasons. As a anectode, there are many people who do sports for nothing around us. Everyday we can encounter with these people. They regularly do sports; however, none of them realizes the benefits and importance of sports. In fact, vice versa, some people want to be fit and attractive, look smart. Unfortunately, these people can’t consider other benefits of sports. In my opinion, there are several benefits of sports that people often do not consider: sports are required to be healthy people, are needed for enjoyment, and are great market for countries’ economies.

The first advantage of sports for people is that they help people be healthy, and be fit. Throughout history, people can’t give up their interest at their body. I belive that now many people love themselves no matter how beautiful or ugly they are. Naturally, people’s first aim should be healthy and fit with the benefits of sports. Due to this fact that Sports keep our body healthy. As a possible example, imagine that there is a car which has not worked for years. If you try to run the motor engine, it will not work anymore since it has been rusted and its engine may be broken down. As a result, people is smillar to engines and motors. If we don’t do sports, we will be forced to rust, in other words, decomposition of our body; afterwards, we may have some problems with our body when we even need to small walk. In addition, sports balance our body’s blood pressure and circulation. According to many researchs which have been done by scientists, we can prove the importance of sports for our health because 70% middle aged people who did not do sports in their youth are now struggling with the problems such as high tension, trouble with blood circulation, easily become tired due to the lack of sports.

The second advantage of sports for people is that they are required for our daily lives and competing at the internatinal area because of enjoyment of sports. For many years, sports have been done by people. For example, have you ever thought why people want to play football or other games? The answer may be easy since sports are entertaining. They are sometimes magics as they catch our attention and give us pleasure as much as we need. Sometimes overwhelming life conditions may be unfair and make us unhappy. However, if there is a sport activity when we are unhappy, we will probably be motivated and be refreshed again after the sport activity. This should be the most important benefit of sports because many people do sports for this reason. In addition, have you ever thought why millions of people watch World Cup match without breathing? There might be some reasons behind the action of watching football match. The most important one might be the excitement and enjoyment of sport. Football match is exhilating because it gives us pleasure to watch. In the pitch and near the pitch, there are more than 18 men, and they are the representative of our sport culture. Within the excitment of sports, countries are able to compete in the international area. Due to this fact people like sports since they and their countries are able to compete and beat opponent countries and this is the most important reason to take pleasure from sports.

The final and least advantage of sports is that they are the huge market for countrie’s economy. First of all, if we look at only football industry. There are more than thousand professional team and at least these team have 25 players. If this is calculated, there are approximately 25000 players without working staff, scouts, coaches and managers. This shoud be the largest industry which employs many people in Turkey. In addition, countries and clubs have to establish new facilities for sports game. Some of them are the largest buldings in the entire country that represent countries, for example Ataturk Olympic Stadium in Turkey. Supplying funds for this buldings may be the publicity of countries since constructing well designed stadiums help country preapare or organize big competitons such as World Cup, Olympics, and Tennis Tournaments. Finally, sports allow advertisement companies to make publicity of strong brands. For example, sponsorship is one of the best publicity of one company. Everyone watchs thier favourite team or atlethe, and audiance will probably see the sponsor of team or atlethe. For example, in England, Manchester United which is one of the most powerful clubs in international area has a sponsor called Vodafone. I am from Turkey, and I even know its sponsor. This will probably show the effectiveness of sponsorship in sports.

All in all, we can conclude that there are several advantages and benefits of sports. First, sports are required by people to be fit, smart, and good looking. Second, sports are entertaining due to many facts. Third, sports are the huge market for countries’ economies. In my opinion, despite sports’ advantages, many people can’t believe that sports are useful and beneficial. I hope that in the future these people will tend to be more optimistically to sports since they are the neccessity of our lives.
Nguồn: blogger.com
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