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26 Tháng sáu 2021
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[TẶNG BẠN] TRỌN BỘ Bí kíp học tốt 08 môn
Chắc suất Đại học top - Giữ chỗ ngay!!

ĐĂNG BÀI NGAY để cùng trao đổi với các thành viên siêu nhiệt tình & dễ thương trên diễn đàn.

Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the other three in each question.
1. A. charityB. characterC. chairD. chore
2. A. chorusB. chamberC. churchD. check
3. A. grewB. knewC. fewD. new
Choose the word which has a different stress pattern from the other three in each question.
4. A. advantageB. chemistryC. charityD. benefit
5. serviceB. campingC. chemistD. debate
Choose the word or phrase that best completes each sentence below.
6. It _____ no difference to me whether I get up at 6 or 7 a.m.
A. takesB. doesC. createsD. makes
7. A volunteer often helps others people _____ and without payment.
A. willB. willinglyC. unwillinglyD. unwilling
8. If you have unused clothes, why not give them away to _____ organization?
A. charityB. charitableC. charitablyD. charistic
9. No one can force you to do volunteer work against your _____
A. willB. willingnessC. willinglyD. unwillingly
10. My mother regularly _____ money to orphanages.
A. donatesB. debatesC. donorD. benefits
11. You can help save the environment by not _____ on the streets.
A. litteringB. littlingC. runningD. garbaging
12. Community service is the work we do for the _____ of the community.
A. profitsB. advantagesC. benefitsD. interests
13. Last year, my club ______ evening classes for fifty children.
A. tookB. gaveC. madeD. provided
14. Thanks to the summer language camp I _____ many new friends.
A. madeB. didC. tookD. put
15. If we provided food and drink to street children, they will ______ be hungry.
A. any longerB. not longerC. no longerD. a longer
16. Her speech was very _____ because she included many reasons and examples.
A. convincingB. convincedC. convinceD. convincive
Choose the word or phrase that is CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined part in each of the following sentences.
17. In the United State, almost everyone, at one time or another, has been a volunteer.
A. nearlyB. hardlyC. mostlyD. scarcely
18. Americans have had the tradition of volunteering and helping one another since the early days of the country.
A. something new and modern.B. something old and last long.
C. something precious and rare.D. something common and cheap.
Choose the word or phrase that is OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined part in each of the following sentences.
19. Although they are not forced to, American still volunteer when they have time.
A. compulsoryB. optionalC. busyD. free
20. Last winter, we gave away a lot of warm clothes to homeless people in Hanoi.
A. keptB. presentedC. tookD. donated
Choose the word or phrase that best completes each sentence below.
21. Anna: “let’s go surfing today!”
Matt: “_____”
A. That’s a great ideaB. Go and see them now!
C. No, it is tomorrow.D. No, let’s not.
22. Kyle: “Whose pencil case is this?”
Ryan: “_____”
A. Yes, Kyle, I know.B. No, it isn’t mine.
C. Marianne drew it.D. I think it’s Gemma’s
23. We’ve asked people to donate books and clothes _____ the children
A. for B. toC. ofD. with
24. in the past few days, the number of people joining the club _____
A. is doublingB. doublesC. has doublesD. doubled
25. I try to finish all of my homework _____ advance.
A. inB. atC. onD. with
26. Annie tries to stay away from burgers and chips because she doesn’t want to put _____ weight.
A. offB. upC. downD. on
27. I try to help the poor as much as possible by _____ old books to a local charity.
A. donatedB. donatingC. donateD. donation
28. Remember to bring an umbrella _____ you because it may rain this afternoon.
A. onB. atC. withD. by
29. How many novel _____?
A. has Shakespeare writtenB. Shakespeare has written
C. had Shakespeare writtenD. did Shakespeare write
30. Volunteering is very important _____ me because I like helping other people.
A. forB. toC. ofD. with
Choose the underlined part that needs correcting in each sentence below.
