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1 Tháng ba 2017
Long An
[TẶNG BẠN] TRỌN BỘ Bí kíp học tốt 08 môn
Chắc suất Đại học top - Giữ chỗ ngay!!

ĐĂNG BÀI NGAY để cùng trao đổi với các thành viên siêu nhiệt tình & dễ thương trên diễn đàn.

các bạn giúp mình đề này với nhé !


III. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently. Write your answers in the space provided. (6 points)

1. A. dome B. tomb C. home D. comb

2. A. rustle B. whistle C. subtle D. castle

3. A. cussed B. ragged C. crooked D. docked

Write your answers here:

1 __________



IV. Choose the word whose stress pattern is different from the other three of the group. Write your answers in the space provided. (4 points)

1. A. survive B. consent C. access D. appear

2. A. interactive B. economy C. communicate D. particular

Write your answers here:

1 __________



V. Choose the correct answer to complete each of the following sentences. THERE CAN BE MORE THAN ONE CORRECT ANSWER TO SOME QUESTIONS. Write your answers in the space provided. (70 points)

1. It isn’t the funniest film I’ve ever seen. I would say it’s ___________ amusing at best.

A. softly B. mildly C. modestly D. barely

2. When Rita was promoted to sales manager, she was ___________.

A. over the hill B. up in the clouds

C. over the moon D. in the seventh moon

3. My neighbor informed ___________ a large crack running down the outside wall of my house. It had apparently appeared during the night.

A. me that there was B. to me that there was

C. me on there being D. to me of there being

4. The meeting ___________ place in the main hall, but it had to be cancelled.

A. will have taken B. would take

C. was to take D. is due to take

5. There are two supermarkets in the town but ___________ of them sells fresh fish.

A. none B. neither C. no one D. either

6. - “My mother is very good at cooking.” - “___________”

A. She must be very proud of it. B. How long has she been cooking?

C. Do you enjoy it? D. You must have good taste!

7. Finally, we had to ___________ to legal threats.

A. apply B. resort C. intend D. recur

8. ___________ the expression on his face, I’d say he wasn’t too pleased to see us. In fact, I’d say he was furious.

A. Judging by B. As for C. Provided with D. Seeing as

9. - Customer: “Could I have a refund?” - Salesperson: “___________”

A. No, thank you. B. Not at all.

C. No problem. Do you have the receipt? D. Never mind.

10. I bumped into Patrick at the supermarket. He was asking ___________ you.

A. by B. after C. on D. upon

11. Why don’t we have yoghurt? It’s ___________ as good as cream and much healthier, too.

A. each bit B. every part C. each part D. every bit

12. We would ___________ in Cardiff if we hadn’t found someone to buy our previous house.

A. still have lived B. still be living C. live still D. have lived still

13. He denied ___________ the glass window of our classroom.

A. breaking B. to break C. break D. having broken

14. When you reach the fork in the road, you can go ___________. They both lead to the village.

A. either way B. the two ways C. the both ways D. each way

15. It was ___________ pleasure to be working out of doors after five long years locked in a cell.

A. plain B. sheer C. pure D. simple

16. He returned home after a ___________ in New York.

A. weekly holiday B. week’s holiday C. weeks’ holiday D. holiday of a week 17. “ATM” stands for ___________ .

A. automatic talking machine B. automated teller machine

C. automation telling mate D. automobile teller mate

18. You must pay import ___________ on certain goods bought into this country.

A. fees B. surcharges C. supplement D. duties

19. He’s always ___________ the government, but then he never votes in the elections.

A. shooting off B. calling out C. running down D. calling off

20. A defeat in the second round marked the end of the ___________ for last year’s champion.

A. line B. avenue C. street D. road

21. We cannot jugde a person simply on the ___________ of his education.

A. condition B. basis C. principle D. theory

22. I doubt ___________ the company will make any profit at all this year.

A. when B. whether C. since D. so that

23. Of course I’ll play the piano at the party but I am a little ___________.

A. out of use B. out of reach C. out of turn D. out of practice

24. All these sweaters are extremely ___________ by the local residents of a small Scottish island.

A. well-knitted B. well-founded C. well-fashioned D. well-made

25. ___________ plants recycle carbon dioxide and create oxygen, which we need to breathe and ___________ most of our food comes from ___________ plants.

A. Ø/Ø/Ø B. The/Ø/ the C. Ø/ the /Ø D. Ø/ a/ the

26. The ___________ on the town - hall clock showed it was nearly midnight.

A. pointers B. hands C. fingers D. indicators

27. Despite all my anxiety, I ___________ for the job I wanted. I’m really going to work hard to justify their confidence.

