English THPT Cosmetic Surgery


Học sinh mới
14 Tháng tám 2024
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[TẶNG BẠN] TRỌN BỘ Bí kíp học tốt 08 môn
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Today, more people than ever are choosing to go under the knife in order to enhance their appearance. From cheek implants to liposuction,men and women of all ages are flocking to surgeonswho promise they can forestall the ravages (1)…………time or make them look more beautiful.(2)…………….. subjects are as controversial as the escalating use of cosmetic surgery to reshape perfectly functioning body parts towards some subjective aesthetic ideal. Many vehemently oppose thewhole idea, denouncing it (3)…………..an expression of society’s worst impulses. Others embrace it,citing its ability to change lives. No (4)……….what one’s stance, it cannot be denied that cosmeticsurgery (not to be confused with plastic surgery, the surgical speciality dedicated to repairing bodydefects (5)…………to birth disorders, trauma, burns and disease) is a story of continual expansion,increased consumer demand, and growing social acceptability. What was once the province of celebrities and the rich has trickled down the social scale and is now within the grasp of anyone withthe time and inclination. What was once kept (6) ………..wraps is now discussed openly, if not braggingly.The thing about beauty that makes it the perfect marketing concept is its elusiveness. (7)………….when you have it, you're constantly at risk of losing it, or at least being jostled aside by someone withmore of it. Cosmetic surgery success is built on the powerful emotions of denial and envy, not justvanity. It thrives on our refusal to accept the body we were (8)…………. with,and our collectivedenial of aging. It feeds our envy of those who embody nature’s most powerful but fleeting charms:youth, strength and beauty.
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