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Although this holiday is now celebrated in great Britain.Australia, New Zealand and Canada , it orginated in England during the Middla Ages,. It`s observed on December 26 th, and is also known as the feast of St. Stephen.On this day, the churches open their alms or poor boxes which contain donations of money put in thoughout the year. The money is distributed to the needy and other charitable organizations.
It`s thought that the name “ Boxing Day” originated with the english lords and ladies who used to give Chistmas gifts in boxes to their servants on december 26 th . This is also a non-working day that servants are able to speng with their own families but still get paid.
On this day, friends exchange gifts, while Chistmas Day is reserved for families to exchange their gifts.although considered a legal holiday in Great Britain, theaters and movie houses stay open.People also sometimes participate in outdoor sports, horse racing and fox hunting
Although this holiday is now celebrated in great Britain.Australia, New Zealand and Canada , it orginated in England during the Middla Ages,. It`s observed on December 26 th, and is also known as the feast of St. Stephen.On this day, the churches open their alms or poor boxes which contain donations of money put in thoughout the year. The money is distributed to the needy and other charitable organizations.
It`s thought that the name “ Boxing Day” originated with the english lords and ladies who used to give Chistmas gifts in boxes to their servants on december 26 th . This is also a non-working day that servants are able to speng with their own families but still get paid.
On this day, friends exchange gifts, while Chistmas Day is reserved for families to exchange their gifts.although considered a legal holiday in Great Britain, theaters and movie houses stay open.People also sometimes participate in outdoor sports, horse racing and fox hunting