A. was hired B. hired C. got hiring D. got hired

28. He wanted to know ___________ for a picnic the previous morning.

A. if we had been going B. that if we had been going

C. we were going D. that we were going

29. Of all athletes, Alex is ___________.

A. the less qualified B. the less and less qualified

C. the more qualified D. the least qualified

30. He offered to ___________ her a hand as the suitcase was too heavy for her to carry.

A. show B. lend C. help D. loan

31. Thanks to my friends' ___________ remarks, my essays have been improved.

A. constructive B. constructional C. constructor D. construct

32. The Olympic Games are given world - ___________ television coverage.

A. wide B. over C. global D. through

33. I’ve just been told some ___________ news.

A. astonishment B. astonishable C. astonishing D. astonished

34. Tom was the last student ___________ .

A. to be interviewed B. had been interviewed

C. to have interviewed D. to interview

35. By the time Peter’s daughter graduates from university, ___________ retired.

A. he B. he has C. he’ll being D. he will have

Write your answers here:

1 __________



4 __________

5 __________

6 __________



9 __________


11 __________



14 __________


16 __________



19 __________


21 __________



24 __________


26 __________



29 __________


31 __________



34 __________


VI. There is one mistake in each sentence. Identify the mistake and write your answer in the space provided. (10 points)

1. With his clear blue eyes and small softly hands, Jesse James impressed people as a kind person.

A. With B. softly C. as D. kind person

2. A balance between cheap production and high quality have been a major concern in the field of crafts.

A. between B. high C. have D. major concern

3. The Santa Fe Opera House is a modern, partly roofed open-air theater build into a mountainside five miles north of the city.

A. partly roofed B. build C. mountainside D. of

4. The new student’s progress advanced forward with such speed that all his teachers were amazed.

A. advanced forward B. that all

C. were amazed D. such

5. The better you are at English, more chance you have to get a job with international organizations.

A. better B. are at C. more chance D. get a job

Write your answers here:

1 __________



4 ___________



VII. Read the passage and choose the best option to complete the passage. Write your answers in the space provided. (20 points)

The British Wind Energy Association was founded 30 years ago by a group of scientists. At that time, the (1) ___________ “alternative energy” was used to describe the generation of wind, water and solar power. These days, we tend to refer to them as “renewable energy” and the use of this name (2) ___________ a real change in their status. These sources of energy, far from being alternative, have now become mainstream and are (3) ___________ to make a significant contribution to the country’s energy needs in the future. Two closely linked developments (4) ___________ behind this (5) ___________ in status. Firstly, over the past decade or so, the price of oil and gas has been rising (6) ___________, reflecting the extent to which reserves of these fossil fuels are becoming (7) ___________. However, price is only part of the explanation. (8) ___________ as important is the growing consensus that carbon emissions must be curbed. The scientific evidence for climate change is now irrefutable, and both policy makers and the (9) ___________ public are finally in agreement that doing nothing about the prospect of global warming is no longer a viable option. Renewable energy represents one real way of (10) ___________ both issues.

1. A. caption B. title C. term D. label

2. A. regards B. reproduces C. reminds D. reflects

3. A. set B. held C. put D. stood

4. A. sit B. reside C. lie D. recline

5. A. move B. shift C. switch D. jump

6. A. equally B. serenely C. habitually D. steadily

7. A. depleted B. decreased C. depressed D. debased

8. A. Just B. Still C. Much D. Yet

9. A. deeper B. greater C. larger D. wider

10. A. coping B. engaging C. addressing D. dealing

Write your answers here:

1 __________



4 ___________

5 ___________

6 __________



9 ___________


VIII. Read the following passage and choose the best answer to each question. Write your answers in the space provided. (10 points)

Of all the weather events that occur around the world, lighting is the single most powerful and most frequent. Lightning strikes somewhere around the Earth 100 times each second. A typical lightning strike carries enough electricity to power a small town. In less than a second, a lightning strike heats the surrounding air to temperatures several times hotter than the surface of the sun. Obviously, lightning strikes are powerful. But how do they work?

A lightning strike is the last of complex chain of events that happen inside a cloud. This chain of events starts when warm air rises in the clouds and cold air drops. As the cold air and warm air pass each other, they carry millions of tiny drops of water and ice. When these passing water drops hit each other, they create electricity. Just like the batteries in your MP3 player, this electricity has a positive and a negative side. In the cloud, the negative side is at the bottom, and the positive side is at the top of cloud. This makes the cloud electrically unbalanced. When the imbalance becomes too great, a streak of lightning forms, reconnecting the positive and negative parts of the cloud.