31. We need energy to do the things we do every day: walking, riding a bike and even sleep.
32. My mother is a lawyer, so she often gives people advices about law.
33. Sports like riding a bike and running uses a lot of calories.
34. An expert is someone who has studied a lot about a subject or topic and understand it well.
35. Going outside with wet hair give you a cold or flu.
Read the passage and then decide whether the sentences are True (A) or False (B)
One primary school in the OK organized a service-learning clubs as an after-school program for their students. One of the favorite ideas for the younger students was CUSTODIAN APPRECIATION.
They decided that they wanted to thank the custodians, because they saw that they had a “messy” job to clean up the lunchroom every day, and they thought that was hard work.
They went to see the custodians doing their work before and after school. The students had fun looking at the floor polishing machines and the other “tools of the trade” up close, and talked about what they did every day. Children talked about all the people who help keep the school “running”.
They took digital photographs of all the custodians, then made thank you posters that were put in the lunchroom and hallways. The students then decided to do the same for the secretary and office staff.
(Adapted from http://www.kidactivivities.net)
36. The students took part in the CUSTODIAN APPRECIATION program during their class hours
A. TrueB. False
37. The students liked the ideas of thanking custodians because they think being a custodian is hard work.
A. TrueB. False
38. The students had to stay longer after school than usual to see the custodians working.
A. TrueB. False
39. The custodians had to run around the school to do their jobs.
A. TrueB. False
40. The secretary and office staff received thank-you notes from the students before the custodians.
A. TrueB. False
Read the following passage and choose the option (A, B, C or D) that best answers each question.
The English-speaking Waiter
Thanasis is 10 years old and lives in a small village on a beautiful Greek island. Like all children his age, Thanasis has just completed year 4 in primary school. But unlike other children his age, Thanasis also has a full-time job for two months of the year. In the busy summer months Thanasis is a waiter in his family’s restaurant. In July and August, the restaurant is very popular with tourists from all over the world. Because he is the only person in his family who can speak English, it is his job to look after the tourists when they eat at the restaurant. He explains the menu, he takes their order and he even carries the heavy trays to their tables.
Where did he learn his English? There is no school in Thanasis’s village, and during the school year he travels 12 kilometres every day by bus to a nearby village to go to school. Together with his classmates, two evenings a week, he attends classes at a language school in the same village. There is no bus service when his classes end, so his mother picks him up and brings him home.
(Adapt from KEY for School Practice test plus, published by Pearson)
41. in the summer, the other children in Thanasis’s village _____.
A. work full timeB. go to school
C. don’t workD. work part time
42. The restaurant Thanasis works in _____.
A. belongs to his familyB. is closed in the winter
C. is not very busyD. is near his primary school
43. Thanasis helps his family in the restaurant because he _____.
A. wants to be a waiterB. gets paid to
C. is forced by his parentsD. can speak English
44. Where does Thanasis go to school?
A. In his village.B. In another village.
C. In a nearby town.D. In a bus.
45. Where does he learn English?
A. In a language school.B. In primary school.
C. At home.D. In the restaurant.
Choose the sentence (A, B, C or D) that is closest in meaning to the root sentence or best combines the two given sentences.
