Ngoại ngữ Đoạn văn tiếng Anh

Hồ Thị Phú

Học sinh
Thành viên
24 Tháng chín 2017
Nghệ An
Vietnam is located in both a tropical and a temperate zone. It is characterized by strong
monsoon influences, but has a considerable amount of sun, a high rate of rainfall, and
high humidity.
Temperatures are high all year round for southern and central Vie
tnam; but northern
Vietnam has a definite cooler season as the north monsoon occasionally advects cold air
in from China.
Frost and some snow may occur on the highest mountains in the north for a few days a
year. In the southern Vietnam, the lowlands are s
heltered from outbreaks of colder
northerly air and the dry season is warm to hot with much sunshine

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Huỳnh Đức Nhật

27 Tháng hai 2017
Quảng Nam
THCS Phan Tây Hồ
2. Bài nói tiếng Anh về thời tiết mẫu
2.1. Bài nói số 1

Hello everyone! I am Nga. I am delighted to be here today to tell you about weather in Vietnam. Vietnam is located in both a tropical and a temperate zone. It is characterized by strong monsoon influences, but has a considerable amount of sun, a high rate of rainfall, and high humidity. Temperatures are high all year round for southern and central Vietnam; but northern Vietnam has a definite cooler season as the north monsoon occasionally adverts cold air in from China. Frost and some snow may occur on the highest mountains in the north for a few days a year. In the southern Vietnam, the lowlands are sheltered from outbreaks of colder northerly air and the dry season is warm to hot with much sunshine. I hope that my presentation today will help you with what I said. Thank you for listening!

2.2. Bài nói số 2

Hello everybody! My name is Han. I will tell you something about the background of weather in my country. Vietnam is a tropical country. The climate is often hot and humid. In North Vietnam there are four seasons: spring, summer, autumn and winter. In summer it is hot and sometimes very hot but in winter it is very cold. In South Vietnam there are only two seasons: the rainy season and the dry season. It rains a lot from May to November. In the dry season it is very hot. Sometimes there are storms in the North and floods in the South. Any way I prefer spring because the weather at that time is very nice, and the landscapes are very beautiful. That brings me to the end of my presentation, I’ve talked about weather in Vietnam. Thank you all for listening, it was a pleasure being here today!

Snowball fan ken

Học sinh tiến bộ
Thành viên
27 Tháng hai 2017
Địล ηgục đẫм мáu
Hãy viết một đoạn văn tiếng Anh về chủ đề thời tiết xấu (bad weather)
Có một chủ đề cũng tương tự :
Describe a bad weather experience you have had:
You should say:

  • what sort of bad weather it was
  • when it happened
  • where you were when it happened
and explain how it affected you.

Nhưng chắc ý bạn là viết về các hiện tượng thời tiết xấu như động đất,lốc xoáy...... phải không?
có đoạn về tornado như thế này
A tornado is born from a powerful storm called a supercell. Tornadoes have been reported in all states, but most tornadoes happen in the central parts of America called “Tornado Alley.” In some supercells, warm, moist air rises quickly into the atmosphere. Winds blowing at different speeds at different parts of the supercell produce wind shear and cause a horizontal, rotating column of air. A funnel cloud will form as the air column rotates faster and more tightly within the supercell. The rain and hail within the storm cause the funnel cloud to touch the ground, resulting in a tornado. The strength of a tornado is measured by what’s called the Fujita scale. The weakest tornadoes (F0) feature winds of 40–78 miles per hour, while the strongest tornadoes (F5) have winds of up to 318 miles per hour. All tornadoes can be devastating, especially if they touch down in areas with lots of people. A tornado outbreak occurs when one storm system produces multiple tornadoes. Some tornado outbreaks can result in the formation of dozens of tornadoes over several states. One particularly powerful tornado outbreak occurred between April 25 and April 28 of 2011, where a record 355 tornadoes in 21 states and Canada were recorded, including an F5 tornado that completely destroyed parts of Tuscaloosa, Alabama. Much of the destruction was caught on camera and broadcast across the country and internet. The same weather system produced hailstones that measured 4.5 inches across in southern Virginia. 328 people were killed as a result of the outbreak, which totaled over $11 billion in damages.

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