Lightning has two basic forms: cloud to cloud lightning and cloud to ground lightning. Cloud to cloud lightning occurs inside a cloud and never touches the groud. Sometimes called heat lightning, cloud to cloud lightning is most common in the late afternoon and evening, when tempratures begin to fall and there is more movement between hot and cold air inside a cloud. Cloud to ground lightning is far more dangerous. Cloud to ground lightning usually occurs during a thunderstorm. Many people think that cloud to ground lightning will hit the lastest available object, but this is not always true. Cloud to ground lightning is very unpredictable and can even hit objects very low to the ground.

1. According to paragraph 1, all of the following are true of lightning EXCEPT

A. lightning is the most frequent weather event

B. a lightning strike lasts less than a second

C. lightning creates extremely high temperatures

D. lightning is often used to power small towns

2. The word strikesin the passage is closest in the meaning to

A. occurs B. hits C. begins D. flashes

3. According to paragraph 2, the electrical charge in a cloud is created by

A. electrical imbalances in the cloud

B. lightning strikes

C. warm and cold air

D. the collision of rising and falling water droplets

4. The author mentions “your MP3 player in order to

A. suggest that the energy in clouds our electronics could one day be used to power.

B. better explain the concept of a positive and negative charge

C. suggest that lightning is far more powerful than batteries

D. suggest that MP3 player will not work well in a storm

5. According to the passage, what is the last event that occurs before a lightning strike?

A. The temperature begins to fall B. The cloud becomes electrically unbalanced

C. A thunderstorm forms D. Water droplets collide inside the cloud

Write your answers here:

1 __________



4 ___________

5 ___________

IX. Fill in each numbered blank with ONE suitable word. Write your answers in the space provided. (20 points)

Before the start of their season, most sports teams, regardless of whether they are professional, college, or high school teams, hold a training camp. The training camp can last anywhere from two months (1) ___________ three months. Training camps serve several purposes. Obviously, they are intended to (2) ___________ the players and improve their skills, but they also help coaches make (3) ___________ about the team. As they watch their players in the training camps, coaches can see what players they will keep (4) ___________ the team and who will be dropped. They can also see what game strategies will work (5) ___________ for their team. Training camp generally starts with about two weeks of conditioning. The intention of this phase of training camp is (6) ___________ to get the players into good physical shape. It consists mostly of exercise, and players may (7) ___________ even play their actual sport. There are two types of conditioning: endurance conditioning and strength training. Endurance conditioning basically involves a lot of running and exercises to make (8) ___________ heart stronger. Strength training involves exercise to strengthen specific muscles. Most athletes agree that this is the most physically (9) ___________ part of training camp, and this is (10) ___________ the majority of training camp injuries occurs.

Write your answers here:

1 __________



4 ___________

5 ___________

6 __________



9 ___________



X. Finish the second sentence in each pair in such a way that it means the same as the sentence before it. (10 points)

1. I am certainly not going to lend you any more money.

I have no __________________________________________________________

2. If you changed your mind, you would be welcome to join us.

Were you __________________________________________________________

3. You will have a free ticket if you bring a group with you.

So ________________________________________________________________

4. I left without saying goodbye as I didn’t want to disturb the workshop.

Rather ____________________________________________________________

5. You can stay with us for a few days.

We can ___________________________________________________________

XI. Complete the second sentence, using the word given in bold. Do not change the word given. You mustuse between three and six words, including the word given. (10 points)

1. He is proud of his work. (takes)

He ____________________________________ his work.

2. There were five participants in the discussion. (took)

Five people ____________________________________the discussion.

3. Everyone was surprised to see John leave the meeting early. (surprise)

To ____________________________________ the meeting early.

4. Peter was ready to leave the office when his boss asked him to type up a report. (point)

Peter ____________________________________ the office when his boss asked him to type up a report.

5. Her previous novel was far more interesting than her new one. (nothing)

Her new novel ____________________________________ her previous one.


Cựu Mod tiếng Anh
Thành viên
TV BQT tích cực 2017
13 Tháng tám 2013
Việt Nam
III. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently. Write your answers in the space provided. (6 points)
1. A. dome B. tomb C. home D. comb
2. A. rustle B. whistle C. subtle D. castle
3. A. cussed B. ragged C. crooked D. docked
IV. Choose the word whose stress pattern is different from the other three of the group. Write your answers in the space provided. (4 points)
1. A. survive B. consent C. access D. appear
2. A. interactive B. economy C. communicate D. particular
X. Finish the second sentence in each pair in such a way that it means the same as the sentence before it. (10 points)
1. I am certainly not going to lend you any more money.
I have no intention of giving you any more money
2. If you changed your mind, you would be welcome to join us.
Were you to change your mind, you'd be welcome to join us.
3. You will have a free ticket if you bring a group with you.
So long as you bring a group with you, you will have a free ticket
4. I left without saying goodbye as I didn’t want to disturb the workshop.
Rather than disturb the meeting, I left without saying goodbye
5. You can stay with us for a few days.
We can put you up for a few days
XI. Complete the second sentence, using the word given in bold. Do not change the word given. You must use between three and six words, including the word given. (10 points)
1. He is proud of his work. (takes)
→ He takes pride in his work.
2. There were five participants in the discussion. (took)
→ Five people took part in the discussion.
3. Everyone was surprised to see John leave the meeting early. (surprise)
→ To everyone's surprise, John left the meeting early.
4. Peter was ready to leave the office when his boss asked him to type up a report. (point)
→ Peter was on the point of leaving the office when his boss asked him to type up a report.
5. Her previous novel was far more interesting than her new one. (nothing)
→ Her new novel is nothing compared to her previous one.


