Ngoại ngữ Each line has a mistake find and correct it

Lê Ngọc Quý

Học sinh
Thành viên
30 Tháng bảy 2018
Bình Thuận
THCS Nguyễn Trãi
[TẶNG BẠN] TRỌN BỘ Bí kíp học tốt 08 môn
Chắc suất Đại học top - Giữ chỗ ngay!!

ĐĂNG BÀI NGAY để cùng trao đổi với các thành viên siêu nhiệt tình & dễ thương trên diễn đàn.

1. How about go for a walk on Sunday?
2. We are having a birthday party on Saturday evening next weekend.
3. She would like going out with her mom.
4. Bell started experimented with rays of transmitting speech.
5. Everybody in my neighborhood are happy about new changes.
6. This test is more easy than that one.
7. We have the same idea with your dad in the discussion.
8. Thank you for inviting me to the party. I wish I can but I can't.
9. He is used to drink coffee for breakfast but now he drinks milk.
10. The kitchen is not very big but there's a lot of cupboards.
11. We were very poor when we were first in America, we can't buy anything.
12. We have lived in Viet Nam for a long time, so we used to the hot.
13. Liverpool is an industry city in the North of England.
14. Primary school children can learn three language at school in Malaysia.
15. The West and the East Malaysia are seperate by about 640km of the sea.

Tống Huy

Cựu TMod Cộng đồng
Thành viên
25 Tháng sáu 2018
Hà Tĩnh
THPT Lê Hữu Trác
1. How about go for a walk on Sunday?
go-> going
We are having a birthday party on Saturday evening next weekend.
are having ->are going to have
4. Bell started experimented with rays of transmitting speech.
experimented -> to experiment
6. This test is more easy than that one.
more easy => easier
9. He is used to drink coffee for breakfast but now he drinks milk.
drinks => is drinking

Hàn Nhã Anh

The Great Angel
Thành viên
10 Tháng bảy 2017
TP Hồ Chí Minh
THCS Đặng Thai Mai.
1. How about go for a walk on Sunday?
2. We are having a birthday party on Saturday evening next weekend.
3. She would like going out with her mom.
4. Bell started experimented with rays of transmitting speech.
5. Everybody in my neighborhood are happy about new changes.
6. This test is more easy than that one.
7. We have the same idea with your dad in the discussion.
8. Thank you for inviting me to the party. I wish I can but I can't.
9. He is used to drink coffee for breakfast but now he drinks milk.
10. The kitchen is not very big but there's a lot of cupboards.
11. We were very poor when we were first in America, we can't buy anything.
12. We have lived in Viet Nam for a long time, so we used to the hot.
13. Liverpool is an industry city in the North of England.
14. Primary school children can learn three language at school in Malaysia.
15. The West and the East Malaysia are seperate by about 640km of the sea.
1. How about go for a walk on Sunday?
Go -> going.
2. We are having a birthday party on Saturday evening next weekend.
Next weekend -> next week.
Vì "Saturday evening" đã mang nghĩa cuối tuần rồi nên thêm "weekend" là không cần thiết.
3. She would like going out with her mom.
Going out -> to go out.
4. Bell started experimented with rays of transmitting speech.
Experimented -> experimenting.
5. Everybody in my neighborhood are happy about new changes.
Are -> is.
6. This test is more easy than that one.
More easy -> easier.
7. We have the same idea with your dad in the discussion.
With -> as.
8. Thank you for inviting me to the party. I wish I can but I can't.
Can -> could.
9. He is used to drink coffee for breakfast but now he drinks milk.
Is used to -> used to.
Dịch nghĩa sẽ thấy, nội dung mệnh đề này nói về thói quen ở quá khứ.
10. The kitchen is not very big but there's a lot of cupboards.
There's -> there are.
11. We were very poor when we were first in America, we can't buy anything.
Can't -> couldn't.
12. We have lived in Viet Nam for a long time, so we used to the hot.
Used -> are used.
13. Liverpool is an industry city in the North of England.
Industry -> industrial.
14. Primary school children can learn three language at school in Malaysia.
Language -> languages.
15. The West and the East Malaysia are seperate by about 640km of the sea.
Separate -> separated.