46. Mr. Viet started collecting stamps two years ago.
A. Mr. Viet has started collecting stamps for two years.
B. Mr. Viet has been collected stamps for two years ago.
C. Mr. Viet has collected stamps for two years ago.
D. Mr. Viet has collected stamps for two years.
47. He hasn’t cleaned his room for days.
A. he started cleaning his room days ago.
B. it is days since he has cleaned his room.
C. He last cleaned his room days ago.
D. he has never cleaned his room.
48. Johnny is almost as tall as Bob now.
A. Johnny and Bob are almost the same tall now.
A. Johnny was not as tall as Bob in the past.
C. Johnny and Bob are almost the same height now.
D. Johnny is a little bit taller than Bob now.
49. I have never listened to ghost stories before.
A. This is the first time I listened to ghost stories.
B. These are the first Ghost stories I listen to.
C. This is the first time I have listened to ghost stories.
D. This is the first time I listen to ghost stories.
50. No one in the family is more sympathetic then Laura.
A. The people in the house is not sympathetic at all.
B. Laura is very sympathetic.
C. Laura is the most sympathetic of all the people in the house.
D. Laura is more sympathetic than many people in the house.
_____The end_____
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Cựu TMod Anh
Thành viên
10 Tháng mười hai 2018
Quảng Ngãi
THCS Phổ Ninh
Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the other three in each question.
1. A. charityB. characterC. chairD. chore
2. A. chorusB. chamberC. churchD. check
3. A. grewB. knewC. fewD. new
Choose the word which has a different stress pattern from the other three in each question.
4. A. advantageB. chemistryC. charityD. benefit
5. serviceB. campingC. chemistD. debate
Choose the word or phrase that best completes each sentence below.
6. It _____ no difference to me whether I get up at 6 or 7 a.m.
A. takesB. doesC. createsD. makes
7. A volunteer often helps others people _____ and without payment.
A. willB. willinglyC. unwillinglyD. unwilling
8. If you have unused clothes, why not give them away to _____ organization?
A. charityB. charitableC. charitablyD. charistic
9. No one can force you to do volunteer work against your _____
A. willB. willingnessC. willinglyD. unwillingly
10. My mother regularly _____ money to orphanages.
A. donatesB. debatesC. donorD. benefits
11. You can help save the environment by not _____ on the streets.
A. litteringB. littlingC. runningD. garbaging
12. Community service is the work we do for the _____ of the community.
A. profitsB. advantagesC. benefitsD. interests
13. Last year, my club ______ evening classes for fifty children.
A. tookB. gaveC. madeD. provided
14. Thanks to the summer language camp I _____ many new friends.
A. madeB. didC. tookD. put
15. If we provided food and drink to street children, they will ______ be hungry.
A. any longerB. not longerC. no longerD. a longer
16. Her speech was very _____ because she included many reasons and examples.
A. convincingB. convincedC. convinceD. convincive
Choose the word or phrase that is CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined part in each of the following sentences.
17. In the United State, almost everyone, at one time or another, has been a volunteer.
A. nearlyB. hardlyC. mostlyD. scarcely
18. Americans have had the tradition of volunteering and helping one another since the early days of the country.
A. something new and modern.B. something old and last long.
C. something precious and rare.D. something common and cheap.
Choose the word or phrase that is OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined part in each of the following sentences.
19. Although they are not forced to, American still volunteer when they have time.
A. compulsoryB. optionalC. busyD. free
20. Last winter, we gave away a lot of warm clothes to homeless people in Hanoi.
A. keptB. presentedC. tookD. donated
Choose the word or phrase that best completes each sentence below.
21. Anna: “let’s go surfing today!”
Matt: “_____”
A. That’s a great ideaB. Go and see them now!
C. No, it is tomorrow.D. No, let’s not.
22. Kyle: “Whose pencil case is this?”
Ryan: “_____”
A. Yes, Kyle, I know.B. No, it isn’t mine.
C. Marianne drew it.D. I think it’s Gemma’s
23. We’ve asked people to donate books and clothes _____ the children
A. for B. toC. ofD. with
24. in the past few days, the number of people joining the club _____
A. is doublingB. doublesC. has doublesD. doubled
25. I try to finish all of my homework _____ advance.
A. inB. atC. onD. with
26. Annie tries to stay away from burgers and chips because she doesn’t want to put _____ weight.
A. offB. upC. downD. on
27. I try to help the poor as much as possible by _____ old books to a local charity.
A. donatedB. donatingC. donateD. donation
28. Remember to bring an umbrella _____ you because it may rain this afternoon.
A. onB. atC. withD. by
29. How many novel _____?
A. has Shakespeare writtenB. Shakespeare has written
C. had Shakespeare writtenD. did Shakespeare write
30. Volunteering is very important _____ me because I like helping other people.
A. forB. toC. ofD. with
Choose the underlined part that needs correcting in each sentence below.
