English THCS Chọn đáp án đúng


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1 Tháng mười hai 2019
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THCS Thịnh Quang
[TẶNG BẠN] TRỌN BỘ Bí kíp học tốt 08 môn
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We owe the invention of paper to the Egyptian papyrus or the Egyptian paper. The Egyptians made paper from the papyrus plant (Cyperus papyrus) that was commonly found along the banks of river Nile. The pith of the plant was taken out and cut into long strips. These strips were placed diagonally over each other, and for better binding, were placed under a weight for a couple of days. The quality of papyrus paper is evident from the fact that they are still intact about 5000 years after they were written on.
Historical sources tell us that the ancient Egyptians were very secretive about the manufacturing technique of their papyrus. This was because papyrus was one of the main commodities that was exported by Egypt all over the region. Keeping its manufacturing process a secret enabled them to achieve monopoly in the market.
28. What is the main topic of the article?
A. The importance of papyrus in Egyptian history.
B. Egyptian culture.
C. The making of papyrus and its commercial role.
D. Commercial trades between ancient Egyp and other countries
29. To make a piece of papyrus, the first step is to__________.
A. take out the pith of papyrus plants and cut it into long strips.
B. place strips of pith diagonally over each other.
C. place strips of pith under a flat stone
D. keep the making process a secret
30. Why did the ancient Egyptians keep the making process of papyrus a secret?
A. Ancient Egypt was not an open country.
B. it could be enable them to dominate the market.
C. It took ancient Egyptians much time to invent papyrus .
D. Ancient Egypt didn’t export papyrus
31. In the second paragraph, the word ‘its’ refers to__________.
A. papyrus’s
B. Egyptians’
C. a region’s
D. the pitch’s
32. What can we infer from the article?
A. To make a piece of papyrus, you need to put strips of pith parallel over each other.
B. Ancient Egypt didn’t like trading.
C. In the ancient times, the Egyptians possessed a basic commercial awareness.
D. Papyrus was used within ancient Egypt only.

