Ngoại ngữ ĐỀ HSG LỚP 9 - ĐỀ 12

Phạm Dương

Cựu Cố vấn tiếng Anh
Thành viên
24 Tháng mười 2018
Hà Nội
Đại học Thương Mại
[TẶNG BẠN] TRỌN BỘ Bí kíp học tốt 08 môn
Chắc suất Đại học top - Giữ chỗ ngay!!

ĐĂNG BÀI NGAY để cùng trao đổi với các thành viên siêu nhiệt tình & dễ thương trên diễn đàn.

I/ LISTENING: (3 pts)
Section 1: Listen and fill in the arrival card.

Family name: ……………………………………………….
First name: ………………………………………………..
Passport number:……………………………………………
Flight number:……………………………………………….
Address: ……………………………………………………..
Length of stay: ………………………………………………
Section 2: Listen to four people being interviewed for jobs. Are these statements true or false?
* Conversation 1: a. She went to college. ……………
b. She has ever worked in a factory. ……………
* Conversation 2: a. He studied in Ireland. ……………
b. He can’t speak any foreign languages. ……………
c. He hasn’t got a job since he left school. ……………
* Conversation 3: a. She has had some experience working in a shop ………….…
b. She likes meeting people. ……………
* Conversation 4: a. He graduated in 1990. ……………
b. He worked in a hospital library in England. …………
Section 1: Choose the word that has the underlined parts pronounced differently from the others (1pt)
1. A. photoB. belowC. wonderD. lotus
2. A. forestB. resortC. reasonD. visit
3. A. healthB. speakC. eachD. seat
4. A. thirstyB. guitarC. dirtyD. listen
5. A. deskB. gardenC. weekendD. event
Section 2: Choose the best option A,B,C, or D to complete each of the following sentences. Circle the letter before the word or phrase you choose.:(2pts)
1. I’ll give her the message as soon as she …….. tomorrow.
A. comes back B. will come C. is coming D. has come
2. He is thought ……… in a foreign country when he was 20.
A. to work B. to have worked C. working D. has worked
3. We got our car ………yesterday.
A. wash B. to wash C. washing D. washed
4. Get me some stamps,………..?
A. have you B. will you C. do you D. don’t you
5. Some large cities have measured to ………… air pollution.
A. fight B. minimize C. cover D. grow
6. When Bill retires, he’s going to ……….. golf.
A. take after B. take off C. take down D. take up
7. He drank only ……….. water.
A. a lot of B. much C. a little D. less
8. I’d like to ………. an appointment to see the doctor.
A. do B. say C. organize D. make
9. It isn’t quite ………. that he will be present at the meeting.
A. interested B. certain C. exact D. right
10. Paper money ……….. for over a thousand years.
A. used B. is used C. has used D. has been used
11. The dentist told me -------- more careful when I brushed my teeth.
A. have been B. being C. be D. to be
12. When Lan looked in her purse she found her ring had been ......................
A. stolen B. thieved C. robbed D. broken
13. Tom can speak two languages. One is English. ........................ is French.
A. Other B. Another C. The other D. Others
14. Did you ask your father -------- some money?
A. after B. for C. in D. at
15. The children kept -------- about the clowns that they liked most of all.
A. talking B. talked C. to talk D. talk
16. I’m sorry, I forgot ________ your letter. It is still here, in my pocket.
A. post B. to post C. posting D. posted
17. If you _________ forty cigarettes a day, you would cough a lot.
A. smoke B. smoked C. would smoke D. smoking
18. Vietnamese women today often prefer to wear modern clothing at work _________ it is more convenient.
A. although B. however C. as D. moreover
19.There isn’t ………….food in the house.
A. none B. no C. some D. any
20.Hoa had made plans …….. she returned to Hanoi.
A. when B. after C. as soon as D. before
Section 3: Supply the correct form of the words in brackets. (2.5pts)
1. The gas from the chemical factory was ……………………….harmful. (EXTREME)
2. Pablo Picasso was a very ……………………….. artist. (CREATE)
3. It’s ………. ………………of motorists to drink and drive. (RESPONSIBILITY)
4. I found the whole experience absolutely………….. …………… . (EMBARRASS)
5. Since ………. ……………has been so poor the class is being closed. (ATTEND)
6. It’s hard to imagine the ……….. …………….of hand phones nowadays. (POPULAR)
7. He gets angry if you …………………….. with his idea. (AGREE)
8. Some designers have …………………. the Ao dai by printing lines of poetry on it. (MODERN)
9. Her boring essay is the ……………………. one that I have ever read. (LENGTH)
10. They are members of an international …………………………. (ORGANIZE)
Section 4: Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first one. Use the words or phrases given. (2.5pts)
1. He’s the best player our team has ever had. NEVER
Our team………………………………………………………………good player.