31. We need energy to do the things we do every day: walking, riding a bike and even sleep.
32. My mother is a lawyer, so she often gives people advices about law.
33. Sports like riding a bike and running uses a lot of calories.
34. An expert is someone who has studied a lot about a subject or topic and understand it well.
35. Going outside with wet hair give you a cold or flu.
Read the passage and then decide whether the sentences are True (A) or False (B)
One primary school in the OK organized a service-learning clubs as an after-school program for their students. One of the favorite ideas for the younger students was CUSTODIAN APPRECIATION.
They decided that they wanted to thank the custodians, because they saw that they had a “messy” job to clean up the lunchroom every day, and they thought that was hard work.
They went to see the custodians doing their work before and after school. The students had fun looking at the floor polishing machines and the other “tools of the trade” up close, and talked about what they did every day. Children talked about all the people who help keep the school “running”.
They took digital photographs of all the custodians, then made thank you posters that were put in the lunchroom and hallways. The students then decided to do the same for the secretary and office staff.
(Adapted from http://www.kidactivivities.net)
36. The students took part in the CUSTODIAN APPRECIATION program during their class hours
A. TrueB. False
37. The students liked the ideas of thanking custodians because they think being a custodian is hard work.
A. TrueB. False
38. The students had to stay longer after school than usual to see the custodians working.
A. TrueB. False
39. The custodians had to run around the school to do their jobs.
A. TrueB. False
40. The secretary and office staff received thank-you notes from the students before the custodians.
A. TrueB. False
Read the following passage and choose the option (A, B, C or D) that best answers each question.
The English-speaking Waiter
Thanasis is 10 years old and lives in a small village on a beautiful Greek island. Like all children his age, Thanasis has just completed year 4 in primary school. But unlike other children his age, Thanasis also has a full-time job for two months of the year. In the busy summer months Thanasis is a waiter in his family’s restaurant. In July and August, the restaurant is very popular with tourists from all over the world. Because he is the only person in his family who can speak English, it is his job to look after the tourists when they eat at the restaurant. He explains the menu, he takes their order and he even carries the heavy trays to their tables.
Where did he learn his English? There is no school in Thanasis’s village, and during the school year he travels 12 kilometres every day by bus to a nearby village to go to school. Together with his classmates, two evenings a week, he attends classes at a language school in the same village. There is no bus service when his classes end, so his mother picks him up and brings him home.
(Adapt from KEY for School Practice test plus, published by Pearson)
41. in the summer, the other children in Thanasis’s village _____.
A. work full timeB. go to school
C. don’t workD. work part time
42. The restaurant Thanasis works in _____.
A. belongs to his familyB. is closed in the winter
C. is not very busyD. is near his primary school
43. Thanasis helps his family in the restaurant because he _____.
A. wants to be a waiterB. gets paid to
C. is forced by his parentsD. can speak English
44. Where does Thanasis go to school?
A. In his village.B. In another village.
C. In a nearby town.D. In a bus.
45. Where does he learn English?
A. In a language school.B. In primary school.
C. At home.D. In the restaurant.
Choose the sentence (A, B, C or D) that is closest in meaning to the root sentence or best combines the two given sentences.