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Cựu CTV Confession
Thành viên
22 Tháng bảy 2017
Hà Nội
THPT Trần Phú - Hoàn Kiếm
We owe the invention of paper to the Egyptian papyrus or the Egyptian paper. The Egyptians made paper from the papyrus plant (Cyperus papyrus) that was commonly found along the banks of river Nile. The pith of the plant was taken out and cut into long strips. These strips were placed diagonally over each other, and for better binding, were placed under a weight for a couple of days. The quality of papyrus paper is evident from the fact that they are still intact about 5000 years after they were written on.
Historical sources tell us that the ancient Egyptians were very secretive about the manufacturing technique of their papyrus. This was because papyrus was one of the main commodities that was exported by Egypt all over the region. Keeping its manufacturing process a secret enabled them to achieve monopoly in the market.
28. What is the main topic of the article?
A. The importance of papyrus in Egyptian history.
B. Egyptian culture.
C. The making of papyrus and its commercial role.
D. Commercial trades between ancient Egyp and other countries
29. To make a piece of papyrus, the first step is to__________.
A. take out the pith of papyrus plants and cut it into long strips.
B. place strips of pith diagonally over each other.
C. place strips of pith under a flat stone
D. keep the making process a secret
30. Why did the ancient Egyptians keep the making process of papyrus a secret?
A. Ancient Egypt was not an open country.
B. it could be enable them to dominate the market.
C. It took ancient Egyptians much time to invent papyrus .
D. Ancient Egypt didn’t export papyrus
31. In the second paragraph, the word ‘its’ refers to__________.
A. papyrus’s
B. Egyptians’
C. a region’s
D. the pitch’s
32. What can we infer from the article?
A. To make a piece of papyrus, you need to put strips of pith parallel over each other.
B. Ancient Egypt didn’t like trading.
C. In the ancient times, the Egyptians possessed a basic commercial awareness.
D. Papyrus was used within ancient Egypt only.
32-C (không chắc)
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Học sinh tiến bộ
Thành viên
22 Tháng mười 2017
We owe the invention of paper to the Egyptian papyrus or the Egyptian paper. The Egyptians made paper from the papyrus plant (Cyperus papyrus) that was commonly found along the banks of river Nile. The pith of the plant was taken out and cut into long strips. These strips were placed diagonally over each other, and for better binding, were placed under a weight for a couple of days. The quality of papyrus paper is evident from the fact that they are still intact about 5000 years after they were written on.
Historical sources tell us that the ancient Egyptians were very secretive about the manufacturing technique of their papyrus. This was because papyrus was one of the main commodities that was exported by Egypt all over the region. Keeping its manufacturing process a secret enabled them to achieve monopoly in the market.
28. What is the main topic of the article?
A. The importance of papyrus in Egyptian history.
B. Egyptian culture.
C. The making of papyrus and its commercial role.
D. Commercial trades between ancient Egyp and other countries
29. To make a piece of papyrus, the first step is to__________.
A. take out the pith of papyrus plants and cut it into long strips.
B. place strips of pith diagonally over each other.
C. place strips of pith under a flat stone
D. keep the making process a secret
30. Why did the ancient Egyptians keep the making process of papyrus a secret?
A. Ancient Egypt was not an open country.
B. it could be enable them to dominate the market.
C. It took ancient Egyptians much time to invent papyrus .
D. Ancient Egypt didn’t export papyrus
31. In the second paragraph, the word ‘its’ refers to__________.
A. papyrus’s
B. Egyptians’
C. a region’s
D. the pitch’s
32. What can we infer from the article?
A. To make a piece of papyrus, you need to put strips of pith parallel over each other.
B. Ancient Egypt didn’t like trading.
C. In ancient times, the Egyptians possessed a basic commercial awareness.
D. Papyrus was used within ancient Egypt only.
Lưu ý: từ in đậm là từ khóa để dễ hiểu.
Dẫn chứng: Cả đoạn đầu. (cách làm)
Keeping its manufacturing process a secret enabled them to achieve monopoly in the market. (ý nghĩa kinh tế)
Monopoly: độc quyền.
Không chọn câu D vì đoạn văn cuối không đề cập chi tiết về các trao đổi.
Dẫn chứng: The pith of the plant was taken out and cut into long strips.
(Take out the pith of the plant and cut it into long strips)
Câu này được nhắc đến đầu tiên về cách làm.
Dẫn chứng: This was because papyrus was one of the main commodities that were exported by Egypt all over the region.
Commodities: Hàng hóa toàn cầu.
Có được hàng hóa xuất khẩu toàn cầu, được độc quyền, tức là muốn làm chủ (dominate) nền kinh tế.
Dẫn chứng:
.....the ancient Egyptians were very secretive about the manufacturing technique of their papyrus.
Keeping its manufacturing process a secret.....
A(n) "X" manufacturing process: Quá trình làm "X": loại các chủ ngữ mang tính chủ động (Eqyptians')
So sánh hai câu dẫn chứng là sẽ thấy đáp án A đúng.

Muốn làm câu này, bạn phải dùng loại trừ.
A. To make a piece of papyrus, you need to put strips of pith parallel over each other.
Câu trong đoạn văn: These strips were placed diagonally over each other........
Diagonally (chéo) khác nghĩa với Parallel (song song), nên câu này sai.

B. Ancient Egypt didn’t like trading.
Câu: ...enabled them to achieve monopoly in the market.
Monopoly là độc quyền.
Chiếm được độc quyền thị trường thì chắc chắn không thể nào không trao đổi hàng hóa được.
=> Sai.

D. Papyrus was used within ancient Egypt only.
Câu: ...papyrus was one of the main commodities that were exported by Egypt all over the region.
Cụm từ "all over the region" đã đủ nhấn mạnh nó được xuất khẩu (exported) khắp vùng, trái với câu D.
=> Sai.

=> C đúng.
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