2. Mrs Scott is proud of her cooking. TAKES
Mrs Scott……………………………………………………………………………
3. It’s my opinion that you should take more exercise. WOULD
If I…………………………………………………………………………………….
4. It’s not difficult to make bread. EASY
5. I haven’t done any gardening for three months. WAS
The last…………………………………………………………………………………
6. Hoa regrets not watching that film last night. WISHES
7. Although her leg hurt, Jill finished the race. PAIN
In spite…………………………………………………………………………………
8. There was too little time to go back home by bike. NOT
There .………………………………….........................……………………………..
9. Doing the same things every day gives me no pleasure. ENJOY
I ……………………………………………………………………………………….
10. Handicapped people find shopping in supermarkets difficult. SHOP
It …………………………………………………………………………………….
Section 1: Choose the best option(A, B, C or D) that fits the blank space in the following passage
. (2pts)
Environmental pollution is a term that (1)______ to all the ways by which man pollutes his surroundings. Man dirties the air with (2)______ gases and smoke, (3)_____ the water with chemicals and other substances, and damages the (4)_____ with too many fertilizers and pesticides. Man also pollutes his surroundings (5)_____ various other ways. For example, people ruin natural beauty by (6)_____ junk and litter on the land and in the water.
Environmental pollution is one of the most serious problems facing mankind today. Air, water and soil are necessary to the (7)_____ of all living things. Badly polluted air can cause illness, and (8)_____ death. Polluted water kills fish and other (9)_____ life. Pollution of soil reduces the amount of land that is available for growing food. Environmental pollution also brings ugliness to man’s (10)_____ beautiful world.
1. A. means B. refers C. provides D. reduces
2. A. thick B. natural C. exhaust D. influent
3. A. purifies B. pumps C. sprays D. poisons
4. A. soil B. forests C. streets D. beaches
5. A. on B. in C. by D. with
6. A. spoiling B. leaving C. scattering D. gathering
7. A. survival B. environment C. development D. growth
8. A. so B. ever C. too D. even
9. A. animal B. marine C. human D. plant
10. A. nature B. natural C. naturally D. natured
Section 2: Read the text and fill only one suitable word in each blank. (2pts)
Bill Gates is a very important person in the (1)………. industry. He (2)………. been chief executive officer of Microsoft Corporation for several years. He is (3)……….. the richest person in the world. How did he do it?
He learned a lot (4)……… his parents. While Bill was going to school, his father went to college, got a degree, and (5)…….. a successful lawyer. From this, Bill learned that you have to work hard (6)……… you want something. His mother was a very busy teacher, but she enjoyed (7)……… to parties. From this, he learned something else: (8)…….. you want to work hard and play hard, you have to (9)…….. . a schedule.
When Bill was young, he spent a lot of time alone. (10) …….. most of his friends were playing, Bill read all of the World Book Encyclopedia and (11)……… it when he was eight years old.
Bill’s childhood was not all work, (12)…….. . He (13) ………. to play a lot of sports- swimming, water, skiing, tennis. He was very serious (14) ……… sports. He loved winning and he hated (15)……… . When Bill got older he spent more and more (16)…….. working- and playing- (17)…….. a computer.
Before he was twenty, Bill developed the world’s first computer (18)……… for the personal computer. Once he was thinking about the future, he realised something important. He thought that every home was (19) ………. to have a computer, and every computer would (20)………. software- his software. He said, “I’m going to make my first million dollars on software by the time I’m 25.” And he did.
IV/ WRITING (5pts)
Section 1:
Complete the following letter using the words or phrases provided. (2pts)
50 Batement Street
Dear Jane,
I write/tell/how much/enjoy/few hours I spend/you and your family last week
1) ……………………………………………………………………………………..
I/be/England since/beginning/October and this/be/first invitation to dinner/English family
I find/conversation/interesting/and I/glad/practice/English
I’d also/like/congratulate you/excellent cooking
I/grateful/helpful information/you/give/courses/English
I hope/find/suitable school/next few days
You give/best wishes/parents?
I/look/see/you next month
Yours sincerely,
Section 2: It is said that English is a useful language. Do you think so? Write a passage (not more than 200 words) about your idea. (3pts)
LISTENING: Mỗi câu đúng cho 0.2 điểm : 15 câu x 0.2 đ = 3.0 điểm

