Ngoại ngữ ĐỀ THI HSG LỚP 9 - ĐỀ 3

Phạm Dương

Cựu Cố vấn tiếng Anh
Thành viên
24 Tháng mười 2018
Hà Nội
Đại học Thương Mại
[TẶNG BẠN] TRỌN BỘ Bí kíp học tốt 08 môn
Chắc suất Đại học top - Giữ chỗ ngay!!

ĐĂNG BÀI NGAY để cùng trao đổi với các thành viên siêu nhiệt tình & dễ thương trên diễn đàn.

Listen to the conversation between Ken, a student in Britain, and a travel agent, then circle the best answers:
1. How many prices does the travel agent give Ken ?
a. Two b. Three c. Four
2. How much does the cheapest flight cost ?
a. £ 560 b. £ 506 c. £ 516
3. How much does the most expensive flight cost?
a. £ 860 b. £ 806 c. £ 816
4. Which one is Ken interested in?
a. the cheapest one b. the most expensive one
5. Which days of the week does it go?
a. Tuesday, Wednesday and Saturday.
b. Monday, Tuesday and Saturday.
c. Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday.
6. How many hours does it take?
a. twenty - two b. twenty - one c. thirty - two
7. How long does it stop over for?
a. Fourteen hours b. Four hours c. Forty hours
8. How much deposit will Ken have to pay?
a. £ 50 b. £ 15 c. £ 60
9. When will he have to pay the full price?
a. Six weeks before he travels
b. Six days before he travels.
c. Six hours before he travels.
10. Ken books the flight ........
a. before he leaves the travel agency.
b. some days later.
c. two weeks later.
A. Multiple Choice: (10 points)
Circle the letter next to the word or phrase which best completes each sentence:

1. They named their daughter .................... their favourite movie star.
a. of b. for c. after d. on
2. I won't speak to her ........................ she apologizes.
a. in case b. in spite of that d. unless
3. My mother used to ........................ research in this library when she was a student.
a. make b. do c. doing d. making
4. Let’s go to the beach this weekend, ...........................................?
a. shall we b. do we c. don’ t we d. let we
5. The historical places in my city are open and free ........... everyone on special holidays.
a. for b. to c. with d. from
6. I don't mind ....................... home but I ' d rather ............................ a taxi.
a. to walk / to get b. walking / getting
c. walking / get d. walk / getting
7. There are................................................ young people who care about hip hop.
a. more and more b. less and less c. many and many d. most and most
8. The parting meeting was really moving and wonderful. I wish you............................................
a. to come b. had come c. would have come d. came
9. I don't usually like staying at hotels but last summer we spent a few days at ..................very nice
hotel by ................. sea.
a. a / - b. a / the c. the / a d. - / the
10. I can ' t find the tickets. I seem ................ them.
a. to have lost b. to lose c. losing d. to lost
11. Take your coat with you .................. it gets cold later.
a. if b. as long as c. when d. in case
12. John wasn ' t at work yesterday. He ........................
a. must have been ill. b. must be ill.
c. must have ill . d. must to be ill.
13. My father has gone away. He' ll be back .......... a week.
a. for b. at c. until d. in
14. The math problem was............difficult for out.
a. so / to b. too / that c. so / that d. too / to
15. ....................... don ' t visit this part of the town.
a. Most tourists b. Most of tourists c. The most tourists d. Many tourist
16. What she said............... me................... unhappy.
a. made / to feel b. made / feel c. made / felt d. to make / feeling
17. I haven ' t seen her for .................... that I have forgotten what she looks like.
a. so long time b. a so long time
c. a such long time d. such a long time
18. He is the most humorous man .............. I have ever met.
a. who b. whose c. that d. which
19. Do you know all the guests ........................ to the party ?
a. inviting b. invited c. who invited d. were invited
20. How beautiful she is ! She is wearing a ........................................... .
a. silk pretty purple dress. b. dress silk pretty purple.
c. purple pretty silk dress. d. pretty purple silk dress.
B. Complete the following sentences with the appropriate forms of the words in parentheses. (10 points)
1. The .................... you write, the ............... your mark will be. (CAREFUL / BAD)
2. It's ............. to drink the water because it hasn't been ................. yet. (POSSIBLE / PURE)
3. The trip was ........................ ...................... ( EXTREME / ENJOY )
4. I believe in .................. diseases because ................. is always better than cure. (PREVENT)
5. The coal industry was ................................. private but was ....................... in the 1940s. (ORIGIN / NATION)
C. Put the verbs in brackets in the correct tense or form. ( 10 points):
1. Linda has lost her passport again. It ' s the second time this ................. (happen)
2. It was a great party last night. You ................................... Why didn't you? (come)
3. " Ann is in hospital. " " Yes, I know. I ................................. her tomorrow. " (visit)
4. The boy ........................ down by a bus while he ........................ the street. (knock / cross)
5. The police officer stopped us and asked us where we ........................... (go)
6. I don ' t feel like ........... out this evening. I ......................... in the garden all day. (go / work)
7. Are you having your house ....................................... at the moment ? (paint)
8. If I .............................................. the doctor ' s advice, I would be better now. (follow)
III. READING (30 points)
Read the following passages carefully then do as directed:
A. Find a mistake in each line, cross it out and correct it: (10points )
1. We' re having a very heavy winter. The temperature often falls to zero. ...... hard ..........
Today it is cold and there' s a lot of wind. You expect bad weather
in winter. You expect to cold when you go out. Even so, I really enjoy 1. .........................
winter weather and I don ' t mind if it dark early. 2. .........................
2. What I enjoy most on TV is the news. You can see actual events as
they occur. You can see famous people being examined and giving their 3. ........................
opinions on world events. I enjoy to read daily newspapers as well. 4. ........................
There are not only plenty of news but interesting histories about 5. .........................
ordinary people as well. Life would be boring without all the
entertainments and information you get in newspapers and on TV.
3. I had a bad accident the other day. I was carrying a tray across the garden
when a bee sting me on the nose. I dropped the tray on the grass but 6. .........................
by luck nothing was broken. I had such a shock, I bumped into a table 7. .........................
and ended up with a headache as well as a sting !
4. Every morning when I wake up, I have a bathe before getting dressed. 8. .........................
Sometime I have a shower instead, but if I ' ve got up late, I just have 9. .........................
time for a wash. I like to wash my hair every day as well. Washing up 10. .......................
frequently and keeping clean is one of the pleasures of life.
B. Read the four passages again and circle the right topic that each passage is about :
1. This passage is about .................................
a. the seasons b. the weather c. the temperature
2. This passage is about .................................
a. the news b. television c. newspapers
3. This passage is about .................................
a. an accident b. luck and misfortune c. misfortune
4. This passage is about .................................
a. keeping clear b. keeping fit c. keeping clean
C. Read the following passage and fill in each gap with only ONE appropriate word:
Television is an important invention of the twentieth century. It has been ....(1).... popular that now we
can ' t imagine what life would be .....(2) ....... if there were no television.
Television is a major ....(3).... of communication. It brings pictures and sounds from around the world into millions of homes. Through ....(4)...., viewers can see and learn about people, places and things in faraway lands.Television ....(5).... our knowledge by introducing to us new ideas ....(6).... may lead us to new hobbies and recreations.
In addition ....(7).... the news, television provides us with a variety of programs that can satisfy ....(8).... taste. Most people now seem to like spending their evenings ....(9).... television. It is more convenient for them to sit at home watching TV ....(10).... to go out for amusements anywhere else.
IV. WRITING ( 20 points )
A.Rewrite the sentences , using the words given: (10points)
1. That girl ' s mother used to work with mine.
That ' s the girl ......................................................................................
2. They think the thief got in through the bathroom window.
The thief ...............................................................................................
3. " I haven ' t got any siblings to play with ."
She wishes .........................................................................................................
4. My brother used to smoke.
My brother has ..................................................................................................
5. Without your help, I shouldn ' t have been able to find my way.
If you ...........................................................................................................
6. Her step-mother made her do chores all day.
She ....................................................................................................................
7. Did anybody see him come down the lane?
Was ..........................................................................................................
8. I haven' t enjoyed myself so much for years.
It ' s .............................................................................................................
9. Turn off all the switches before leaving the workshop.
All the switches ........................................................................................................
10. Although the traffic was heavy, I arrived on time.
In spite ..........................................................................................................
B. Use the words given to complete the following dialogue: ( 10points )
1. Michael: school team / just / win / Gold Cup
2. John: What ! / you / beat / Selinka School / yesterday / ?
3. Michael: Yes / we / two goals /
4. John: That / very good. / I / never / see / your team / yet.
5. Michael: Why / not / go / next Saturday / ? / We / against / Centralion Junior School /
6. John: That / good idea . / I / like / Where / we / meet / ?
1. Michael: ......................................................................................................................................
2. John: .....................................................................................................................................
3. Michael: ......................................................................................................................................
4. John: .....................................................................................................................................
5. Michael: ......................................................................................................................................
6. John: .....................................................................................................................................

