English THCS Complete the word in each sentence

Bạch Tử Phong

Học sinh
Thành viên
18 Tháng mười 2020
Hà Nam
[TẶNG BẠN] TRỌN BỘ Bí kíp học tốt 08 môn
Chắc suất Đại học top - Giữ chỗ ngay!!

ĐĂNG BÀI NGAY để cùng trao đổi với các thành viên siêu nhiệt tình & dễ thương trên diễn đàn.

Part 1. Complete the word in each sentence with over- or under-.
a) The underlying causes of the problem are widely known.
b) What a terrible film. It's really …………..rated in my views.
c) The first time I tried out my new bike I …………..balanced and fell off.
d) Don't forget to give the door an …………..coat as well as a coat of gloss paint.
e) The bath …………..flowed and the water dripped through into the living room.
f) It is not as easy as all that. I think you are …………..simplifying the problem.
g) I apologise for the delay in sending your order, but we are …………..staffed at present.
h) You can get to the other side of the road by going through this …………..pass.
i) The garden has been neglected and was …………..grown with weeds.
j) You should have turned the meat off before. It's …………..done now.
Part 2. Choose the word to fill in the blank with the ending “-able” or “-ible”
contempt - digest - prefer - remark – disagree – like – comfort – collapse - response - sense
a) Brenda's new book is really ……………………….
b) I don't find your new colleague very ……………………….
c) The pie looked very good, but it wasn't very easily ……………………….
d) That was a really ………………………. way of getting the boss on your side!
e) I think that anything is ………………………. to having to tell so many lies.
f) The advantage of these chairs is that they are ……………………….
g) I do hope that you find your room ……………………….
h) Why don't you go to the police? It's the ………………………. thing to do.
i) John takes good care of the children and is very ……………………….
j) I find your aunt a very ………………………. person I'm afraid.
Part 3. Complete the word in each sentence by adding an appropriate prefix.
a) I didn't pay the bill and now the electricity has been ....disconnected.
b) There is a law against dropping litter, but it is rarely ........... forced.
c) When the cassette finishes, don't forget to ........... wind it.
d) I thought the effects in the film were rather ........... done.
e) The rumours about the minister's death were completely ........... founded.
f) Anyone with a ........... ability may qualify for a special pension.
g) I am ........... debted to you for all the help you have given me.
h) When a currency is ........... valued, it is worth less internationally.
i) I found the instructions you gave us very ........... leading.
j) John rents the house and I ........... let a room from him.
Part 4. Replace the words underlined in each sentence with one word ending in -ly and beginning with
the letter given.
a) The country imports every year over two million tons of rice. Annually
b) Harry's work has improved a great deal. c .......................
c) By coincidence, I'm driving there myself tomorrow. c .......................
d) I'll be with you straight away. d .......................
e) The two sisters were dressed in exactly the same way. i .......................
f) I'm afraid that Carol's writing is quite illegible. a ......................
g) Tim only understands in a hazy manner what is going on. v .......................
h) I think that this plan is downright ridiculous! t .......................
i) Diana just wants to know the truth. m .......................
j) The passengers only just escaped with their lives. b .......................
Part 5. Complete each word with either in- or un-.
a) Why are you so insensitive to other people's problems?
b) The garden is divided into two ........... equal parts.
c) I think you were ........... justified in punishing both boys.
d) I am afraid that the world is full of ........... justice.
e) This ticket is ........... valid. You haven't stamped it in the machine.
f) Thank you for your help. It was ........... valuable.
Hoang Thao – Bien Hoa Gifted High School
g) Quite honestly I find that argument ........... tenable.
h) The government's ........... action can only be explained as sheer neglect.
i) The amount of food aid the country has received is quite ........... sufficient.
j) Her remarks were so rude they were frankly ........... printable.
Part 6. Make a compound word in each sentence by adding the most appropriate word from the box.
pour - dust - flake - mare - quake - hand - fire - shift - sick - goer
a) We used cushions and blankets as a make shift bed.
b) I woke up screaming after having a terrible night…………..
c) The house was severely damaged by an earth…………..
d) We got soaked to the skin in a sudden down…………..
e) Don't forget to tell everyone about the meeting before…………..
f) The average theatre …………..will find this play incomprehensible.
g) After six months abroad, Angela was beginning to feel home…………..
h) The floor of the workshop was covered in saw…………... and shavings of wood.
i) The children made a poster based on the shape of a snow…………...
j) The United Nations tried to arrange a cease …………..but without success.
Part 7. Complete the compound word in each sentence.
a) One of the drawbacks of this car is its high petrol consumption.
b) From the hotel there is a breath………….. view across the canyon.
c) Peter's gambling ability gave him a nice little wind………….. of £300.
d) We always lock the computer in this cupboard, just as a safe…………..
e) If I were you, I'd spend a bit more and buy the hard………….. version of the book.
f) Michael's playboy life………….. was the envy of all his friends.
g) That building has been ear………….. for redevelopment by the council.
h) We cannot take off because the run………….. is rather icy.
i) From my stand………….. , this would not be a very profitable venture.
j) There is wide………….. dissatisfaction with the government's policies
Part 8. Complete the word in each sentence with an appropriate suffix.
a) I object strongly to the (commerce) ………………….of sport.
b) Skateboarding is no longer very (fashion) …………………. in this country.
c) Don't touch that glass vase?! It's absolutely (price) …………………. !
d) We decided to go to watch some (tradition) …………………. dances in the next village.
e) Helen's uncle turned out to be a really (remark) …………………. person.
f) We have not yet received (confirm) …………………. of your telephone booking.
g) Driving on these mountain roads in winter is a bit (hazard) ………………….
h) I just couldn't put up with his (relent) …………………. nagging.
i) The doctor will be available for a (consult) …………………. on Thursday morning.
j) None of this work has been done properly. Don't you think you have been rather (neglect) ……………… ?
Part 9. Complete each space in the text with a word formed from the word in capitals.
Hello all members! Welcome to another edition of the club newsletter.
A list of (1. COME) ………………….events for the autumn is being prepared. It will be displayed on the
club's (2. NOTICE) …………………. Sadly our intended celebrity guest, the actor George Wells, has had to
(3. DRAW) …………………. from the summer fair. However, we are pleased to announce that we have lined
up a (4. PLACE) ………………….in the shape of Bethan Rogers, the folk-singer. Meanwhile, we are looking
for (5. VOLUNTARY) ………………….to help run both the cloakroom and the (6. FRESH) ……………….
stall. If you are interested please let me know as soon as possible. The cost of (7. ADMIT) ………………….
to the fair for non-members has been agreed at £2.50. Members will, of course, be free. As you know,
Professor Byatt, who has been associated with the club for 15 years, is retiring at the end of term. In (8.
RECOGNISE) ………………….of his support and enthusiasm, we are planning to hold a little (9. PRESENT)
………………….for him. Mrs Byatt has suggested we buy him a gold watch. Please send any (10.
CONTRIBUTE) ………………….you would like to make to me by Friday 30th.