Section 1: Listen and fill in the arrival card.

Family name: …..VANDERPYL…………………………………………………
First name:………..THERESA…………………………………………………..
Passport number:……E51448859………………………………………………..
Flight number:………AA451……………………………………………………..
Address: ……………Hilton Hotel - Orchard Road………………………………
Length of stay: …4days……………………………………………………………
Section 2:
* Conversation 1: a. False (F)
b. False (F)
* Conversation 2: a. True (T)
b. Fase (F)
c. False (F)
* Conversation 3: a. False (F)
b. True (T)
* Conversation 4: a. False (F)
b. False (F)
Section 1: Mỗi câu đúng cho 0.2 điểm : 5 câu x 0.2 đ = 1.0 điểm

1. A. photoB. belowC. wonderD. lotus
2. A. forestB. resortC. reasonD. visit
3. A. healthB. speakC. eachD. seat
4. A. thirstyB. guitarC. dirtyD. listen
5. A. deskB. gardenC. weekendD. event
Section 2: Mỗi câu đúng cho 0.1 điểm : 20 câu x 0.1 đ = 2.0 điểm
1A 2B 3D 4B 5B 6D 7C 8D 9B 10D
11D 12A 13C 14B 15A 16C 17B 18C 19D 20D
Section 3: Mỗi câu đúng cho 0.25 điểm : 10 câu x 0.25 đ = 2.5 điểm
1. extremely 2. creative 3. irresponsible 4. embarrassing 5.attendance
6. popularity 7. disagree 8.modernized 9.longest 10. organization
Section 4: Mỗi câu đúng cho 0.25 điểm : 10 câu x 0.25 điểm = 2.5 điểm
1. Our team has never had such a good player.
2. Mrs Scott takes pride in her cooking.
3. If I were you, I would take more exercise.
4. Bread is easy to be made.
5. The last time I did gardening was three months ago.
6. Hoa wishes she had watched that film last night.
7. In spite of a pain in her leg, Jill finished the race.
8.There was not enough time to go back home by bike.
9.I don’t enjoy doing the same things every day.
10.It is difficult for handicapped people to shop in supermarkets.
Section 1: Mỗi câu đúng cho 0.2 điểm : 10 câu x 0.2 điểm = 2 điểm

1B. refers 2C. exhaust 3D. poisons 4A. soil 5B. in 6C. scattering 7A.survival 8D. even 9B. marine 10B. natural
Section 2: Mỗi câu đúng cho 0.1 điểm : 20 câu x 0.1 điểm = 2 điểm
1. computer 2. has 3. also 4. from 5. became
6. if 7. going 8. If 9. make 10. while
11. finished 12. however 13. used 14. about 15. losing
16. time 17. on 18. language 19. going 20.need
Section 1: Mỗi câu đúng cho 0.25 điểm : 8 câu x 0.25 điểm = 2 điểm

1. I am writing to tell you how much I enjoyed the few hours I spent with you and your family.
2. I have been in England since the beginning of October and this was my first invitation to dinner with an English family.
3. I found the conversation interesting and I was glad to practise my English.
4. I would also like to congratulate you on your excellent cooking .
5. I was/am very grateful for the helpful information you gave (to) me about the courses in English
6. I hope to find a suitable school in the next few days .
(I hope I will find a suitable school in the next few days.)
7. Would you please give my best wishes to your parents?
8. I look forward to seeing you next month .
Section 2: 3 điểm
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