1. b 2. b 3. b 4. a 5. c 6. a 7. b 8. a 9. a 10. b
A. ( 10 points )

1. c 2. d 3. b 4. a 5. b 6. c 7. a 8. b 9. b 10. a
11. d 12. a 13. d 14. d 15. a 16. b 17. d 18. c 19. b 20. d
B. ( 10 points )
1. more carelessly - worse 2. impossible - purified 3. extremely - enjoyable
4. preventing - prevention 5. originally - nationalized
C. ( 10 points)
1. has happened 2. should have come 3. am going to visit / am visiting
4. was knoced - was crossing 5. were going 6. going - have been working
7. painted 8. had followed
III. READING ( 30points )
A. ( 10points )
1. 1. cold → get / feel cold 2. dark → gets / turns / grows dark
2. 3. examined → interviewed 4. to read → reading 5. histories → stories
3. 6. sting → stung 7. by luck → luckily
4. 8. bathe → bath 9. sometime → sometimes 10. up → O
B. (10points)
1. b 2. a 3. b 4. c
C. (10pts)
1. so 2. like 3. means 4. television 5. widens / broadens
6. which / that 7. to 8. every 9. watching 10. than
IV. WRITING ( 20 points )
A. (10points)
1. ... whose mother used to work with mine.
2. thought to have got in through the bathroom window.
3. ... she had some siblings to play with.
4. ... stopped smoking now.
5. .... hadn ' t helped me, I I shouldn ' t have been able to find my way.
6. ....was made to do chores all day by her step - mother.
7. ... he seen to come down the lane ?
8. .... years since I enjoyed myself so much.
9. .... must be turned off before you leave.
10. ...of the heavy traffic , I arrived on time.
B. ( 10points )
1. Michael: Our school team has just won the Gold Cup.
2. John: What ! Did you beat Selinka School yesterday ?
3. Michael: Yes. We won two goals.
4. John: That ' s very good. I have never seen your team play yet.
5. Michael: Why don't you go with me next Saturday ? We play against / with Centralion Junior School.
6. John: That ' s a good idea . I ' d like to. Where shall / will we meet ?
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