46. Mr. Viet started collecting stamps two years ago.
A. Mr. Viet has started collecting stamps for two years.
B. Mr. Viet has been collected stamps for two years ago.
C. Mr. Viet has collected stamps for two years ago.
D. Mr. Viet has collected stamps for two years.
47. He hasn’t cleaned his room for days.
A. he started cleaning his room days ago.
B. it is days since he has cleaned his room.
C. He last cleaned his room days ago.
D. he has never cleaned his room.
48. Johnny is almost as tall as Bob now.
A. Johnny and Bob are almost the same tall now.
A. Johnny was not as tall as Bob in the past.
C. Johnny and Bob are almost the same height now.
D. Johnny is a little bit taller than Bob now.
49. I have never listened to ghost stories before.
A. This is the first time I listened to ghost stories.
B. These are the first Ghost stories I listen to.
C. This is the first time I have listened to ghost stories.
D. This is the first time I listen to ghost stories.
50. No one in the family is more sympathetic then Laura.
A. The people in the house is not sympathetic at all.
B. Laura is very sympathetic.
C. Laura is the most sympathetic of all the people in the house.
D. Laura is more sympathetic than many people in the house.
_____The end_____

1. B character ( ra âm /k/ còn lại âm /t∫/ )
2. A chorus ( ra âm /k/ còn lại âm /t∫/ )
3. A grew ( ra âm /u:/ còn lại âm /ju:/ )
4. A advantage ( nhấn âm 2 còn lại âm 1 )
5. D debate ( nhấn âm 2 còn lại âm 1 )
6. It _____ no difference to me whether I get up at 6 or 7 a.m.
A. takesB. doesC. createsD. makes
7. A volunteer often helps others people _____ and without payment.
A. willB. willinglyC. unwillinglyD. unwilling
8. If you have unused clothes, why not give them away to _____ organization?
A. charityB. charitableC. charitablyD. charistic
9. No one can force you to do volunteer work against your _____
A. willB. willingnessC. willinglyD. unwillingly
10. My mother regularly _____ money to orphanages.
A. donatesB. debatesC. donorD. benefits
11. You can help save the environment by not _____ on the streets.
A. litteringB. littlingC. runningD. garbaging
12. Community service is the work we do for the _____ of the community.
A. profitsB. advantagesC. benefitsD. interests
13. Last year, my club ______ evening classes for fifty children.
A. tookB. gaveC. madeD. provided
14. Thanks to the summer language camp I _____ many new friends.
A. madeB. didC. tookD. put
15. If we provided food and drink to street children, they will ______ be hungry.
A. any longerB. not longerC. no longerD. a longer
16. Her speech was very _____ because she included many reasons and examples.
A. convincingB. convincedC. convinceD. convincive
17. In the United State, almost everyone, at one time or another, has been a volunteer.
A. nearlyB. hardlyC. mostlyD. scarcely
18. Americans have had the tradition of volunteering and helping one another since the early days of the country.
A. something new and modern.B. something old and last long.
C. something precious and rare.D. something common and cheap.
19. Although they are not forced to, American still volunteer when they have time.
A. compulsoryB. optionalC. busyD. free
20. Last winter, we gave away a lot of warm clothes to homeless people in Hanoi.
A. keptB. presentedC. tookD. donated
21. Anna: “let’s go surfing today!”
Matt: “_____”
A. That’s a great ideaB. Go and see them now!
C. No, it is tomorrow.D. No, let’s not.
22. Kyle: “Whose pencil case is this?”
Ryan: “_____”