Học sinh chăm học
Thành viên
1 Tháng ba 2017
Long An
bạn kiểm giúp mình bài văn này có gì sai không nha?!
In the history of defending my country, there are many national heroes and this is a list of typical national heroes from the history to now: Hung Vuong, Hai Ba Trung , Ly Nam De, Ngo Quyen ,..Nguyên Trai, Nguyen Hue, Ho Chi Minh, Vo Nguyen Giap, through it we can know that the Vietnamese have a passionate patriotic tradition. In my town also have some national heroes such as: Mai Thi Non, Nguyen Van Sieu, Tran The Sinh,.. but one person I really admire is Nguyen Trung Truc, moreover, in my village there is his temple because Thanh Duc is his native land and I have ever visited it once. The temple is small and simple, it was built about more than 10 years ago so it structure is historic and decorated like a communal house of the South Viet Nam included 3 spaces: main, and two auxiliary. In the main space is worship Nguyen Trung Truc, another two spaces worship general and revolutionary martyr. The gallery is divided into six themes: Nguyen Trung Truc's childhood; Nguyen Trung Truc, French resistance under Truong Dinh; The Battle of Nhat Tao; Activities of Nguyen Trung Truc from Nhut Tao to 1867; Resistance activities of Nguyen Trung Truc in Phu Quoc . Before the temple is a big yard to held Death anniversary. I have once time visited Nguyen Trung Truc Temple because of his death anniversary and I had to performed for everyone before the ceremony started, after that I have gived a chance to thurify him. In addition, I wish I could visit Nguyen Trung Truc again and if I have a chance, I will visit another national heroes’s temple.
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Học sinh mới
Thành viên
31 Tháng mười 2019
Phú Thọ
THCS Thanh Thủy
III. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently. Write your answers in the space provided. (6 points)

1. B

2. C

3. D
IV. Choose the word whose stress pattern is different from the other three of the group. Write your answers in the space provided. (4 points)

1. C

2. A

V. Choose the correct answer to complete each of the following sentences. THERE CAN BE MORE THAN ONE CORRECT ANSWER TO SOME QUESTIONS. Write your answers in the space provided. (70 points)

1. B

2. C

3. A

4. C

5. B

6. A

7. B

8. A

9. C

10. B

11. D

12. B

13. A, D

14. A

15. B,C

16. B

17. B

18. D

19. C

20. A, D

21. B

22. B

23. D

24. A, D

25. A

26. B

27. A, D

28. A

29. D

30. B

31. A

32. A

33. C

34. A

35. D
VI. There is one mistake in each sentence. Identify the mistake and write your answer in the space provided. (10 points)

1. B

2. C

3. B

4. A

5. C

VII. Read the passage and choose the best option to complete the passage. Write your answers in the space provided. (20 points)

1. C

2. D

3. A

4. C

5. B

6. D

7. A

8. A

9. D

10. C
VIII. Read the following passage and choose the best answer to each question. Write your answers in the space provided. (10 points)

1. D

2. B

3. D

4. B

5. B
IX. Fill in each numbered blank with ONE suitable word. Write your answers in the space provided. (20 points)

1. or/ to

2. train

3. decisions

4. on

5. best

6. simply

7. not

8. the

9. demanding/ challenging

10. when

X. Finish the second sentence in each pair in such a way that it means the same as the sentence before it. (10 points)
1. I have no intention of lending you any more money.
I have no intention to lend you any more money.
2. Were you to change your mind, you would be welcome to join us.
3. So long as you bring a group with you, you will have a free ticket.
4. Rather than disturb the workshop I left without saying goodbye.
5. We can put you up for a few days.
XI. Complete the second sentence, using the word given in bold. Do not change the word given. You must use between three and six words, including the word given. (10 points)
1. He takes pride in his work
2. Five people took part in the discussion.
3. To everyone’s surprise John left the meeting early.
4. Peter was on the point of leaving the office when his boss asked him to type up a report.
5. Her new novel is/ was nothing like as interesting as her previous one.
ok ?
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