Vũ Lan Anh

Học sinh gương mẫu
Thành viên
9 Tháng sáu 2018
Thái Nguyên
1. How about go for a walk on Sunday?
How about+V_ing
2. We are having a birthday party on Saturday evening next weekend.
next week chỉ tương lai gần sd cấu trúc
Tobe+ going to+V
3. She would like going out with her mom.
câu này không có dấu hiệu của quá khứ nên k chia ở QK
4. Bell started experimented with rays of transmitting speech.
start+ V_ing
5. Everybody in my neighborhood are happy about new changes.
be happy with :được hài lòng với một cái gì đó bạn sở hữu hoặc có kinh nghiệm
được hạnh phúc về
be happy about = được hài lòng bởi; vui mừng vì có điều gì đó đã xảy ra
=> with
6. This test is more easy than that one.
đây là dạng so sánh của tính từ ngắn nên không dùng"more"
7. We have the same idea with your dad in the discussion.
S + V + the same + N (có hoặc không) + as + O

8. Thank you for inviting me to the party. I wish I can but I can't.
9. He is used to drink coffee for breakfast but now he drinks milk.
tobe/toget used +V-ing
10. The kitchen is not very big but there's a lot of cupboards.
cupboards số nhiều=> there are
11. We were very poor when we were first in America, we can't buy anything.
When + simeple past, simple pastDiễn tả hai hành động xảy ra song song, hoặc liên tiếp trong quá khứ
=> couldn't
12. We have lived in Viet Nam for a long time, so we used to the hot.
k tìm đc lỗi
13. Liverpool is an industry city in the North of England.
industry(n) : công nghiệp
industrial(adj) : thuộc về công nghiệp
câu này có city là danh từ=> industry phải là tính từ

=> industrial
14. Primary school children can learn three language at school in Malaysia.
phải có sở hữu cách
Primary school's children
15. The West and the East Malaysia are seperate by about 640km of the sea.
chủ ngữ là vật
=> sd câu ở bị động
=> were seperated

Hàn Nhã Anh

The Great Angel
Thành viên
10 Tháng bảy 2017
TP Hồ Chí Minh
THCS Đặng Thai Mai.
2. We are having a birthday party on Saturday evening next weekend.
next week chỉ tương lai gần sd cấu trúc
Tobe+ going to+V
Thì hiện tại tiếp diễn cũng có một cách dùng - Nói về những sự việc xảy ra trong tương lai nhưng đã được lên kế hoạch và sắp xếp trước đó. Cách dùng này tương đương như cách dùng của thì tương lai gần vậy. Bởi thế mình thấy ở điểm này không sai.
3. She would like going out with her mom.
câu này không có dấu hiệu của quá khứ nên k chia ở QK
Nếu không chia ở quá khứ, thì like, phải thêm "s". Tốt nhất nên sửa lại cho đúng cấu trúc "Would like to do sth: muốn làm gì."
5. Everybody in my neighborhood are happy about new changes.
be happy with :được hài lòng với một cái gì đó bạn sở hữu hoặc có kinh nghiệm
được hạnh phúc về
be happy about = được hài lòng bởi; vui mừng vì có điều gì đó đã xảy ra
=> with
Everybody phải đi với động từ được chia ở số ít. Happy about không sai..
9. He is used to drink coffee for breakfast but now he drinks milk.
tobe/toget used +V-ing
Dịch nghĩa: Anh ấy ĐÃ TỪNG QUEN uống cà phê vào bữa sáng nhưng bây giờ anh ấy uống sữa.
Bởi thế phải dùng "used to" - chỉ một thói quen trong quá khứ, chứ không phải "tobe/get used to" - chỉ một thói quen ở hiện tại.
14. Primary school children can learn three language at school in Malaysia.
phải có sở hữu cách
Primary school's children
Ở đây không cần sở hữu cách, có thể hiểu đây là một danh từ ghép. Primary school children - học sinh tiểu học. Tựa như homework vậy. Chẳng lẽ viết là home's work?
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