A. Yes, Kyle, I know.B. No, it isn’t mine.
C. Marianne drew it.D. I think it’s Gemma’s
23. We’ve asked people to donate books and clothes _____ the children
A. for B. toC. ofD. with
24. in the past few days, the number of people joining the club _____
A. is doublingB. doublesC. has doublesD. doubled
25. I try to finish all of my homework _____ advance.
A. inB. at C. on D. with
26. Annie tries to stay away from burgers and chips because she doesn’t want to put _____ weight.
A. off B. upC. down D. on
27. I try to help the poor as much as possible by _____ old books to a local charity.
A. donated B. donating C. donate D. donation
28. Remember to bring an umbrella _____ you because it may rain this afternoon.
A. onB. atC. withD. by
29. How many novel _____?
A. has Shakespeare writtenB. Shakespeare has written
C. had Shakespeare writtenD. did Shakespeare write
30. Volunteering is very important _____ me because I like helping other people.
A. forB. toC. of D. with
31. sleep => sleeping (các động từ kia thêm _ing nên sleep cũng thêm _ing)
32. advices => advice (advice là danh từ không đếm được nên không có dạng số nhiều)
33. uses => use (chủ ngữ của use là riding a bike và running nên đây là S số nhiều)
34. understand => understood (has/have + Vp.p: HTHT)
35. give=> gives (Going outside with wet hair là một chủ ngữ số ít nên V chia số ít)
p/s: 2 bài đọc của bạn đã được hỗ trợ ở link bài này rồi nhé: https://diendan.hocmai.vn/threads/bai-tap-tim-loi-sai-va-bai-doc.826470/#post-4038207
Mình mong rằng lần sau bạn sẽ tự làm một số phần đi, đừng đăng nguyên cái đề lên như thế này. Nếu bạn muốn tìm công thức hay những thông tin gì thì có rất nhiều cách nha, không phải là đăng bài lên rồi lại mới nhờ tụi mình đi tìm công thức.

Học tốt!

Ánh 01

Thành viên
13 Tháng tám 2020
Thái Bình
TH và THCS Đông Hoàng
Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the other three in each question.
1. A. charityB. characterC. chairD. chore
2. A. chorusB. chamberC. churchD. check
3. A. grewB. knewC. fewD. new

Choose the word or phrase that best completes each sentence below.
6. It _____ no difference to me whether I get up at 6 or 7 a.m.
A. takesB. doesC. createsD. makes
7. A volunteer often helps others people _____ and without payment.
A. willB. willinglyC. unwillinglyD. unwilling
8. If you have unused clothes, why not give them away to _____ organization?
A. charityB. charitableC. charitablyD. charistic
9. No one can force you to do volunteer work against your _____
A. willB. willingnessC. willinglyD. unwillingly
10. My mother regularly _____ money to orphanages.
A. donatesB. debatesC. donorD. benefits
11. You can help save the environment by not _____ on the streets.
A. litteringB. littlingC. runningD. garbaging
12. Community service is the work we do for the _____ of the community.
A. profitsB. advantagesC. benefitsD. interests
13. Last year, my club ______ evening classes for fifty children.
A. tookB. gaveC. madeD. provided
14. Thanks to the summer language camp I _____ many new friends.
A. madeB. didC. tookD. put
15. If we provided food and drink to street children, they will ______ be hungry.
A. any longerB. not longerC. no longerD. a longer
16. Her speech was very _____ because she included many reasons and examples.
A. convincingB. convincedC. convinceD. convincive
Choose the word or phrase that is CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined part in each of the following sentences.
17. In the United State, almost everyone, at one time or another, has been a volunteer.
A. nearlyB. hardlyC. mostlyD. scarcely
18. Americans have had the tradition of volunteering and helping one another since the early days of the country.
A. something new and modern.B. something old and last long.
C. something precious and rare.D. something common and cheap.
Choose the word or phrase that is OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined part in each of the following sentences.
19. Although they are not forced to, American still volunteer when they have time.
A. compulsoryB. optionalC. busyD. free
20. Last winter, we gave away a lot of warm clothes to homeless people in Hanoi.
A. keptB. presentedC. tookD. donated
Choose the word or phrase that best completes each sentence below.
