Ngoại ngữ English 8 pollution


Cựu Mod Anh
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9 Tháng chín 2017
Hà Tĩnh
THPT chuyên Đại học Vinh - ViKClanha
Water pollution is one of the most serious environmental problems. It occurs when water is contaminated by such substances as human and animal wastes, toxic industrial chemicals, agricultural residues, oil and heat. Most of our water bodies— rivers, lakes, seas, oceans, estuaries and underground water sources (i.e., tubwells, bore wells) are gradually becoming polluted. In the course "Covered so far, you have seen how deforestation, urbanization, intensive agriculture and industrialization have caused pollution of water bodies. You are familiar with various aspects of air pollution, including harmful effects of acid rain. In this unit we will summaries various types of water pollution caused by different pollution sources, and also explain some important concepts such as point and non-point sources, biological oxygen demand (BOD), eutrophication, self-purification capacity of natural waters, infiltration of pollutants to groundwater, thermal pollution and pollution caused by accidents in oil tanker ships. In the next unit you will read about the degradation of land resources and terrestrial features of earth. Polluted water may look clean or dirty, but it invariably contains germs, chemicals or other materials that can cause inconvenience, illness or death.
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Hà Chi0503

Học sinh tiêu biểu
Thành viên
26 Tháng mười 2017
Nghệ An
Write a paragraph about water pollution
Definition of water pollution : is the contamination of water bodies ,such as lakes, aquifers ,groundwater ,oceans ,etc .Water pollution occurs when pollutants are directly and indirectly discharged into water bodies without adequate treatment to remove harmful compounds .
* Water pollution is an extreme problem on a global scale which people are having to cope with on an increasingly regular basis.
- Causes : Water is polluted by a variety of reasons. Firstly, the amount of industrial and domestic sewage results in the destruction of water resources. There are many manufactures are constructed along rivers or seas so that their wastes are being dumped directly to our water. Secondly, a lack of filtering system also a main cause of this issue. Because of an expensive purifying infrastructure system, most factories avoid building one.
- Solutions : However, water pollution can be solved by two possible solutions. Governments have a strong responsible to raise the awareness of public about protecting the water environment. Mass media could be used as a method to educate people about how water is important to our society. In addition, factories need to be encouraged to build the filtering system. They could ask for supporting investment from governments or some environmental organizations to create their own effective one.
* In conclusion, water resources are at risk because of sewage come from both industries and domestic and also a lack of purifying system. However, the attitude of citizens and producers could reduce the serious of the problem.
P/s:You can add more :)
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