Giusp mik vs mình đang cần gấp.
tối nay nha.hoặc sáng mai đc ko
giúp mik nha.
cảm ơn nhìu lắm
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Học sinh chăm học
Thành viên
10 Tháng ba 2020
TP Hồ Chí Minh
THCS Trường Chinh
Part 1. Complete the word in each sentence with over- or under-.
a) underlying
b) overrated
c) overbalanced
d) undercoat
e) overflowed
f) oversimplified
g) overstaffed
h) overpass
i) overgrown
j) overdone
Part 2. Choose the word to fill in the blank with the ending “-able” or “-ible”
a) Brenda's new book is really collapsible
b) I don't find your new colleague very likeable
c) The pie looked very good, but it wasn't very easily digestible
d) That was a really remarkable way of getting the boss on your side!
e) I think that anything is contemptible to having to tell so many lies.
f) The advantage of these chairs is that they are comfortable
g) I do hope that you find your room preferable
h) Why don't you go to the police? It's the disagreeable thing to do.
i) John takes good care of the children and is very responsible
j) I find your aunt a very sensible person I'm afraid.
Part 3. Complete the word in each sentence by adding an appropriate prefix.
a) disconnected
b) enforced
c) rewind
d) overdone
e) unfounded
f) disability
g) indebted
h) devalued
i) misleading
j) sublet
Part 4. Replace the words underlined in each sentence with one word ending in -ly and beginning with
the letter given.
a) Annually
b) Considerably
c) Coincidentally
d) Directly
e) Identically
f) Absolutely
g) Vaguely
h) Totally
i) Merely
j) Barely
Part 5. Complete each word with either in- or un-.
a) Why are you so insensitive to other people's problems?
b) The garden is divided into two ...un....... equal parts.
c) I think you were ...un........ justified in punishing both boys.
d) I am afraid that the world is full of ...in........ justice.
e) This ticket is ...in........ valid. You haven't stamped it in the machine.
f) Thank you for your help. It was ...in........ valuable.
g) Quite honestly I find that argument ....un....... tenable.
h) The government's ....in....... action can only be explained as sheer neglect.
i) The amount of food aid the country has received is quite .in.......... sufficient.
j) Her remarks were so rude they were frankly .un.......... printable.
Part 6. Make a compound word in each sentence by adding the most appropriate word from the box.
a) shift
b) mare
c) quake
d) pour
e) hand
f) goer
g) sick
h) dust
i) flake
j) fire
Part 7. Complete the compound word in each sentence.
a) One of the drawbacks of this car is its high petrol consumption.
b) breathtaking
f) lifestyle
h) runway
i) standpoint
j) widespread
Part 8. Complete the word in each sentence with an appropriate suffix.
a) I object strongly to the (commerce) commercialization of sport.
b) Skateboarding is no longer very (fashion) fashionable in this country.
c) Don't touch that glass vase?! It's absolutely (price) pricey
d) We decided to go to watch some (tradition) traditional dances in the next village.
e) Helen's uncle turned out to be a really (remark) unremarkable person.
f) We have not yet received (confirm) confirmation of your telephone booking.
g) Driving on these mountain roads in winter is a bit hazardous
h) I just couldn't put up with his relented nagging.
i) The doctor will be available for a consultation on Thursday morning.
j) None of this work has been done properly. Don't you think you have been rather neglectful ?
Part 9. Complete each space in the text with a word formed from the word in capitals.
Hello all members! Welcome to another edition of the club newsletter.
A list of (1. COME) forthcoming events for the autumn is being prepared. It will be displayed on the
club's (2. NOTICE) noticeboard Sadly our intended celebrity guest, the actor George Wells, has had to
(3. DRAW) withdraw from the summer fair. However, we are pleased to announce that we have lined
up a (4. PLACE) replacement in the shape of Bethan Rogers, the folk-singer. Meanwhile, we are looking for (5. VOLUNTARY) volunteers to help run both the cloakroom and the (6. FRESH) refreshment stall. If you are interested please let me know as soon as possible. The cost of (7. ADMIT) admittance to the fair for non-members has been agreed at £2.50. Members will, of course, be free. As you know, Professor Byatt, who has been associated with the club for 15 years, is retiring at the end of term. In (8.
RECOGNISE) recognition of his support and enthusiasm, we are planning to hold a little presentation for him. Mrs Byatt has suggested we buy him a gold watch. Please send any (10.
CONTRIBUTE) contributinon you would like to make to me by Friday 30th.
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