21. Anna: “let’s go surfing today!”
Matt: “_____”
A. That’s a great ideaB. Go and see them now!
C. No, it is tomorrow.D. No, let’s not.
22. Kyle: “Whose pencil case is this?”
Ryan: “_____”
A. Yes, Kyle, I know.B. No, it isn’t mine.
C. Marianne drew it.D. I think it’s Gemma’s
23. We’ve asked people to donate books and clothes _____ the children
A. for B. toC. ofD. with
24. in the past few days, the number of people joining the club _____
A. is doublingB. doublesC. has doublesD. doubled
25. I try to finish all of my homework _____ advance.
A. inB. atC. onD. with
26. Annie tries to stay away from burgers and chips because she doesn’t want to put _____ weight.
A. offB. upC. downD. on
27. I try to help the poor as much as possible by _____ old books to a local charity.
A. donatedB. donatingC. donateD. donation
28. Remember to bring an umbrella _____ you because it may rain this afternoon.
A. onB. atC. withD. by
29. How many novel _____?
A. has Shakespeare writtenB. Shakespeare has written
C. had Shakespeare writtenD. did Shakespeare write
30. Volunteering is very important _____ me because I like helping other people.
A. forB. toC. ofD. with
Choose the underlined part that needs correcting in each sentence below.
31. We need energy to do the things we do every day: walking, riding a bike and even sleep.
32. My mother is a lawyer, so she often gives people advices about law.
33. Sports like riding a bike and running uses a lot of calories.
34. An expert is someone who has studied a lot about a subject or topic and understand it well.
35. Going outside with wet hair give you a cold or flu.
Read the passage and then decide whether the sentences are True (A) or False (B)
One primary school in the OK organized a service-learning clubs as an after-school program for their students. One of the favorite ideas for the younger students was CUSTODIAN APPRECIATION.
They decided that they wanted to thank the custodians, because they saw that they had a “messy” job to clean up the lunchroom every day, and they thought that was hard work.
They went to see the custodians doing their work before and after school. The students had fun looking at the floor polishing machines and the other “tools of the trade” up close, and talked about what they did every day. Children talked about all the people who help keep the school “running”.
They took digital photographs of all the custodians, then made thank you posters that were put in the lunchroom and hallways. The students then decided to do the same for the secretary and office staff.
(Adapted from http://www.kidactivivities.net)
36. The students took part in the CUSTODIAN APPRECIATION program during their class hours
A. TrueB. False
37. The students liked the ideas of thanking custodians because they think being a custodian is hard work.
A. TrueB. False
38. The students had to stay longer after school than usual to see the custodians working.
A. TrueB. False
39. The custodians had to run around the school to do their jobs.
A. TrueB. False
40. The secretary and office staff received thank-you notes from the students before the custodians.
A. TrueB. False
Read the following passage and choose the option (A, B, C or D) that best answers each question.
The English-speaking Waiter
Thanasis is 10 years old and lives in a small village on a beautiful Greek island. Like all children his age, Thanasis has just completed year 4 in primary school. But unlike other children his age, Thanasis also has a full-time job for two months of the year. In the busy summer months Thanasis is a waiter in his family’s restaurant. In July and August, the restaurant is very popular with tourists from all over the world. Because he is the only person in his family who can speak English, it is his job to look after the tourists when they eat at the restaurant. He explains the menu, he takes their order and he even carries the heavy trays to their tables.
Where did he learn his English? There is no school in Thanasis’s village, and during the school year he travels 12 kilometres every day by bus to a nearby village to go to school. Together with his classmates, two evenings a week, he attends classes at a language school in the same village. There is no bus service when his classes end, so his mother picks him up and brings him home.
(Adapt from KEY for School Practice test plus, published by Pearson)
41. in the summer, the other children in Thanasis’s village _____.
A. work full timeB. go to school
C. don’t workD. work part time
42. The restaurant Thanasis works in _____.
A. belongs to his familyB. is closed in the winter
C. is not very busyD. is near his primary school
43. Thanasis helps his family in the restaurant because he _____.
A. wants to be a waiterB. gets paid to
C. is forced by his parentsD. can speak English
44. Where does Thanasis go to school?
A. In his village.B. In another village.
C. In a nearby town.D. In a bus.
45. Where does he learn English?
A. In a language school.B. In primary school.
C. At home.D. In the restaurant.
Choose the sentence (A, B, C or D) that is closest in meaning to the root sentence or best combines the two given sentences.
46. Mr. Viet started collecting stamps two years ago.
A. Mr. Viet has started collecting stamps for two years.
B. Mr. Viet has been collected stamps for two years ago.
C. Mr. Viet has collected stamps for two years ago.
D. Mr. Viet has collected stamps for two years.
47. He hasn’t cleaned his room for days.
A. he started cleaning his room days ago.
B. it is days since he has cleaned his room.
C. He last cleaned his room days ago.
D. he has never cleaned his room.
48. Johnny is almost as tall as Bob now.
A. Johnny and Bob are almost the same tall now.
A. Johnny was not as tall as Bob in the past.
C. Johnny and Bob are almost the same height now.
D. Johnny is a little bit taller than Bob now.
49. I have never listened to ghost stories before.
A. This is the first time I listened to ghost stories.
B. These are the first Ghost stories I listen to.
C. This is the first time I have listened to ghost stories.
D. This is the first time I listen to ghost stories.
50. No one in the family is more sympathetic then Laura.
A. The people in the house is not sympathetic at all.
B. Laura is very sympathetic.
C. Laura is the most sympathetic of all the people in the house.
D. Laura is more sympathetic than many people in the house.
_____The end_____
1. B. character /k/ các âm còn lại là / t∫/
2. A. chorus /k/các âm còn lại là / t∫/
3. A. grew /u:/ các âm còn lại là /ju:/
Về phần trọng âm thì bạn dựa vào quy tắc nhá

Choose the word or phrase that best completes each sentence below.
21. Anna: “let’s go surfing today!”
Matt: “_____”
A. That’s a great idea
22. Kyle: “Whose pencil case is this?”
Ryan: “_____”
A. Yes, Kyle, I know.B. No, it isn’t mine.
C. Marianne drew it. D. I think it’s Gemma’s
23. We’ve asked people to donate books and clothes _____ the children
A. for B. toC. ofD. with
Donate st to sb: quyên góp gì cho ai
24. in the past few days, the number of people joining the club _____
A. is doublingB. doublesC. has doublesD. doubled

26. Annie tries to stay away from burgers and chips because she doesn’t want to put _____ weight.
A. offB. upC. downD. on
Put on weight: tăng cân

27. I try to help the poor as much as possible by _____ old books to a local charity.
A. donatedB. donatingC. donateD. donation
By (giới từ) + Ving

29. How many novel _____?
A. has Shakespeare writtenB. Shakespeare has written
C. had Shakespeare writtenD. did Shakespeare write
30. Volunteering is very important _____ me because I like helping other people.
A. forB. toC. ofD. with
Important to sb: quan trọng với ai

46. Mr. Viet started collecting stamps two years ago.
A. Mr. Viet has started collecting stamps for two years.
B. Mr. Viet has been collected stamps for two years ago.
C. Mr. Viet has collected stamps for two years ago.
D. Mr. Viet has collected stamps for two years.
47. He hasn’t cleaned his room for days.
A. he started cleaning his room days ago.
B. it is days since he has cleaned his room.
C. He last cleaned his room days ago.
D. he has never cleaned his room.
48. Johnny is almost as tall as Bob now.
A. Johnny and Bob are almost the same tall now.
A. Johnny was not as tall as Bob in the past.
C. Johnny and Bob are almost the same height now.
D. Johnny is a little bit taller than Bob now.
49. I have never listened to ghost stories before.
A. This is the first time I listened to ghost stories.
B. These are the first Ghost stories I listen to.
C. This is the first time I have listened to ghost stories.
D. This is the first time I listen to ghost stories.
50. No one in the family is more sympathetic then Laura.
A. The people in the house is not sympathetic at all.
B. Laura is very sympathetic.
C. Laura is the most sympathetic of all the people in the house.
D. Laura is more sympathetic than many people in the house.
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